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Monday, August 31, 2009


(1是最容易 , 5是最不容易)
c.痛( 是肉體, 不是心靈)


a.感動:不是跟你很熟的人覺得你是 .......
排在第1 - 一個常常把自己藏起來的人。很有神秘感。不容易接近。
排在第2 - 一個很會關心別人的人。很容易發現身邊有人不開心。不會很容易講錯東西或話題。
排在第3 - 一個傻傻的人。怪怪的。想做什麼就做什麼。不過很可愛。
排在第4 - 一個不會想﹐老是要人擔心的人。(特別是長輩)
排在第5 - 一個很聰明﹐很負責任的領導人。對你很尊敬。

b. 傷心:跟你很熟的人覺得你是 ......
排在第1 - 對很多事都要求很高的人。不過有很多時候都太固執。
排在第2 - 可以跟你講道理。黑白之間分辨得很清楚。
排在第3 - 心思很細膩的人。很多時候傷心不會表現出來,不過其實大家都看得出來。
排在第4 - 會先想很多才會做選擇。不想自己給人看扁,自尊可以算是很強的人。
排在第5 - 外剛內柔的人。但其實知道你的內心不是那麼堅強。

c. 痛:你想要別人覺得你是 ......
排在第1 - 很需要別人保護的人。
排在第2 - 不是那麼容易接近的人。
排在第3 - 好人一個。很關心身邊的人。不怕做犧牲的人。
排在第4 - 很聰明 , 不過又不會驕傲的人。
排在第5 - 很清楚自己想什麼要什麼的人。

d. 生氣:你最希望你的情人是......
排在第1 - 跟你很合拍。你跟他想的東西是一樣 ,不用問便知道對方要什麼。
排在第2 -不會很客易發脾氣。要懂得容忍你。外剛內柔。有自己的性格。
排在第3 - 內心是很可愛的一個人。你猜不到下一步他會做什麼。
排在第4 -很細心。你需要什麼他都有準備。不會因為很少的東西便找你。
排在第5 - 智慧很重要。可以管得到你的人。而且要講道理。

e. 擔心 /緊張:其實真實的你是 ......
排在第1 - 一個很怕給別人看到自己是什麼樣的人。不喜歡自己性格的人。
排在第2 -孤獨的人。很希望可以跟一大堆人在一起。不過很多時候都不知道怎樣跟別人溝通。
排在第3 -覺得朋友比天還重要的人。很珍惜身邊很多朋友。敢愛敢恨。不過不喜歡的人你就不會去管..
排在第4 -直接的人。很多時候因為這樣的性格跟別人不合。希望有多一點人可以了解你, 特別是你喜歡的人。
排在第5 -不是很清楚自己將來要什麼。不過就很幸運的走過半生。不會對很多東西有要求。最重要是可以開心過每一天!

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Source: 妙手仁心

Paul: 人这么可以一辈子只是自己一个人那么孤独?

Paul: 我看过一本书,书上面说,当人发现自己没有的时候就会不开心,但是其实,有跟没有都是相对的嘛,看你用什么角度去看
Frances: 这倒是哦,就像现在你我都不谈恋爱,就是重获自由喽!
Paul: 呵呵,不错,孺子可教也,不过有时候想起来,真觉得有些荒谬
Frances: 人生难免有些荒谬的啊,不过千万别把这些荒谬看成结论,其实只是一个起点而已.
Paul: 诶,camus的“Sisyphus的神话”,你也有看他的书啊?
Frances: 你也是他的读者吗?
Paul: 也许因为我是个医生啊,自从我看过他那本“The Plague”之后呢,就成为他的忠实读者
Frances: 是啊,尤其是他的结局啊,简直是没话说,他说,瘟疫的出现,其实是为了把苦难和启发带给人类

>> Hmm need to borrow this book ... and Brida which has been bugging me again..
And why is it that going on a trip, the going journey is forever so slow, but the returning journey is so fast??

殃及池鱼: 喻牵连受害
切肤之痛: 切肤:与自身关系极密切。亲身感受的痛苦。比喻感受深切
Betsy was mouthing this 2 idioms which I totally had no idea haha. Conclusion, my mandarin is definitely worst than hers.

I think it was Ah Guang that said it but I can't remember now. Just that it struck a chord because I totally cannot look back now. Old already so neck stiff mah haha.

