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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

When one door closes, the other opens

There has been a saying, “when one door closes, the other opens”. But how does one know what lies ahead in the next door?
- Channel U Feature Film "Lost and Found"

How clichéd I felt the lines. And I told cL that nobody in their common sense will keep the expired chocolate for 3 years (why 3 years.....) even if it is the last gift your loved one gave you because of the moss it will attract. But what if it really is the last gift someone dear to you gave you?

And I have to agree it is a conflicting situation when I was searching for my jewellery pliers and a broken bracelet dropped out. I had wanted to learn bead jewellery for fun then. Maybe because I was given 2 pairs of handmade earrings which I really like. Not many people know the types of earrings I prefer and many had gotten it wrong. I never did tell cL that I did try to wear the pair she gave me, but it never fails to cause me a ear infection that I had to give up. As I was looking at my accessories to think what I want to bring over for this trip, I saw a missing pair which was given by a dear jc mate, whose death anniversary is coming soon. I saw a pair given by Capricorn friend eons ago when we were still young and innocent. I saw cL’s pair, my latest earring gift. Hmm somehow I seem to have lost a pair which I bought before and had lost one in Europe which probably was the reason why cL thought of buying me a pair of earrings (other than the fact she had chosen a butterfly motif that will never go wrong actually). I seem to have lost the other pair as well. Hmm pity as I wanted to replicate it when I can gather the materials. And I saw the pair my mum gave me from Africa which I lost one of it in the Great Ocean Road roadtrip haha. I have to admit I have a tendency to lose earrings. As I was typing this article, I suddenly had a wisp of a faint faraway memory where I lost my earring in some carpark and Capricorn friend and I had went back to search it after a meal or something. Amazingly I managed to find it back. But I seem to recall that we came to conclude that earrings are meant to be lost. Haha. And thus that was probably the only pair which was found… hmm unfortunately I don’t remember which pair that was.

So once again I stared at the 2 pairs of handmade earrings and the broken bracelets.. and once again I concluded that the earrings were not at fault and are still good to use. But the bracelets ought to be kept away so that they will not drop out from nowhere to trigger my memory again. Because indeed by keeping them into that box which I could not bear to discard, I did the irresistible of peeking at the last card and triggered the chain reaction of reading right to the start. Amazingly because there wasn’t much to begin with, thus it did not take me too long to reach the beginning. Ya somehow I do wonder if neglect was the main reason but at the same time I don’t think I really felt neglected. Or maybe I just got used as I am busy myself too. This is why I do think at times, I am suitable for LDR because I can just block certain matters and just get busy with my own stuff. But my friend reminded me that if two people start to live a separate life, then they would one day see no need to be together. And then the reason to bind them would be lost. Hmm I guess she makes sense too.

And back to the broken bracelet, so why does one keep a broken bracelet? Or for my case I think I have 2 although I was supposed to have 3 (I think I did throw the first one away that time. Sometimes I wish I have my brother's guts to clear excess baggages). Coz ya, I keep breaking bracelets no matter how many times he promised that the next pair would be more sturdy. Maybe it was never meant to be. It is like the broken promise he made when I asked if one day I really did let go, what he will do. Is funny that the broken bracelet appeared on my last day in SG in 2010.. because on xmas day, due to my new blackberry phone (I’m grateful for my TA for fighting for us to get new phones and it was indeed a lovely xmas gift from her) I managed to install what’s app and since I linked it to my personal line, he had appeared in the list. But he did not respond to my xmas greetings. Although I wasn’t disappointed then, re-triggering did make me think about the situation again and I can’t help feeling sad that he had once requested not to lose the friendship at the initial stages before we were a couple, and yet at this stage, we still lost the friendship that we had build over the years.

Anyway at the same time I concluded to make a mental note never to give people food stuff as gifts because you never know what will happen next and cause them such a dilemma. At least broken bracelets do not cause moss.

p/s: I lost my personal sim card. I was packing up the remnants and was searching for my personal sim card to install in my nokia fone and realised, it had gone missing. Made a call to citibank immediately as my pin number is linked to it. Not too sure what other impact I may have. But I do wonder, why did I realize I lose my personal sim card only just 8 hours before flight? Judging the situation, I decided I will get an iphone 4 the moment I touched down Singapore a month later and get a new sim card replacement at the same time. But I wonder, had fate showed me the new door?

pp/s: Do you know that 北极熊 was the male protagonist in the film?

詞: 施人誠 曲: 楊子樸 編曲: 鍾興民

還是原來那個我 不過流掉幾公升淚所以變瘦
對著鏡子我承諾 遲早我會還這張臉一堆笑容

不算什麼 愛錯就愛錯
早點認錯 早一點解脫

我寂寞寂寞就好 這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去痛到受不了 想到快瘋掉

我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會笨到忘不了 賴著不放掉
人本來就寂寞的 借來的都該還掉

還是原來那個你 是我自己做夢你有改變什麼
再多的愛也沒用 每個人有每個人的業障因果

會有什麼 什麼都沒有
早點看破 才看得見以後

我寂寞寂寞就好 這時候誰都別來安慰擁抱
就讓我一個人去痛到受不了 想到快瘋掉

我寂寞寂寞就好 你真的不用來我回憶裡微笑
我就不相信我會笨到忘不了 賴著不放掉
人本來就寂寞的 我總會把你戒掉

Eat to remember

Extracted from Simply Her, December 2010

Jaclyn Reutens, a clinical dietician from Aptima Nutrition & Sports Consultants, recommends foods to boost your memory.
• Red, purple and blue fruits like cherries, grapes and tomatoes contain anthocyanin, an antioxidant that enhances memory power.
• Egg yolk contains choline, a nutrient that plays an important role in the development of the hippocampus – the part of the brain involved in memory formation and retention.
• Green leafy vegetables, fish, chicken and beans are high in B vitamins, which are strongly linked to brain health and function.
• Oily fish like salmon, tuna and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have an anti-inflammatory effect and protect the lining of your brain cells.
• High-fibre foods like wholegrain, wholemeal bread, brown rice and oatmeal are rich sources of glucose. Glucose ensure a sustained release of energy to your brain.
• Tumeric contains curcumin, an antioxidant that prevents clogging of your neural pathway.
• Apples, cranberries and beans contain quercetin, a flavonoid that protects the brain against oxidative damage.

Saturday, December 25, 2010


It rained immediately after I reached home. And I suddenly remember Kokoro’s Rain and Tears again…

你知道吗 在雨天认识的人 会变成好朋友啊
- Rain and Tears Last Epi

I always remember the ending.
《冬季到台北來看雨- 戀雨》

cL, just before I say bye to you, we talked about Love 50% again. Do you remember how the Merlion met her lover. It was also because of heavy rain and the guy sheltered her… for 3 years. Of course, that guy is different from this Rain and Tears. But well, I did say if this story is your story, we can always modify it right? And modifying it to Rain and Tears story line is probably nicer than Love 50%. As you and I both agree, that it is impossible for a girl to just fall in love with a guy from Taiwan within a day when both of them were supposed to have someone else in their heart. But then well, in the first place I can say that guy never did love the rich lady and was just interested in the proposition. But the Merlion had truly loved this married guy and even if she knows she should leave him, she never considered that for the past 3 years. So I can only tell you that this story is not plausible other than the fact that Merlion can withdrew all her money, leaving only 3 dollar in her bank account. Because that girl belongs to someone who can be reckless in the name of love, which you will understand I believe.

And in Rain and Tears, there is an element of LDR. My last question for you before you leaves SG for estimated 2 years. Don’t know why it seems like the jigsaw puzzle suddenly fits the moment I think of Rain and Tears haha. And don’t know why it had to be Rain and Tears because it did not end happily. Actually the ending was never clear because if the lady had been in the plane, she should not be able to make the phone call. And if she really did make the phone call in the plane, it should be her fault that caused the explosion? And if that is the case, she has to accept the lot that they were never meant to be.