The most memorable moment must be Sarah and Henry partly because I actually loved Melissa Ng this actress (since seeing her in 真情). The two of them have this complex relationship topped with her cervical cancer problem that they don't know if it is 错觉 or 收错信息 or heaven is playing a prank on them? I also wish things can be as simple as black and white for them. But in the end, they just have to 认命. As quoted by them

But they taught me something...
Q: How to make your birthday wish comes true?
A: By finding a car reg no that is your birth year.
I think it is a worthy idea.

No Matter
- Angel

Doesn't matter whom you are with
Doesn't matter where you are going
Don't you know I'm still waiting here for you
And pray for you

In the sunny days, sun will light your day
In the windy days, wind will lead your way
I have to say, you're my treasure moments
Never gonna walk away

In the rainy days, rains will share my tears
In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain
Just go your way and leave things all behind
Spread your wings and fly away

I'm pretending you’re mine
And wishing you'll be fine
The moments we share never die
You make a difference to my life
And let me realize
The feeling I've got deep inside

Doesn't matter whom you are with
Doesn't matter where you are going
Don't you know I'm still waiting here for you
And pray for you

In the sunny days, sun will light your day
In the windy days, wind will lead your way
I have to say, you're my treasure moments
Never gonna walk away

In the rainy days, rains will share my tears
In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain
Just go your way and leave things all behind
Spread your wings and fly away

I'm pretending you’re mine
And wishing you'll be fine
The moments we share never die
You make a difference to my life
And let me realize
The feeling I've got deep inside

>> 命中注定我愛你's 戴欣怡 says A ballerina needs a focal point so that she will not lose her balance when she twirls...
Did Sarah chose Henry as a focal point too to continue the journey which she has no confidence in anymore?
Cervical cancer... recently a friend advised me to go for a PAP Smear, saying it saved her from not knowing what she will die from 10 years from now. Maybe, but 10 years from now, do I really want to stay alive still?

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Story time

A story about an old dog half-asleep on the porch of the general store, moaning and groaning in the sun. "Why is your dog acting that way?" a customer asked the store owner. "Oh," answered the man, "he's lying on a nail." "Well, why doesn't he move?" "Because it's not hurting him bad enough."

Source: Slice of Life

Blfygal's comments: Suppressing the pain will accumulate the hurt, till you reach your limit to force yourself to take drastic measures. That's the typical human being behaviour. Sigh.


One night a group of nomads were preparing to retire for the evening when suddenly they were surrounded by a great light. They knew they were in the presence of a celestial being. With great anticipation, they awaited a heavenly message of great importance that they knew must be especially for them.

Finally, the voice spoke, "Gather as many pebbles as you can. Put them in your saddle bags. Travel a day's journey and tomorrow night will find you glad and it will find you sad."

After having departed, the nomads shared their disappointment and anger with each other. They had expected the revelation of a great universal truth that would enable them to create wealth, health and purpose for the world. But instead they were given a menial task that made no sense to them at all. However, the memory of the brilliance of their visitor caused each one to pick up a few pebbles and deposit them in their saddle bags while voicing their displeasure.

They traveled a day's journey and that night while making camp, they reached into their saddle bags and discovered every pebble they had gathered had become a diamond. They were glad they had diamonds. They were sad they had not gathered more pebbles.

Source: An article written by John Wayne Schlatter, from the book "A 2nd Helping of Chicken Soup for the Soul".

Bflygal's comments: It seems that only human understand the concept of "not having". That is why they will go out and fight for what they do not have making them forever hungry in life. It is also the reason why they will never be satisfied with their lot and end up both glad and sad with their bag of diamonds.


My primary four English teacher Mrs Yeo taught me this golden rule of always drawing a one-centimetre margin on the left-hand side of my exercise book. For the longest time, I wondered about this need to waste space, as I could have written more words, saved more paper and made my exercise book last longer if not for those margins. I really believed it was a silly rule but I reluctantly drew them anyway.

Fast forward 30 years. One day as I was tidying up my house, I found my primary school exercise book. As I flipped those pages of yore, I could not help but smile. There was something special about this book that made me treasure it. It was the margins. At every margin, Mrs Yeo would pen some encouraging words like, “I am happy that your ambition is to become a teacher”, “Interesting narration of a pencil-box life? love your ideas of giving birth to little baby pencils”, “You are the only boy whose best friend is a girl – keep it up”. Sometimes she would draw a star, a sad face, a smiley or just a simple tick to show her reaction to my statement.

I noticed a few pages on which I did not draw margins; there were no remarks. How I wish I had drawn them.


I thought drawing those silly margins was a waste of space and was worried that my exercise book would not last the whole year. The fact was, the margins turned out to be the highlight of my book and by the end of the year the book was only three-quarters filled. Yes, I had worried for nothing. The worth of the exercise book is not measured by its length; it is measured by its content. Likewise, time is not measured by seconds; it is measured by the moments. I shall continue to create such moments by drawing those silly margins in my life!

Extracted from A Slice of Life

Bflygal's comments: Make allowances in your busy schedule to give you time to reflect. That is what I felt when a friend was telling me his weekly schedule yesterday. I felt there was no breather to self-reflect. But I also find that I self-reflect too much haha. Alright I will be busy soon...


Because he's the hero Gotham deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So we'll hunt him because he can take it. Because he's not our hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector. A dark knight.

Source: Dark Knight

>> Bflygal's comments: I finally watched Dark Knight just to see that Edison 2 seconds fame haha. But I found out Lau is a Singaporean actor (Chin Han). Kudos! And Dark Knight is handsome.. sadly all these people can only be the angel in the background. Such is life.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Museum Interactions

After visiting too many museums, I realised there are quite a number of interactions between visitors and exhibits.. For e.g.

Collecting imprints in Asian Civilisation Museum (ACM)

Posing as suuperheroes in Singapore Philatelic Museum

Cycle your way to an interesting photo trail in Singapore Art Museum (SAM)

Colour animal rubbings hidden all around SAM

More colouring and origami in Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research

Dress like a Torajan woman in ACM

Plaster painting

And many other fun activities one can participate in.. especially during open houses... So who says museums are boring?

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Swimming Theories

Due to my kneecap injury, I started to take up swimming. And it is funny how these swimming encounters actually made me come out with some theories. (I know my brain never stops thinking...)

1)The first time I wanted to go swimming, it rained just as I reached the entrance. And I learnt that I never did understand the skies. Supposed to be upset except the heavy rain soaked me from head to toe and I did not have much brain cells left to think.

2)The second time I went swimming, I realised the place did not change much. And childhood & JC memories suddenly came pouring back. But even though the swimming pool did not change much, I think the gym is a new addition i.e. surroundings still change.

3)A girl lost her bracelet in the swimming pool and asked if I'm a good swimmer. At first I thought why was I posed such a weird question. Indeed I can never imagine myself asking a stranger “Are you a good swimmer?”. Haha who knows I might get bashed up. But I realised in life, you either ask for help, or you try to help yourself. If you ask for help, you may get help. However if you insist to solve on your own, you may scratch your head till you are bleeding, or in this case you may just drown to get your bracelet back (not likely though as there are lifeguards). And i don't know if it is good news or bad news that I'm the latter type.

4)Is another day where I did not predict the sky well except this time I refuse to bow to the grey skies. And indeed is a weird day. When I stepped into the pool, it started to drizzle. After a few laps, the sky turned bright. Then after a few more laps, it turned dark again. I guess there are times the skies cannot make up their mind to be bright or dark. But one thing is for sure, after darkness, the light is always very bright. Of course to see it another way, after the basking in bright light, the darkness can be very gloomy too.

5)Wanted to go swimming yesterday only to felt lazy in the end and decided to postpone to the next day. Except that last minute someone got pulled out of the project (to go to another much doable project) and I had to take over i.e. last minute arrange a handover session. In the end I did not went swimming on either days. Considering if I really went swimming, then I might not be able to setup this last minute assignment. Guess I may not predict the sky well, but at times, suddenly being in a lazy mood has its reasons haha.

Oh and anybody wants a free Monday Java, you can claim it in the Airport Dept Checkin and Arrival Baggage Claim haha.  And I realised one can really have a DFS in the airport.  Been shopping in the airport lately.

Daily Present

If one day when you wake up, you would find on your bed a beautifully wrapped present with delicate bows, you would open it before even washing your face, curious about what is inside....