Here is the last episode for you.
《冬季到台北來看雨- 戀雨》

Anyway you will probably ask me what my opinion of LDR is. And I can probably tell you that a decade ago, I chose not to dabble it. You asked me what will be the likelihood of waiting for the taxi at the same time. Hmm I must do some statistics to answer that question for you as remember you are a data miner at heart. And I can tell you very slim, but definitely possible because man are of habits and will wait at the same place at the same time.

Remember I once told you, I do have preference towards Love in a Cab because it can be real. All I need is to list out all my school friends whom I have been keeping contact for a decade, then see who’s the available one and who’s the plausible one right? But having said all these, you must remember, like you, I am no longer based in SG. Which leads me to the question of how to make LDR works? A question I asked you a few times while I was in Melbourne too. Because the people around me seem to be having such a tough time managing it that it actually scares me. And in Rain and Tears, the lady chose to give up too because ultimately, she wanted to be free to pursue her dreams. And LDR has become but a burden to her. So I want to ask you, is LDR a burden? And as long as I can never understand how to work out LDR, I can tell you, the college story will never turn into anything other than an innocent story of two persons just keeping contact as per normal. Because remember in Love in a Cab, when the minute hand and the second hand both stopped together before they met, they actually will never meet each other again. Agreed?

p/s: Now is showing MZZDWAN again.. hmm.. miss Qiao En!!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

盧凱彤 Ellen Loo - 《等等》


監製: 盧凱彤@人山人海/ 蔡德才@人山人海

等等 等等等 等等等
等等 等等等 再等等

除了等等 等等等 等等等

想想 想想想 想想想
再看看 看看看 看看看

我要忙忙 忙忙忙 忙忙忙
你溫柔的笑 和低沉的靠 在我身邊多好

怕怕 怕怕怕 怕怕怕
差差 差差差 差差差


我要 等等 等等等 等等 等
等等 等等等 等等 等
等等 等

Bflygal's comments:
林峰 - 直到你不找我 has been my mood song for a very very long time.. since July.
直到碰上一个 逃避一个
追不上 躲不过

直到你擦身过 才认得我

But lately my mood song has changed... to waiting... So am I waiting to be found? Or waiting to be not found?

Balance in Life

I got my hope and managed to catch Eat Pray Love in the inflight entertainment. And it was interesting to see what I had conjured in my mind when I read the book, to be presented in the film. Especially when I saw the picture the Balinese man gave the female protagonist. And I went back to find the drawing I drew that time.

I don’t remember certain scenes though. For e.g. the part when female protagonist had been asked if she’s a lesbian just because she chose to travel around the world and not get married and start a family. But if a guy does that, people will just say he has to sown his wild oats before he can settle down. Such discrimination!
Because it is so true that God dwells within me, as me. God, who can comes in all shapes and sizes, will elicit the same feelings and respect from us regardless. And thus there is no such thing as your God is more powerful than my God.

Unfortunately the movie dwells mainly the Love part I feel. The only part I did not comment much when I read the book. And weirdly the part that I’m intrigued lately especially after cL made me watch Channel U feature Film : Love in A Cab 等一等爱情. (I had actually wrote a blog on it but I lost it just as I was about to publish it.. the word document crashed and I could not retrieve it back no matter what.. so I felt it may be destined not to write about it.. I will see my mood and time if I wish to replicate it below this post).

“The only thing more unthinkable than leaving was staying; the only thing more impossible than staying was leaving.”

And likewise I like to challenge myself to do impossible things.. like leaving.

“You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you can cultivate. If you want to control things in your life so bad, work on the mind. That’s the only thing you should be trying to control.”

Haha this is funny, so if I hate selecting clothes, I probably hate selecting thoughts. And if I have a habit to keep selecting the same clothes, then I probably have the same habit to keep selecting the same thoughts?

“Not too much God, not too much selfishness”. This is the equilibrium you wish to attain in life. But does it always have to be balanced? Because sometimes “To lose balance sometimes for love is part of living a balanced life.” Aww this is the exact paradox that I like to dab with. Haha. Of course I can make life simpler for myself too.. which I do at times.. I will do what the female protagonist does in Love in a Cab haha (a cue to write a bit about the Love in a Cab I guess)

Image source: Facebook - Love in a Cab

Thus they are forever walking in different paces, meeting only occasionally. So who should wait for who? And what if both stopped to wait, would they ever meet again then?

And what are they waiting for?

2000年,克勤和祖儿因为麦当劳的Hello Kitty结下了缘分。2002年的世界杯,开了两人的玩笑,让两人的误会加深。2004年,Nicoll Highway倒塌事件让两人的关系改进。(I still remember that year, I tend to take bus 10 home frequently. And I wondered what if the bus 10 had been on the road at that point of time?)

2005年。。。2006年。。。2007年。。。2008。。。2009。。。2010年,两人已经30岁 了,这段兜兜转转了十年的缘分,到底还要等多久?

And so the female protagonist did something to make things simpler. She asked him for a date. For 10 years, they had never been on a date. But the male protagonist said that is because for the past 10 years, history showed that they were never meant to be.
Thus they had been meeting at the wrong timing. When he had his first love stolen, she had stolen the first love gift – A pair of Hello Kitty in spacesuit (haha it is also the only pair in my display cabinet). When she tested him with bringing medicine for her, he had arrived too late (he said next time he will called a cab and not wait for cab) and her boyfriend had proposed. When she was single, he had another girl by his side already. In fact I had a feeling after breaking up with that boyfriend; she does not seem to have dated ever again. Was she waiting for him then? But he was going to get married (sigh how did the feelings get transferred? I wish to know.). In Eat, Pray and Love, I remembered vividly the ex-husband telling the female protagonist that when he said his marriage vows till death, he meant it. So my BIG question is how did this male protagonist went through the marriage process and made such an eternal vow? These days, do these young people take love seriously at all? Or am I the only fool believing that love is pure in its truest essence. (Ok I exaggerated; I am surrounded by people who believe in love in its purest form too, thankfully.)
Of course later on it showed that he never got married. But he chose to wait for her to sms him on xmas eve. That is so… passive… And so since they are both still single, even I do not understand why the wait? (If I’m the female protagonist, I probably murder him already). And why he still insist it was never meant to be? And probably like the female protagonist, I will play the fate game too haha. But eh seeing if the next cab rego is an even number, of which it is 1402 and she decided let’s have a date on 14th Feb then. I do agree she is a tad too reckless haha (not that I’m not reckless when I’m pushed to my extremes). And since she chose the date, I think fate really did play a big joke on them. Because all these years, he had been drawing their love story. And had compiled them in pristine condition in a black folder. And as she flipped through the love story, he told her someone from Taiwan had taken a liking to his artwork and he has decided to fly to Taiwan on 14th Feb. And he may never come back. Awww…
I still remember he was saying he drew for her and found his calling. But in the end he had to leave her to accomplish his calling. And obviously nobody will stop someone in his life mission. That is too selfish.
So she did something even more selfish than that, she chose to call quits on the Waiting Game and leave before him haha.
Smart move! And with that simplify everything. Because now they only left less than a few hours before she will bid him adieu. And if he has anything to say, he should say it now. BUT (and it seriously came as no surprise to me having seen how wishy-washy he is) he chose to keep his silence. And so she returned the first love gift and decided to leave him...ever and ever again.. Haha I would have like this ending in some wicked sense because well he had to pay his consequences for keeping quiet even at the very last moments and being berated by the cab driver. Seriously she had been too lenient to turn back just because he was chasing the cab for a SHORT distance. But well this is a LOVE story and HAPPY endings are expected because.. right from the beginning the story had already unfolded...