Maybe what you find is something you do not like very much...then you would put away the box wondering what to do with the present...

But, if the next day you find another present, you would open it also and, if this time you find something inside that you like very much....

A memory from someone that is far away....a beautiful clothing you saw on a window shop...the keys to a new car....a beautiful winter coat...or just a beautiful flower from somebody that remembered you.....

This happens every day, but we do not realize it...
Every day when we wake up, it is there, before us, a present sent to us by God....a whole day to use in the best possible way

Sometimes it comes with problems, issues that we do not seem to be able to solve. Sometimes it comes with sadness, deception, even tears...

But other times it comes full of surprises, happiness, success and achievements......

What is important is that every day we receive a present, wrapped especially for us while we sleep: THE NEXT DAY.

We are presented this box with colored bows, no matter what the day brings........

That day when we wake up every morning is a PRESENT.....
The present that life gives us.
It is not always what we wish or what we hope for......
But it is the best for us, what we need most, what we have to learn.....what we need to grow...

Open your PRESENT every day, giving thanks first to the Creator that gave it to you, without thinking what is inside the box.
If today you do not receive the present you wanted, wait for the next one....and appreciate what you received today

Tomorrow... Open your present with love and enthusiasm, because one day your dreams and the life plan for you will come inside the box, beautifully wrapped for you...

Bflygal's comment: Cannot forget Ji Bao Bei wrapped up in the present box when she first appear in the show... Present! Ji Bao Bei!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Make choices to feel good about life

Source: Eugene Loh - A Slice of Life

Eugene Loh shared how to feel good about your life.
1) Never stop questioning.
2) Don't give up on life.  Be interested and curious about yourself and about others.  Don't assume that's "just the way it is".  Look for the choices behind your results.
3) Accept your weakness.  Don't deceive yourself by thinking you're the only one with difficulties in their life.
4) Don't stop learning.  The brain is a muscle just like any other, and it will stagnate if you let it.  Make it your rule to learn something new everyday.  Then use what you learn to make your life better.
5) Don't lie to yourself.  Telling lies to yourself is the most harmful form of disrespect.
6) Don't live in the past.  Let go of things that are draining you.  There's nothing in the past that you can change or correct - that can only be done in the present.  Use Today.  Today, change what you need to change, and move on to feeling good about your life.
7) Swim with the current.  Don't complain what you cannot control.  Concentrate on what you can control.

But how do you control what you want to control?  How do you make choices?  From his article "Choose what you want in life",  he listed that one made choices based on
- "shoulds": doing what you believe you should do?
- Pleasing others and doing what others want or expect you to do
- Fear thus you choose the safest or most common route
- Habit and reaction where you don't even think about what you are doing.  You just do it naturally (not sure if it also means robotically).

Empowerment arises from the three Cs: choice, courage and change.  They are yours to claim.. You have the opportunity to create a future that's very different from your past.  And not choosing is also considered a choice.

Questions.. and answers...

What's the easiest thing to do in life?

What's the greatest obstacle?

The most profound tragedy in life?

The root of all evil?

The most wonderful entertainment and fun?

The greatest failure?
Lack of faith.

The best teachers?
Kids. (Totally agree.  The children I meet in the zoo always taught me something.  So do the adults!)

The absolute prime need?
Human contact. (Is it?  Judging what I am doing lately, hard to believe this answer...)

What brings a person the greatest feeling of satisfaction?
Being of help to somebody and being appreciated. (What if you don't get appreciated? What if you keep being made use of?  What if you become like 便利贴女生 - everybody wants to work with you but nobody wants to be you?  But sometimes I wonder why must you change.  People change only when there is something wrong.  But being helpful isn't wrong, being overly helpful isn't wrong.  If it isn't wrong, why must you change?  If it is the other party's fault for making use of you, why not make him change, why must you be stronger.  I don't get it, why must the one not at wrong change while the one at wrong goes around leading a happy life.)

The greatest mystery?
Death.  (Is it?)

The most serious human failing?
Lack of sense of humour.

The greatest enemy?
Deceit and lies.

The worst emotion?

The most wonderful gift?

The quickest way forward?

The most wonderful feeling?
Inner peace.

The best defense?

The best medicine?

The greatest might on earth?

The people of whom we need most of all?
Our parents. (FAMILY!)

Friday, August 21, 2009


出至: 愛情想太多






以前,當我 孤獨的時候,
就是" 想你" 這個最簡單的方法,
這個 你不曾體會的方法
這個 我自己想到的方法

是我又再 小題大作了嗎?

想念 是一種 很玄的東西,
填滿 整個腦袋 空隙;
遺忘 也是一種很玄的東西,
不愛了,那個曾經 滿滿的你
就這樣 悄悄的 消失殆盡,

既然這樣,那就 讓一切都過去吧!
新的 就很難再靠近

Bflygal's comment: 两年前读的书,两年后写了读后感,事物已变,但是读后感没变。

Anyway while at it, I saw some Sex and the City Movie quotes that I forgot to published too...

Women come to New York for the two L's: Labels and Love.
>> Hmm no wonder I have yet to find an urge to visit NYC

Samantha Jones: [hands Carrie her iPhone, which Carrie returns somewhat disgusted]
Carrie Bradshaw: I don't know how to work this!
>> Guess what, I'm still using an ancient N70 phone because indeed, I can't fancy those touchscreen phones. But then I'm beginning to love my BB too haha. What to do, I'm a tech-gal at heart!

Marriage is a daunting institution. It’s been known to suck the romance out of a relationship, but also deepen it.
It’s something you can’t question; you just have to do it.
>> Actually I never question the existence of love, nor marriage and I fully respect family.

Anyway looking back now, I have to admit SATC movie or TV isn't deeply etched in my mind. Kinda forgot most of the scenes. Probably fashion is the only thing I want to learn.. but I'm just too lazy...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Full Tarot Reading on 24th Aug 2009


What Covers You 

Page of Wands  

Briefly: Time to go where angels fear to tread and live.

Full Meaning: What a gorgeous young man depicted on this card. He looks romantic and adventurous and daring to go out there and conquer the world and meet his destiny, wherever that may be and with whoever he is yet to meet. He is warm and sensitive and challenged by the adventure of life itself. He knows no fears for he is too young yet to know what that means. He is daring and forthright and persistent to get his needs met. He likes to travel far and wide and will not be restrained by what others want him to do. His life is his own and he knows that he alone owns it. He cannot tolerate lies, deception or unwholesomeness. He welcomes change and will go off on a tangent and leave town on a whim. He knows no boundaries of mind or soul. He has gained some skills in life and has a feather in his cap, so to speak. He will go where angels fear to tread and live the simple life if at all possible. He is poetic and also loves life and learning new skills.

What Crosses You 

Four of Swords 

Briefly: It is time to take a rest, have a break, maybe have a holiday or in some other way remove yourself from current pressures.

Full Meaning: Initially when you draw this card, it is telling you to take a rest, have a break, maybe have a holiday or in some other way remove yourself from current pressures.  You may be run-down, tired, and now it is time to be a little contemplative and to take it easy for awhile.  The daily routine has become too demanding or even mundane and you need a change, any change will do.  If you have been feeling unwell, it may be time to consult a doctor, a surgeon or even a dentist.  Often it can indicate needing an injection, or cutting implements may be needed, as in surgery of some kind, or medications.  This is a good time to start looking after yourself, and protecting yourself against such things as getting an infection or fever.  Antibiotics may be needed or a tonic or some vitamins.  Some people just need to get more sleep or rest.  Your lungs may need attention at this time or you are experiencing some type of respiratory problem. If this is the case, then  seek help in the early stages to avoid any long-term health problem and your recovery will be quick.

What Crowns You 

Queen of Cups 

Briefly: You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart or perhaps child birth or a wedding.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman, dressed in a gown that could be a wedding dress.  This is holding a cup between her hands as if she has just been given this by someone in front of her.  She has lovely blonde hair that is braided and she wears pearl earrings and some pearls around her hair.  She wears an elaborate head dressing and there is a large fan in the background.  She is stood beside the ocean. If this is you, then you may be about to get married or even have your first child.  You are sensitive and caring and very family orientated.  You are immaculately well groomed and have great pride in your appearance. You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart.  If this is not you, then someone you know already, or whom you are about to meet, who is described by this card is about to enter your life and make a huge impact on your lifestyle.