Oh and I still want to murder him for another reason. The female protagonist had said she is willing to go Taiwan (I agree is the best option too as you should not give up your calling and LDR is really tiring and mentally challenging) with him but he said must see her performance after the date. BISH!

Back to Eat Pray Love…
“This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.”

"The Physics of the Quest." A force in nature governed by laws as real as the laws of gravity. The rule of Quest Physics goes something like this: If you're brave enough to leave behind everything familiar and comforting, which can be anything from your house to bitter, old resentments, and set out on a truth-seeking journey, either externally or internally, and if you are truly willing to regard everything that happens to you on that journey as a clue and if you accept everyone you meet along the way as a teacher and if you are prepared, most of all, to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, then the truth will not be withheld from you.

Actually when I first read the book, it was about the same time I was heading to Italy too. Then I wondered when I will be in India for the 2nd part. However when I was watching the movie and seeing the Indian roadside scenes, somehow I recalled about Manila, how I accidentally ventured into the slums which later on someone told me I should not have gone there. I had witnessed the poor conditions and indeed had been afraid at that time (kept reminding myself not to take photo because that would betray that I am a foreigner). And I ‘prayed’ constantly in Manila, not on purpose. I visited their EDSA Shrine and again spent the whole morning asking Jesus what is my next path. Because I had been rejected by VSO then and was totally lost in my bearings. The next day I stumbled into Mother Teresa’s exhibition while in Manila Cathedral and was asking her for enlightenment. So now I’m wondering, when I am going Bali to be taught by a guru on the balance of life? Haha!  (Oh and I finally published the 2 long over due posts haha)

p/s: cL, my friend mentioned about Sumiko Tan's different travelling sentiments with her husband which amused me. What's your take on it? Actually while watching Love in a Cab, I did wonder if Sumiko Tan had waited like the female protagonist did? And do you believe that in real life, such a story will happen? Ok I must faster finalize my HK itinerary. Drop u a message when I'm back.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

My first studio apartment

As some of you would have realised, I have been staying in this little studio room since 1st Sep 2010. I still remember the first night I reached Melbourne. It may have been 7pm but it was pitch black because I had arrived at their winter's tail. And I had gotten the wrong address (not my fault as the site which advertised it put the wrong number though later on I realised on my LTO, it was the correct address). The cab driver had been kind (I had originally wanted to write a post that the first stranger we meet when we reach a new country, is the cab driver. But I never got around writing it because I realised that we could take trains and buses etc so it need not always be the cabbie. And because later on, I was super angry with a cab driver in Sydney who had cheated me.. imagine paying 65 AUD to city and sharing with another stranger.. when a normal fare costs 30-40 only. I really hate myself for not doing my homework as I rather give that 25 AUD to the beggars I see there instead than him. Reminds me of those cab drivers I meet in Manila too who tried to jack up their prices when it was raining, or give me some other crappy reasons that traffic will turn bad soon.. haha that one I will blog once I sort my Manila photos). Anyway I do meet nice cab driver.. though I wouldn't say this one is honest either. He did went a longer route for me saying it is due to the traffic and thus the fare was 10-15 AUD more than what I paid for the second time. But he had given me his contact upon knowing I am alone in this city in case I ever need help bah.

And when I realised I couldn't find the apartment, I did consider if I should contact him and get him to drive me to Thai lady's apartment which was just further down. Plus the work mobile was a hand-me-down and the battery couldn't last and it had been tough getting the property agent after office hours. It was also drizzling and I was very much under-dressed (I seriously did not expect winter at that time and my raingear was packed in the luggage). A cleaner lady did suggest I walk a certain direction and see if those are the buildings I was looking for. But it wasn't. I decided to walk the opposite direction and that's when I saw Blackman which at that time had an ad on rooms available. I decided to ask the staff where the Art Series hotel is as I thought they should know their competitor better than me haha. So it came as a surprise when the staff told me this is the Art Series hotel. Zzz. No wonder the agent keep telling me something black. And I kept wondering late at night, every building looks black to me ah.

And that night, after taking some photos (check this link for the photos), I called mum (which as usual surprise her.. over the span of 3 months, everytime I called her took her by surprise haha. I remember when I called her on my bday though, I was actually feeling tearful haha. Sigh I'm such a crybaby at times...) and then I shower and sleep.

Fast forward 3.5 months later. It is the last night I am staying in this studio which I have grown accustomed to and which I sometimes call my home. I did not sleep the whole night as I keep walking back and fro, thinking if this should bring back home or leave it at my friend's place. An easy equation is if I will bring it back, I should just leave at my friend's place. The underlying condition is I don't want to take up too much storage space from my friend. And so I kept going back and fro (plus I was feeling quensy... blog later on it). I finally concluded with 3 bulging bags. And slept like an hour on the bed which I have to admit is really very very comfy. xL says she usually has problem adjusting to beds but she actually slept soundfully in this bed on the first night.

Alright I have to say bye to this studio.. wonder what will my new room be like when I come back a fornight later.

This is the artwork besides my working table. And the picture I see when I'm in toilet too. And I always wonder, how hard it is to please Alice who gets angry whether she turns big or small.... But then I guess everything must be of the right size to begin with. I'm feeling like her now though...

Faulpez makes garlic bread


During the last BBQ session, we were looking high and low for garlic spread to make garlic bread but no matter how hard we search, we can't seem to find it. So we ended up buying the bread loaves and the cheese. Typical fare which our colleagues like from what we notice.

And this is when I learnt how to make garlic bread on the spot from master chef. He was toasting the bread on the grill and cutting garlic in the meantime. Then he sprinkled the garlic before pouring olive oil on the bread. Amazing, fresh garlic bread was created.

So during my last week, staring at the cloves of garlic left, I decided to buy myself a loaf of bread and finish it within 1 week. 4 days to be exact. And considering I usually only eat half a loaf for 4 days, I think by tonight, I am thoroughly sick of garlic bread.

Ok to be exact, I am sick of garlic. In fact last night, just to finish up the garlic, I cut up everything and ate a few fresh. Big mistake as fresh garlic has allicin which somehows when I consume, makes me tearful. And because I ate quite a few, I think I had an overdose and my stomach starts reacting violently to it. So I ended up the whole night feeling quensy and found out that the negative aspect of an over-consumtion of garlic is... stomachache and garlic breath. Hmm now I am trying to sniff if I have garlic odour...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Sydney hates me?!?

It is the first time I travel on domestic planes and thus I have absolutely no clue what to expect. Thus I even brought my passport out on that first trip to... Sydney. Had chosen Tiger Airways because it is the cheapest airline. Till my colleagues warn me that Tiger Air is notorious to cancel flight.

And so begins my 3 heart attacks from Tiger Air...
1) I had opt to use the web check in to save money. But I ended up paying more because I had checked in for my return flight instead. I do agree that is my fault but I never expected that one can check in 7 days before the actual flight. And that you can check in a return flight even before you had board your arrival flight. So my penalty? Is an extra charge of 25 AUD.. sighz

I was panicking in the queue because they are super slow and the Q was long. I remember I wanted to ask the lady before me to let me first only to find out we were both on the same flight and she was complaining to me that she could not web check in because the site was slow. Makes me wonder is it Tiger Airways gimmick to tell us all to web check in, and then penalised us should we fail. Whatever. I am just glad that one, I saw the boarding pass while playing with xL's boarding pass too... and that I did not checked in wrongly for her. Else I will feel super guilty.
2)Then come the second heart attack.
After check in, they tell me flight closed. Huh. Back to the staff and she explained it means check-in close. Eh for a predominantly English speaking country, you couldn't be more explicit in your status updates?

3)And the last heart attack.. when the captain was telling us that we are still waiting to be taxi out because the weather is bad and due to some restrictions in Sydney airport, there is always a slight possibility that the flight may be cancelled. Well it was raining but I did not see any rainstorm. However you know any slight bad weather means a lot in aviation so trust that he knows his stuff...