What Is Beneath You 

Ten of Cups 

Briefly: This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.

Full Meaning: This card shows a cup, held in a man’s hand, and joined by a woman’s hand, as they appear to be about to sip together from the liquid in the cup, as if sharing in a celebration of some wonderful event.  There is a rainbow in the background and several tall, green trees, some shrubs, beside a river and with mountains in the far distance.  The sky is blue and the day looks warm as in Springtime.  There are 9 cups across the sky in front of the rainbow. This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.  Two people are brought together in unison and peace to share a special time in their lives.  A joint project has obviously reached fruition and they are proud of their achievements and wish to celebrate in grand style. If you draw this card you may rest assured, that even though it took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy expended.  You can relax in your new found comfort zone and pursue your other objectives with peace of mind, knowing that your life is now more secure than it has ever been.

What Is Behind You 

Ten of Wands 

Briefly: Your objectives now need to be focussed on the long term solution to current problems, rather than just a band aid on the situation.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man struggling with a heavy load. This may reflect some aspect of your life where you feel a little overwhelmed and unable to continue without a strong will and a determination not to fail. Your motives are of high standing and you only want what is best for everyone concerned. You will soon gain the feather in your cap and be able to move freely through life as if the coast is finally clear. Your objectives now need to be focussed on the long term solution to current problems, rather than just a band aid on the situation. Give yourself every effort to succeed and you surely will.

What Is Before You 

The Moon 

Briefly: Very deep emotions and if you are going through any big events in your life this will be a meaningful period for you and one that will be long remembered.

Full Meaning: This card depicts the Moon in the centre of the card and on either side is a dog barking in the night. There are also two castles and these are divided by a stream which has a scorpion in it. Sometimes there can be contaminated or dangerous water or liquid connected with this card. There may also prove to be differences between neighbours for one reason or another. It is as if there is something going on at night with one of the neighbours and this gets under your skin and causes friction and resentment. It can also indicate very deep emotions and if you are going through any big events in your life this will be a very meaningful period for you and one that will be long remembered. If you meet a new partner during this time, more than likely it will occur at night and be an intense and passionate liaison. Perhaps one of you is born under the Sign of Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer.

Your Self 

Four of Wands 

Briefly: Perhaps the family is becoming more important to you or one long distant family member is coming to stay or you are planning to visit their home.

Full Meaning: This is a beautiful card to behold. To me it appears that there is a castle in the distance, on a hill-top and the two wands on either side seem to represent the entrance or gateway to this lovely home. The garland of flowers draped over the wands give an impression of comfort, warmth and beauty. For some this card can mean that you are about to move house. The new one will be a significant improvement on the current abode. If you have already just moved, then the emphasis will be on relaxation and a sanctuary way from the hustle and the bustle of city life. A home in the country would be a suitable location to be living in. Serenity and peace will be the mode of daily living. Perhaps the family is becoming more important to you or one long distant family member is coming to stay or you are planning to visit their home, which is probably at a distance from where you are at the moment.

Around You 

Seven of Cups 

Briefly: Someone could be confusing you or taking advantage of your good nature.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows seven cups and each of these has some elusive or deceptive icon in it that is advising you to look beneath the surface of situations to see what is really there. Someone could be confusing you or taking advantage of your good nature. It is also wise to check that any food or water is not contaminated as there is the element of disease or poison likely to be found lurking in these products. Even skin lotions may be productive of rashes or allergies. However, for those who are psychic, this can be a very revealing and inspiring time when your hunches pay off in a wonderful way. Some benefits are there for those who listen to their higher self and follow the guidance to a T.

Hopes and Fears 


Briefly: It is possible that someone born under the sign of Leo is of some importance to you right now. our strength and fortitude are about to be acknowledged and tested

Full Meaning: Initially the picture on this card depicts a woman holding open the mouth of a lion, which shows both her courage and her desire to tame the wild beast. It is possible that someone born under the sign of Leo is of some importance to you right now. If you are the Leo, then now is you time to shine and let the world know what you can do. Your efforts will receive recognition now and if this in any way involves being in the public eye, the spotlight is about to seek you out and make you look like a beacon in the night. Your strength and fortitude are about to be acknowledged and tested. If you withstand the demands made on your resilience and energy levels, you will come through this time with flying colours.


Two of Pentacles 

Briefly: A choice between two options.

Full Meaning: This card shows a young man with a cap on his head which has a feather in it. He holds two pentacles, signifying a choice between two options. He is indecisive about where to put his time and his energy. He may also feel that his accumulation of funds needs to be weighed and considered as to where it would benefit him the most in the future. He could be offered two different jobs and will deliberate until he feels comfortable in his decision. He may join the army, navy or some other adventurous form of work. There is likely to be some good news or an offer arrives from overseas. The ocean is in the background signifying that he is a sensitive soul and has great compassion.

Bflygal's comments: And I finally know what I lost, a list of phrases that I copied from my brother's NUSSU welfare book.  Maybe it was destined not to share nor remember them.  I remember when I took this reading, I was really very down and nobody could understand what I am facing.  After one weekend, more events happen and change the situation, but nobody knows if it is change for the better or worst.  I only know scar, after the healing period is over, is supposed to strengthen you.  That is what 清风says...

Friday, August 14, 2009

放心i'm ok, 我的快乐会回来的,

I'm ok
- 元若蓝

唱片- 命中注定我爱你

放心i'm ok go away
所以i'm ok 无所谓



放心i'm ok go away
所以i'm ok 无所谓




放心i'm ok go away
所以i'm ok 无所谓


放心i'm ok go away
所以i'm ok 无所谓


- 锦绣二重唱
















Monday, August 10, 2009


我明明知道为什么我迟迟不肯看《命中注定我爱你》。 可是妈咪突然也对这部戏有兴趣,因此我也开始继续了那段曾经擦肩而过命中注定要看的偶像剧。 有那么一点希望看完这部戏后,我再也不会沉浸于过去。

陈欣怡都可以离开台湾,去了上海,从新脱变。 我好像改变,又像在原地,是因为我并没有努力吗?可是有时候就算你原风不动地站在原地,但是原地未必也一成不变。原来你想要的原点,早已悄悄离开你了。

记得陈欣怡曾经许过一个愿望,“我爱上了纪存希。我希望他永远都不会知道。" 说真的,有时候,不知道比知道好。但是不知道是不是哑巴吃黄连,不吐不快;还是天下事没有秘密这东西,所以纸永远包不住火。

茶托需要茶杯,茶杯需要茶盖,这三样东西,本来就应该要放在一起,唯一只有这三样东西,并不适合彼此。 这是,唯一的不适合, 在勉强也没有用。。。


當過去的一切確定比存封, 他们能够打开的就只有将来。 我想这也是为什么Anna这芭蕾舞者在原地旋转时,需要先找一个目标,才不会跌倒。但是我真的不知道我的目标是什么。


可能我真的需要一盆琉璃苣(Borage)。话说琉璃苣有个传说 :

毕竟琉璃苣的花语是勇气,而有勇气的人才能得到真正的爱情。 我不是要它得到爱情,壮胆一下。就如陈欣怡形容辛福吧,让人觉得温暖,安全,又有一种如履薄冰的恐慌,好像随时会消失。
p/s: while searching for my lost article (which I guess I really lost it for good), I came across Rascal Flatts - What Hurts the Most again.  I have no idea what I wanted to blog previously, but I guess is for my own good that I have forgotten.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

NHB Open House (08 Aug 2009 - 09 Aug 2009)

As the nation celebrates its birthday, I had the chance to visit as many NHB museums for free as I could. And this "adventure" starts on Friday night because SAM has a free admission policy every Friday after 6pm.

Link : Singapore Art Museum

Opening Hours:
Daily: 1000 – 1900 (till 2100 on Friday)

  • Adults: $8.00
  • Student/NSF: $4.00
Groups of 20 or more: 20% off admission tickets

Free admission to NHB Museum Roundtable pass holders, seniors above 60 and children 6 years and below.
* Other family packages, check Singapore Art Museum Admission

Free Admission
  • Monday – Friday 1200 to 1400
  • Friday 1800 to 2100
  • Public holidays

The ongoing exhibits include:
Threads - (supposedly open as stated in pamplet but I did not see on Fri night. Went back on Saturday only to find out it was closed already.)