And with these 3 heart attacks, I wondered if it is really fated that I should go Sydney? I don't know. I did tell myself I might not fly Tiger Air next time except my HK trip is via Tiger Airways too. (The return trip was rather smooth though so it negates the bad experience).

Anyway did not expect my next domestic trip to come up so fast.. And is again to Sydney. This time I brought only my driving license. And I was flying Qantas. But before I did a baggage drop, my agent told me that my flight has been cancelled and I must check in again. ZZZ. So once again I find myself suffering 2 heart attacks.

The first one is a change of flight and I had already checked in. So I had to checked in again. And I got a window seat but being a short flight, it was ok. Plus I saw the clouds and was happy again. I did notice that if I did an online check-in, I was offered an earlier flight. I wonder what extra charges I will incur should I have chosen it.

The second heart attack came when halfway while waiting at the gate it had first indicated, I started getting bored and went to take some pics. And thus I noticed it had changed gate without me knowing even. And it was at the other end of the airport.

So I had no choice but to conclude that Sydney doesn't really welcome me. But the 2 domestic trips taught me something,
1) Water bottle is allowed
2) Don't need passport. In fact on my return trip back via Qantas, I don't even need my driving license because we are all forced to self-check in. And I had to do a baggage drop on my own. Was staring at the baggage tag sticker and the Qantas staff was kind enough to demostrate to me.
3) Anybody actually can enter the domestic airport. This is something I will never experience back home. I cannot remember my london-frankfurt flight require passport or not though (cL can u remember?). And this point was reinforced when I was waiting for my Qantas return flight and I found a Qantas heritage collection exhibition room. I was wondering why would anybody have a mini museum in the airport which people can only visit if they are catching a flight. Then I recall anybody could enter in the first place. Haha.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What to Eat for Diarrhoea?

In the past when met with such encounter, the only thing I know will be to pop charcoal pill or the Chinese equivalent (Po Chai Pills) which I always packed with me wherever I go.

But when you are in foreign land, even after popping medicine, you still need to figure out your proper meals. Thus when xL suddenly say her stomach upset, and we were looking at the weekly fruit box (client’s workplace delivered fruits every Monday), and she chose a banana (as usual haha), I was wondering, is it alright to consume when one has an upset stomach.

Which leads me to my findings on… what can one eat for diarrhoea?

The basic BRAT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, and toast) is a good start.

Bananas are easy to digest and are often one of the first foods given to babies (who simply by their young nature have sensitive stomachs). The high level of potassium in bananas helps to replace electrolytes that may be lost by severe bouts of diarrhoea. Bananas are also rich in pectin, a soluble fibre that helps to absorb liquid in the intestines and thus move stool along smoothly. Bananas also contain a good amount of inulin, another soluble fibre. Inulin is a prebiotic, a substance that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria (probiotics) in the intestinal system. Thus one can safely say that bananas are filling without upsetting your stomach.

White Rice and Mashed Potatoes
Due to their low-fiber content, these starches are easily digested way up high in the GI tract. Eat your rice and potatoes plain; butter has a high fat content, which could be irritating to your system and contribute to intestinal cramping.

Like bananas, apples are a good source of pectin. However, the high fibre in raw apples makes them too rough for a dicey intestinal system. Cooking the apples makes them easier on your system to digest, thus allowing you to benefit from the pectin, sugar and other nutrients that lie within.

White Toast and Crackers
When your intestines are acting normally, it is important to eat whole-grain products. When you are experiencing acute diarrhea, however, it is better to turn to processed wheat foods. The removal of the outer husk of the grains in these foods results in easier digestion. As an added bonus, the salt (sodium) in crackers will be beneficial in terms of restoring the electrolyte balance.

And it is advisable to avoid the..

The lycopene in tomatoes is a tremendous nutrient that you should be getting on a regular basis, but the acidity in this fruit can aggravate an already upset tum. Hmm ok this is probably something I must remember because if there is something I never fail to buy every week, they are the tomatoes.


Saturday, December 11, 2010

Beauty never lasts

Cl asks me why I love fireworks. I love its sponataneity and how it colours the skies even if it is just for mere seconds.

Is how much I love butterflies which was rumoured to colour the world (originally in black and white only) with its plethora of colours. Even though butterflies die easily.

Is how much I love sunrise and sunset even though I watched it countless of times. I like the way it colour the skies into pinks and orange for that short time span.

For the record I'm waiting for sunset in Luna Park, Sydney while typing this. Originally wanted to go Mrs Macquarie's chair to view sunset as suggested by guide book. But I can't resist the ocean so here I am sitting by the deck waiting for the sun to set and Luna Park lights to be up. Plus I love the laughter of people in the park. It reminds me that no matter how old one grows, amusement park is never too old for you. The ocean wind that is blowing in is chilly though... Brrrr!

-- That's ME at the deck!!!!

Anyway that's why I feel Disneyland will never goes out of business haha. I for one am actually willing to pay to go in selected amusement parks (Harry Potter park and Tokyo Disneyland if my jap gf and I can finally agree on a common time frame. Sadly I had rejected her twice alr sigh.) Luna park is free though so it had been in my agenda.

Actually I think it has been good to come back Sydney again even though I did complain that Sydney doesn't really welcome me. And the past few days had been reasonably good weather which I'm very grateful for. Thank you GA. I accomplished certain stuff I wanted to do. Would I come back Sydney again? Not too sure. Cl says if she like certain places, she can repeat going again and again. It is the same for me else why till now, I am still so excited to go back the zoo. But if there is an option to go a new place, I will think of going there and see for myself too. Cos I'm curious by nature and always believe that seeing is believing. So I try to do hands-on experience everytime I could despite knowing certain things will only get me hurt.

Because I feel the process will give you memories and I can see the beauty in anything I set my eyes on. But it is true that beauty doesn't last. That is why you are taught to treasure it when you possess it, even for a few seconds.

So even if the fireworks will die after awhile, even if I watched so many fireworks, I still believe the next fireworks is just as beautiful and is equally worth to watch and appreciate again.

Anyway I am listening to a CD compilation originally compiled 2 years ago. And I suddenly thought that other than beauty, feelings doesn't last either. A qn I once asked years ago.. Where did the feelings people once had went. If a change of heart had occurred, did the feelings got transferred there? And if so, when a couple asked for a patch back, were the same feelings transferred back to each other?

I am very confident about messenger's feelings. As confident as I am about where my feelings had gone all these years. But I can't say the same for the rest. And because I can't, I can't advise messenger. Which is why I had been wishing I can find DK again.

While writing, the sun suddenly shined on me haha. Basking in its rays, I felt a sense of warmth. That God will shine me a path out soon. Probably because I know myself well too. If I want to resolve something and it is in my capability to do so, I will. So the only question is, do I want to do so?

P/s: actually I know exactly what messenger's gal is thinking, but precisely that is why I can't advise. Because she has to decide for herself as whatever she chose, there is something she has to lose. This is part of the growing up. No wonder capricorn friend says school days usually are the carefree days. And no wonder these 3 days in course felt so much like school days to me. To have learn so much from my classmates, I felt utterly blessed.

Tuesday, December 07, 2010

Horoscope for 2010

Typing this while in the plane...

It was retrieved from a magazine in the beginning of the year, torn out as per my habit. And in November, when I was back in SG for a week, I decided to bring some of the articles back to Melbourne to read… including this.

Your career: This year brings a rather tumultuous time at work, especially in the first half when planetary positions are not ideal for you. Progressing ahead seems to be difficult but don’t give up as the second half looks better. You may face disappointment a few times in 2010 – being passed up for promotion, not getting the job you want, being rejected for a pay hike. Don’t make hasty decisions to try to fix this; November and December are good months for you. Also, there is a great possibility your patience will be tested in 2010. Stay calm, stay cool – it will all work out at the end of the day.

2010 career move: Things may seem down at work but one way to keep your chin up is to be optimistic. Don’t cloud your mind with negativity; take a deep breath when tested at work, and keep your mind focused on the facts.

A year of change? Work will take you places this year so pack your laptop and enjoy! Been working hard lately? Come September, you may take a breather as Mercury turns directly in your own sign giving you time to take a day off to relax.

It was funny to read it now again to evaluate if the horoscope has been right. So did I make hasty decisions that time? I still wonder if I had accepted LW, where would I be now? Actually they had been very sincere towards me; I do wonder why I deliberated too much for that job though. And thus I ended up going back to the company that first caused me being passed up for a promotion, being rejected for a pay adjustment and not getting the job I want. Indeed it had been such an arduous path to condition myself to like the job and then be rejected by them that I don’t want to subject myself to such pain again. So much so when the recent phone interview ended up negatively, I actually heaved a sigh of relief. Because even I felt it was a misfit. Probably because I am seriously not interested to work in SG anymore.

Anyway, was flipping through this book this morning (woke up early to checked my luggage the last time for the flight) and saw this quote

Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do then by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain

I did say year 2007, I had this revelation too. And thus I did a major cleansing operation on myself. To live each day like my last day.

And I concluded while at my window seat in the plane, that eh.. I do like flying. I like to see the clouds below and the aerial view. Ok I’m paradoxical.

p/s: Messenger just make me shed tears. Sigh. Hope the best..

Travelling Sentiments

I remembered I had wanted to write an article on moi travelling sentiments. I can’t remember what I was discussing with CL on it though. But it had to do with travelling.. maybe it was because I was seeing someone’s CV where the person had gone for study trips during school days. And I was asking her are such trips useful?

Because the truth is, I never been on one at all. Since young, all my travelling trips were with my family. No Malaysia trips for me as dad find it unsafe. I remember after finishing JC, during that 3 months break, my friends had suggested to go JB for seafood but I had to reject too. Thus the first time I went Malaysia on my own, it was to Berkelah Waterfalls in 2007. I remember that was during the ghost festival but I had been insistent on going for I don’t know what reasons haha. In fact I think year 2007 was the year I made a lot of major changes to my life because I decided it was a mid-point for me and I decided to do a major cleansing operation from inside out. Haha.

Thus I also remembered 2007 was the year I chose to fly to Japan on my own too. Actually I did have a chance to go on a school trip in my uni days as I remembered I had applied (written an essay) for some exchange program and had successfully gotten a placement. Just that I need to pay certain subsidised amount still. I think it was to Sydney perhaps. In the end, I rejected though because I was just a school girl then and did not have much money (ok not true, it was due to other reasons perhaps).

So yupz I never did had a school trip and thus had to ask CL her opinion on it. And I remembered she said because we were all schooling then, there really isn’t much sufficient money you can splurge to go so many places on such trip. Plus we might have been too young then to really appreciate the place we been.

I do agree that age do play a part. Since young, all the places I have been with my family, it was more of just following. Thus nothing much really registers deeply into my memories. But since I came back from Sydney, I did think about those younger days and how it felt now that I’m back Sydney on my own. Like how did I felt when I was back in London and in Melbourne. There were snippets of the past flashing past me. Like in Circular Quay, Sydney. I suddenly had this feeling that I was with my family on the way to take a ferry to the zoo which I suspect is the Tarangoo zoo. QVM, Melbourne was another scene where I can remember shopping with my mum across the stalls. Or that Mum and I had chosen a Cellini bag as my "school bag" in Myer, Bourke Street, Melbourne. Or that it was freezing cold when my parents were trying to take a photo of the Big Ben, London and that we had been xmas shopping in Harrods with tons of people. Times like this, I start to wonder what does travelling means to me now?

In Nuyou Nov 2010, Section City Beat, the author has written that travelling means a checklist where you have to go a certain place and visit a few landmarks and you can then say you have placed your foot on that place. So if you are in Sydney, you must visit Sydney Opera house. If you are in London, you must see the Big Ben. And if you are in Rome, Colosseum is a must visit place. But is travelling just a checklist for you to checked?

In my younger days, it was just a trip to accompany my parents (can't possible leave me at home haha). Then when I started to fly on my own, mum was pleasantly surprised as she thought I never really like travelling. Hmm actually it was never a matter of liking or not perhaps. My first trip to Japan, I was finding my friend. My second solo trip, I was with my colleagues. Then I went to Thai to find friend again before going Europe with CL. And even in Europe, I had chosen to drop by London to visit a friend (same friend though just that she shifted from Japan to London haha) too. Haha in other words, I never really travelled alone. I tend to choose places that have friends. And I can say other than Manila and Melbourne, as of now, all the places I travelled to, it was always to visit a friend.

In other words, travelling is not a checklist of tourist attractions which I must accomplish. Travelling has becomes a means for me to find my friends (and thus can provide me free accommodation while I explore the everyday life of the local people haha).

But that does not mean I like travelling. I don’t like to keep flying constantly actually because it is tiring to keep travelling to airports and waiting in the airport. And thus I’m complaining now that due to my poor planning, I have caused myself to travel too much for this few weeks. This was what I had typed to my friend:

Just last last fri (26th nov) I flew to Sydney.
And came back to Melbourne last tues (30th nov).
then tonight (7th dec) again to Sydney
coming back Melbourne on Saturday (11th dec)
then next thurs/fri morning (17th dec 1 a.m.) im flying back home
and the next day (18th dec) to HK
before coming back next next thurs (23rd dec)
Lastly 3 weeks from today (28th dec) i'm flying to Melbourne again.

So I counted, 8 trips up and down. Crazy. All because of my bad planning. Hmm.. just have to tolerate the flying trips for the sake of seeing my friends/family and for learning sake.

p/s: I'm writing the footnote in the airport. And I think Sydney don't really like me that much. Because this time my flight got cancelled and I was pushed to a later flight (half an hour later). Then I dare not request for an earlier flight (probably blog about it in another post) and went to read my magazine at the gate. Only to realise it changed gate halfway. Geez that's why I said I don't like flying, I just like arriving at that new place hahaha. Maybe someone should invent a teleport machine for me. You know like Harry Potter's Apparation! My friend was telling me to please not board the wrong flight. I don't wish to either haha.. that would be so Home Alone Series...

Monday, December 06, 2010

Lovers Tarot on 6th Dec 2010


Lovers Tarot

Present Situation 

The Chariot 

Briefly: Travel awaits you. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground, or maybe even purchase a mode of travel such as a car.

Full Meaning: Generally speaking this card depicts some kind of travel. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground. However, even by itself, as this is a major arcana card, travel is still a strong possibility. You may travel quite a distance and your goal is to get there, by whatever means you can find, even horseback if necessary. This can also mean that someone is coming from a long distance towards you.
For some people this can represent getting a new mode of transport, such as buying your first car, or buying a new car or bike or whatever. The emphasis is on getting to your destination by the quickest route available.
This card too is about choices. You may have to make a major decision around this time that will alter your circumstances quite dramatically. Do not resist change for that will disrupt the natural flow of events that are waiting to unfold for you.
Also I have seen this card manifest in matters to do with re-decorating the home. Sometimes it is just new curtains or cushions, however the aim is to bring comfort into the home.

Your World 

The Sun 

Briefly: There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well.

Full Meaning: This card depicts the Sun and in the front of this is a child on a horse - note the same red feather that appears on the fools hat. The childs arms are open and a brilliant red flag waves in the air. There are sunflowers on the card, some greenery and a wall in the background.

This card is generally a big "YES!" card, confirmation that what you seek is on its way.

Often this card symbolises Summer or is associated with the sign of Leo. Perhaps an important event will occur around your own Summer month or during the one month time span of Leo which is from July 23 up to August 22. For some this can mean a very special relationship on the horizon, and one that may very well lead to marriage, this will be a successful union and bring much happiness into both people's lives. There is also the possibility, for those who desire a child, that a pregnancy is imminent. Any new business venture also has the signs of success written on it, so proceed with confidence that all will be well. Also a distinct possibility is a trip to a warm location in the near future.

Your Lover's World 

Four of Cups 

Briefly: An offer should be considered.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a hand holding a cup and this is reaching out from a cloud and presenting the cup to a person who is surrounded by leaves and there is a hill in the background and many trees. There are three cups full of liquid in the foreground. This can represent an offer to be considered. Sometimes it can symbolise that the person is reluctant to accept any offers. However, the wise person should at least investigate what is being presented, rather than dismissing it without knowing all the facts. Something can arise out of the blue and be a surprise. If you happen to notice that your circumstances may alter quite significantly if you take up some new direction, then proceed with assurance that this is the right path for you at this point in time.

Nature of Issues 

Eight of Cups 

Briefly: There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made.

Full Meaning: This card shows a person with a hooded cloak walking with a staff near an inlet that is surrounded by tall cliffs. You cannot see the person's face as they have their back to you. In the background is a crescent Moon. It appears to be either early morning or early evening. There are eight cups in the foreground. This is symbolic of being in a reflective state of mind. There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made. If you draw this card you either live in a setting like this or it is not far from your home. Or perhaps you are considering moving to a seaside resort area at some point in the not too distant future. This can be a time when you choose a different course of action that puts you where you are destined to be. It is also time to consider bringing in some newness into your life and leaving the past where it belongs, in the past.



Briefly: It can be a new life created out of the wisdom of the lessons you have learned from your past and even from the mistakes you have made. If there is someone in your life whom you would like to reunite with, now is the time to approach them and rekindle lost friendship, or long lost love.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man, woman and child floating over the ocean. The man is holding a bugle and he appears confident and strong. If you are a single man and you draw this card, it is symbolic of your forthcoming marriage and the birth of your child. If you are single woman, it can symbolise the new man who is going to come into your life and he is fertile and will become the father of your child, possibly your very first child. This card can also symbolise a time of deep reflection on your life, the mistakes you have made and how you are at the point of trying to understand what all this means and rectify whatever you can. It can be a new life created out of the wisdom of the lessons you have learned from your past and even from the mistakes you have made. If there is someone in your life whom you would like to reunite with, now is the time to approach them and rekindle lost friendship, or long lost love. Travel can be undertaken at this time and it will radically change your whole life.

Lessons and Signs 

Two of Pentacles 

Briefly: A choice between two options.

Full Meaning: This card shows a young man with a cap on his head. He holds two pentacles, signifying a choice between two options. He is indecisive about where to put his time and his energy. He may also feel that his accumulation of funds needs to be weighed and considered as to where it would benefit him the most in the future. He could be offered two different jobs and will deliberate until he feels comfortable in his decision. He may join the army, navy or some other adventurous form of work. There is likely to be some good news or an offer arrives from overseas. The ocean is in the background signifying that he is a sensitive soul and has great compassion.

Your Hopes, Fears and Desires 

Queen of Swords 

Briefly: Her future lies in learning to trust others again.

Full Meaning: Physically usually (though not always) tall and/or slender woman. Quite often has dark hair. Refined appearance and conservative in dress most of the time. Gracious manner. She prefers sophisticated clothing.
Personality is cautious and clever. Can be cunning, destructive and manipulative. She is often aloof and distant. She keeps her distance and puts up barriers around herself. She displays an air of unemotional responses. She may appear hard, selfish and self-controlled. Beneath her facade she hides much previous emotional pain and/or hardship. She has learnt how to survive. She is a woman alone. She is either a widow, divorced, a spinster or without a loving partner. She may have spent a long time on her own and keeps up her defences and her sword drawn to protect her at all times. She has a fondness for red roses.
She looks good in black clothing. She likes to wear expensive or perhaps antique and conservative jewellery most of the time, though sometimes she wears some bold jewels. She knows she would or could be seduced if she lets her guard down. She is not a social butterfly. She can seem to be unforgiving in some circumstances, but this is her self-defence mechanism being activated to avoid feeling pain and disturbing emotional reactions. She cries in her sleep, and little elsewhere.
She feels more in control if she can avoid having too deep feelings for anyone, lest they puncture her heart and give her reason to despair. She can become big hearted if in the right company and circumstances and when she feels safe and secure. There is hope for her and she is wise enough to know it. She is symbolic of the rose, seductive and potentially dangerous, capable of cutting the skin and making it bleed, yet the soft velvety petals can blossom into the most beautiful arrangement and captivate your heart. She is wistful and reflective, serious yet sensuous, yet always alert. She is capable of being the Goddess or the crucifier.
Occupations suited to her would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also she would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. She would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. She knows only one truth, her own.
Her future lies in learning to trust others again. She has been severely betrayed in the past by women and men alike. She may need to take a leaf out of the book of the Queen of Cups, who is more giving, loving and affectionate. She could have a love relationship but only if total trust exists. There is no room for dishonesty or lies. If she is betrayed, she severs her relationships completely and irrevocably and never goes back. Friends are cast off and not seen again should they make the mistake to betray or abuse her. Her goodwill only stretches so far and behind that she may lose some of her sense of compassion, knowing that others should learn to be more self-reliant, like herself. She may go to the extreme of cutting off her husband's head, should he betray or deceive her.
Querent's card. If this is you, then you may be being called to meet the challenge of your strengths and you will meet this head on regardless of whether this produces success or failure. Even in failure, you will learn where you went wrong and this is the ultimate lesson.
If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you make an ally of this woman, because she can be a powerful opponent if you should cross her. She is loyal and steadfast to those she gets close to, just don't mess with her, because you will wish you hadn't.

Live a life that matters


Was checking my old mails (those with attachments) and downloaded a few to read to waste some bandwidth and happen to see this one.

Suddenly remember cL asked me something I did not reply (usual). But I had planned to search an old pensieve before replying then. It was June 2010. I had been waiting for an interview with a prestige company (which I still fail in the end). And I remembered I told myself once I get a suitable job, I can sponsor my second child. I even had decided the country I want the child to come from. At that time I had shelved the plan for half a year. Presently, the plan had been postponed a year exactly. But I did realised it.

As for why I wanted to do so.. if the video is correct, then what you measure in life is not what you possessed but what you gave. I always remember the story of a poor lady who is willingly to give what she can spare to help the poor... even if the amount is insignificant to the common folks. I am not rich either else you wouldn't see me cooking my lunch and dinner but feasting everyday. I don't plan to be the old lady either, I just feel it is a good way to curb me to splurge on my wants haha.

And I don't think I will teach these children anything either. For this second sponsored child, I'm expecting the child to teach me Chinese in fact haha. But sigh, as of now I am still stuck in Melbourne and unable to see the child's profile nor be able to write my first letter to the child. I'm also wondering what Christmas letter my first sponsored child will give me this year. Sigh, now I really wish I'm back home. 10 more days.

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Thanks for..

Looking back, I have been in Melbourne for 3 months plus already. And I had been lucky to savour so many people's culinary skills...

I am especially thankful for Chef K aka Thai lady for cooking and teaching me some culinary skills like how to consume avocado.
Let's side track a bit and talk about the nutritional value of avocado which I researched after xL says avocado has fats which I recalled was good fats.

Avocados are high in valuable fats and appear to have a beneficial effect on blood serum levels. For a typical avocado:
* About 75% of an avocado's calories come from fat, most of which is monounsaturated fat.
* Avocados also have 60% more potassium than bananas. They are rich in B vitamins, as well as vitamin E and vitamin K.
* Avocados have a high fiber content among fruits - including 75% insoluble and 25% soluble fiber.
* A fatty triol (fatty alcohol) with one double bond, avocadene (16-heptadecene-1,2,4-triol), is found in avocado.
Source: Wiki

Not too bad I guess. Except I'm quite lazy to purchase avocado though I was given 2 by a colleague when he had bought a box of avocados for just 2 AUD. (Of which seriously when the deal is too cheap, the fruits tend to be on the verge to spoil so it is really best not to scrimp and save too much on this extent.. at least not for me because it will pain me to throw away spoilt food actually.) But have to admit, it was easy to extract avocados.

Still remember when Chef K was with me, Melbourne was still in cold. So on this particular cold day, we were deciding between having hot porridge or shabu shabu. In the end we chose shabu shabu that day, and have porridge the next day haha.

Hmm I think I might purchase bitter gourd the next time, eh probably next year?

Mushrooms too..

Then I have another colleague whom also had been nice to encourage us to cook though initially we refused to cook no matter what haha. Still remember he lend xL a James Oliver book and both of us were 'forced' to flip through and learnt something. Haha I concluded too european style for my liking but the salads were interesting. Then he suggested to cook for us and ta-da... with Chef K, they both created 3 lovely dishes. Haha still remember both of them kept saying, presentation very important. A skill that I will take very very very long and might not even muster it.

Also thankful for xL. Twice she cooked green beans..

and red bean soups .. and shared with me.
Haha I only cooked barley drink for her though.. too limited my culinary skills. Actually it was because of her that we both decided to be serious in cooking... our lunch haha. So must thank her for that too else I will probably never bother to pick up cooking.

Lastly thanks to my mum. On and off she will dropped me some cooking ideas or answer my question on how to cook something. I don't know if I did follow her instructions or not but yupz, I'm grateful for her. Recently we were seeing xmas gifts and my friend was saying is it possible to pass her mum this cooking notebook and asked her mum to write down the recipes. Haha and I kidded her saying her mum will cook and made her observe and write it down. But I was thinking, maybe it is a good idea to get my mum to write me a cooking book too right haha. Anyway was craving for chicken biscuits but curious abt the home brand plus mum said I should buy something to bring to Sydney as I wouldn't have time to get breakfast the next day.. so ta-da.. my chicken flavoured biscuits..

Mobile Phone Users Joke

Image source: Techcrunch

Hmm I can't help but laugh when I saw this caricature from my ex colleagues. Truth is, I am a nokia user. So I'm out of the picture... wahahahha. Ok ok I used to own a blackberry bold and thus will disagree that bb is such a dinosaur... but then the one I own currently for work is really such an antique that I can't deny I feel like a dinosaur every time I take it out. I am sorely tempted to transfer my company mails to my nokia except my own nokia has its moods to in receiving mails. But it is definitely much classier than my bb.

Anyway my ex colleague has also switched from HTC to iphone4 already. I cannot deny that iphone4 has more redeeming points than iphone3 and thus is attracting my attention even. And I cannot deny that I'm getting tired of apps only catered for iphone.. and perhaps bb (of which my antique bb cannot support). Just yesterday, xL was again giving me another reason to buy iphone4... that there is an application called viber which can make audio calls using your data usage. Haha but that means I must pay GPS data still. Well if OZ decided to give 12 GB plan just like SG does then I will be fully sold. But till now, hmm, let's wait for 2011 "p

Saturday, December 04, 2010

Super Brain Yoga

Many weeks ago, CL was telling me that brain size matters for sociability based on this report from their Dailymail and I was saying this further proves that I am brainless haha.
The researchers believe that living in a group is more demanding mentally than having a lonely existence.
And guess what, to cope with this challenges, some of these mammals evolved to have bigger brains as quoted here,
This suggests the co-operation and co-ordination needed for group living can be challenging and over time some mammals have evolved larger brains to be able to cope with the demands of socialising.

So I shall do some yoga to enhance my tiny brain that cL claimed I have.

Note: Make sure you are wearing comfortable clothing and have removed any earrings before starting. Avoid doing the exercise immediately after eating.

* Step One: Stand with your feet about shoulder distance apart, toes pointing forward.
* Step Two: Hold your right ear lobe between your left thumb and finger, with the thumb on the outside of the lobe.
* Step Three: Hold your left ear lobe between your right thumb and finger, again with you thumb on the outside of the lobe. You should now be holding both earlobes with your arms crossed over your chest, right arm on top.
* Step Four: Look directly ahead and commence doing a body squat by slowly bending your knees and lowering your body toward the floor. Go as low as you comfortably can and then slowly raise yourself back to a standing position. Exhale as you squat and inhale as you stand.
* Step Five: Repeat the squats for 1 to 3 minutes, or 14 – 21 times, while continuing to hold your earlobes.

Results may be immediate or gradual. Concentration should certainly be stronger within 3 weeks. The exercise only needs to be done once a day but if concentration wanes it can be repeated as often as desired.

Some groups swear by the ’squat and exhale’ approach while others insist it has to be, ’squat and inhale’ (as recommended in the video).

As both claim their breathing technique works, either is probably fine. 'Squat and exhale' method however is more consistent with the principles of yoga where the breath is expelled with chest compression and inhaled with chest expansion.

The bottom line is, use the approach that works best for you.

Source: Homeopathy Plus

Faulpelz Cooking - Make miso soup


Today's dinner was miso soup with rice. As usual I have been diligently cooking my rice every few days to eat rice even though I am not a rice lover haha. I do wonder if half cup of rice is too much for me though hmm.

But today's miso soup was easy. Just throw in the 2 sachets (one was miso paste, the other was dried tofu and seaweed),
add the tofu I bought (Hmm my culinary skills still need improvement and thus I cut the tofu rather out of proportion) and the dried seaweed I was given.

And viola, my miso soup was completed in a few seconds. Needed a quick dinner as I had been tired out from shopping the whole day haha. Bought something cute from Borders but other than that, hmm did not shop much. The gals bought some pretty charm bracelets at the Fitzroy market that we chanced upon while visiting Blackbird market (which they bought earrings) and then went on to shop more in Melbourne city area. But that is another story to be told...


I came online for a reason. To figure out who won the world cup 2022 bid. Because I could not recognise the country. Then I realised, hmm it is Qatar, an Arab country which I do know, just that I probably pronounced it wrongly for so many years. It should be pronounced as \ˈkä-tər, ˈgä-, ˈgə-; kə-ˈtär\

I saw snippets of the Australia video bid for it. And they were very excited to win the bid (well these are true blue sports fanatics..). So they were naturally very upset when they lost.

Then people started to say there is something not so clear-cut going behind the bidding process. If it is true, then maybe something ought to be done and not saying we should not bid the next round right?

I mean taking Slice of Life story today on Asking Questions, shouldn't we ask how we can improve this and thus when the next black horse win, we are more convinced that it was a worthy fight and we had lost legitimately. And then we can be a good sportsman too and congratulate the winners.

cL, I know England lost the 2018 bid, so what are your thoughts on it?

Attached is the Slice of Life story on.. ASKING QUESTIONS!

p/s: Sighz, was ASKING my friend how's his company after some major 'betrayal' (eh in some sense, I actually expected it and I can only say survival of the fittest so cannot blame the other party also).. then learnt his personal just went into a mess too. What is exactly wrong with the kids these days??? I remember I was actually quite impressed with this friend whom initially I had a bad impression.. till one day he made me drink tea with him to resolve some internal strife that my colleague had with another lady. (You know even though I'm a female, I do find females very troublesome too, no matter how hard I try, I cannot resolve their internal strife when I was there and I got so tired, I quit because no more energy left... I was also managing other stuff then.. ) After that, I saw another side of boss and I remember I blogged about it here... sigh 4 months had gone by and things changed again... no surprise i guess..

Friday, December 03, 2010


You know how much I love cL because she never fails to challenge me into a word duel. Just recently I was reflecting on solitude and she immediately commented:

you mentioned just now - you are a hermit..but how do u define it? hermits dun care about their friends anymore - they isolate themselves from the surroundings..I checked to challenge you -
1. a person who has withdrawn to a solitary place for a life of religious seclusion.
2. any person living in seclusion; recluse.

What can I say? I replied the first thing that came out from my head... I'm a hermit in emotions but my reflex action tends to do the exact opposite. Just recently on my way back from Sydney, I ended up talking to an Iran lady throughout the entire journey (about an hour which I had actually planned to sleep in prep for tomorrow's working day) all because initially she was unsure if she was waiting at the right place and whether she need to show them her ticket. And I told her when I was in Melbourne, they only scan my ticket when I was about to board the plane (which is actually scary but this is another story to be told another day). And later on in the plane, we realised we were seated besides each other and thus ignited the conversation. cL had asked me if I exchanged contact (like she did) but I told her the lady has friends in Melbourne and don't seem too lost so I don't see the need to. I did exchange my contact once with a Filipino lady because she seemed so lost I was worried for her. But later on I had moved to Melbourne and thus was unable to meet up with her in SG at all either. Hmm I hope she is fine.

In the end cL concluded I'm not a hermit, just anti social. Bingo I guess. For someone who know me for such a short time frame, she can pretty much figured me out. And she knows that I don't like to answer certain questions but she will still try her luck haha. Gal, I can only tell you, messenger means more to me than anything now and thus I'm not going to bother about any other things. But ya, I really cannot fathom these people lately. Just the other day, a friend told me that long D r/s isn't that easy. Her friend's bf had went USA for only a couple of months and now that he's back, she had grown from missing him initially to ignoring him now. And they already had a flat proposal already. It makes me wonder why is it always at the point where you can actually finally see the silver lining, yet you must choose to destroy it seconds before the silver lining appears. Then all those waiting had been in vain?

Anyway I was seeing a colleague's fb and chanced upon a photo for cL to see (u have seen it and thus it has self destruct). You can email me to guess why I wanted to share it with you. No worries, I will reply that haha.

Talking about this colleague, after 2 years, he is finally saying sayonara to Melbourne. This month, more and more people are going back for xmas, or rolling off the project. And the empty seats are making me wonder, if I really should stay here or not still. Supposedly given 3 choices, worldwide, oz, sg. Truth is, do I really have a choice? Worldwide is too vague and too risky. Staying in oz, I worry I may lose my sanity. And back in SG, I probably will never grow up. Hmm.. why did GA brought me here? To learn to be independent? To learn how to cook?

Yawnz, my barley has finished boiling. I want to sleep already having shopped for the whole evening. Haha Adidas was having a 40% off storewide and thus there were some very good buys. More shopping during the weekends. I'm not a shopping person but being a bit too lazy to jog lately, shopping with xL is probably the best way to do more exercise already. And it is interesting to shop with xL because I get to observe a lot of interesting behaviour and see pretty gals which is my top favourite activity haha. Besides here is not SG where I have friends who will bring me see nature mah hahaha.

Thursday, December 02, 2010

December Muses

Muse 1:
Re-read my Pilgrimage article due to some reasons...
Philos is love in the form of friendship. It’s what I feel toward you and others. When the flame of eros stops burning, it is philos that keeps a couple together.

But I found out when eros ended, there wasn't philos left. I have not finished "Cupid Stupid".. because I find it stupid. And yet I had to watch it coz I really wanted to try to absorb as much canto as possible. And cos is a Virgo gal facing a Capricorn guy and a Sagittarius guy. I don't like the ending anyway (eh I skipped to the ending haha).. Because the Capricorn guy gave up. And the Virgo gal thought it was destiny to be with the Sagittarius guy. But if the Capricorn guy persisted, maybe all 3 will be in turmoil. Actually I can understand the Capricorn guy actions. Because I'm not a fighter too. Since I'm not capable of giving the best, why should I deny them the best they can get. But sometimes, just sometimes, I wondered I had avoided eros to maintain philos and yet reflecting now, I still lost the friendships. Had I done something wrong?

Muse 2:
I felt blessed lately. xL cooked my lunch for me as I came back from Sydney very late. And I did not want to spend money having been penalized 25 AUD for a stupid mistake in my checkin. Then Yi helped me apply for cash advancement for my course fees which I'm paying first. But I felt really blessed because Doc really played a good host when I was in Sydney. Although seriously speaking, the first 2 days I really could fail Doc's tour guide skills haha (I wonder if my tour guide skills will fail or not if I had to bring friends around in SG?). But the fact that Doc managed to squeeze some time on Monday and spent some thought in where to have dinner unlike the last 2 days totally surprised me haha.

Muse 3:
"Sometimes I wonder if a child believes in Santa Claus, should you tell her the truth or should you just let her believe it forever or figure it out herself one day?" - Past pensieve
Had to find back this post cos Doc said I did something wrong that day. I couldn't remember what I did (usual) but after reading this post, I remembered it had to do with mum reading my postcard and I may have been abit irritated. But I cannot remember the contents. What I do remember is from then onwards, whatever I write on postcards, I made sure it is meant for public eyes. But I digress. I saw this line and I remembered just the previous trip back in SG, I did my zoo duty. And this little girl was picking leaves for the caterpillar to eat. As you may know, caterpillars are definitely not what the story book Hungry Caterpillar depicts. Caterpillars are fussy eaters and thus all her leaves were picked in vain. But as I look at her earnest face, I couldn't break the news that Mr caterpillar would not eat her leaves. So we put the caterpillar on the leave and profusely said thank you to her. So I guess I answered this question 2.5 years later, that I actually will not break the news. BUT that is because I saw the other party's face. Which is why sometimes I do feel technology isn't the best communication tool still. Face to face is still the best.
Hmm well if that time I knew of this scene, I would have blogged this scene and not blogged about Santa Claus. Kena suan for saying I believed in GA but not in Santa. Which reminds me.. Santa is coming soon heehee.. I still have my Santa's letter from Myer... still wondering should I write on it.. 很舍不得.

Muse 4:
And with arrival of Santa means it is the end of the year which is why I'm doing some self-reflection (a bit early perhaps). I didn't realise it has been 2 plus years since I did my lasik. Haha I still remembered how it was the first time I understood what blindness meant. And how vision impaired really feels. Or that everytime I drive at night, I became extra careful. And I remembered my NUS junior did hers last year too. And how much agony she had (she did have some serious effects). And yet this year, technology once again improved and it is no longer painful. Sigh sometimes medical advancement is so fast, but why.. why is it not accessible enough still.
I also remembered about the retrenchment. And how after that I changed my life a lot. I probably travelled a lot searching for an answer. I grew lost and aimless at times. VSO rejection changed my path totally and brought me to Mel, a place I never ever thought about actually. It probably changed my life significantly too because I can only cook when mum is not around and now, mum is really not by my side. And days after I arrived, I had to face my birthday alone. It was actually the first time and I was telling myself, good chance to start to be accustomed. And with the year coming to an end, I am wondering how long do I want to be here? Partly it is subjected to the project, but boss did gave us 3 choices too. Whether we want to travel the world, stay in oz or work off-site back in home. And I have not given my answer (none of us had haha.. coz still waiting for busy PM to consolidate). The thing is travel the world is not a suitable option for me due to the work I'm accustomed too. No matter what, I'm still more of a supplier/logistics person and this company has too many projects dealing with customers instead. So.. what should I choose?

Hmm xmas is coming.. just felt this article was coming at the right time...