An Unbroken Line: The Wu Guanzhong Donation Collection
Fusion of traditional Chinese ink painting with Western oil painting
(This is the exhibit that I wanted to visit some time ago. Although photography is disallowed, one is allowed to sketch. And I seen some sketching his work.. A bit weird esp when it was his art piece on nudity which he revisited when he was 70+ again. Anyway you can read itchyfinger's post for more information.  What I envy is the fact that he has travelled extensively to paint and his artworks are a wide variety.  I actually like his oil painting and his famous panda painting heehee)

Earth and Water: Mapping Art in Southeast Asia
(I did not really appreciate it but there were a few photographs that gave me a very idlylic feel. )

(Had some interesting exhibits e.g. The time machine haha.)

As the exhibits do not permit photography, thus I can only show you photos outside the exhibit e.g. Fashion. Is a group of fashion designers-to-be who created a series of collection inspired by Wu Guanzhong artwork. My personal favourite is this:

Fashion Collection inspired by
Dots and Lines Greeting Spring (点线迎春)
Wu Guanzhong

Fashion Designer: Eng Hwee San

Kind of like the soft light effect on the fountain too!

The Living World Sculpture
Renowned Taiwanese sculptor, Juming, created the "sitting figures" sculpture previously located outside the National Museum's building.

Supposed to take this in the day but there were just too many passerbys. Actually the night effect isn't that bad too.

The second day, I woke up bright and early (as early as my lazy body could) to visit the Asian Civilisation Museum (again hee hee.)

  • Adult: $5.00
  • Student/NSF: $2.50
Groups of 20 or more
  • Adult: $4.00
  • Student/NSF: $2.00
Joint admission to Asian Civilisation Museum and Peranakan Museum:
  • Adult: $10.00
  • Student/NSF: $5.00
Free admission to NHB Museum Roundtable pass holders, seniors above 60 and children 6 years and below.
Discounted admission from 7-9 pm on Fridays

Opening hours
Mon: 1300 - 1900
Tue to Sun: 0900 - 1900 (till 2100 on Fridays)

Nearest MRT: Raffles Place
Still remember my last visit to ACM was to view Kang Xi exhibits where no photography is allowed. This time is on Hunters and Collectors (the origins of the Southeast Asian Collection) and photography is allowed! Though I did not take much as I get bored easily if the exhibits all look similar... but I still made some surprising finds there.

Take this excerpt for an example:

Man, however wild may be his state, has been endowed with intelligence… Let us then make him understand that he has nothing to fear from us and little by little, if our patience does not fail, he will grow more gentle and become a friend instead of an enemy.
- My friends, the savages (Sorruti 1906: 12)

Actually all savages are savages because we judge them before we make an effort to understand them. And even if we did try to understand them, we did not make an effort for them to understand us. If there exists mutual understanding for every race, nationality, society; I guess we can all co-exist with our different cultures and practices.

Another paragraph which shocked me to read further is
I don't like Singapore, it is a rotten place as is indeed every other town.  I am simply crazy to get away again...
- 1903, William Louis Abbott

He was actually uncomfortable in Singapore towns and would prefer to rough it out in uninhabited faraway places.

There were a number of interesting artefacts of which my favourite is the range of kettles (see Tisugal's post as her photos are clearer). I like the animal designs on the kettle/lid. It reminds me of peranakan kamcheng (see past post) too heehee!

And I was so surprised and happy to see the RMBR Zoological Reference Collection which I missed previously. (See here for more details on RMBR.)

It was this 100+ years old Leathery Turtle that made me recognised the RMBR collection.

Leathery Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
This turtle was found in Singapore on the beach at Siglap, in December 1883. The local people who found it, tried to return it to the sea. Mr. A. M. Skinner, who was passing by, persuaded them to take it to the Museum instead.
Leathery turtle is the largest form of turtle. It lives in open seas and fees largely on jellyfish.

Leopard staring straight into my camera. I guess if it is alive, I will never be able to take such a shot.

The ZRC has one of the largest collections of Southeast Asian animals in the region which includes this pair of soaring Christmas Island birds and the Tiger (Panthera tigris).  FYI the last proven record of a tiger in Singapore was in 1930. In 1999, there were reports of a tiger sighting on Pulau Ubin. These were never substantiated as the animal could not be found. Tigers are strong swimmers and are likely to have swum across the Johor Straits.

 While looking around, I saw the ACM's vision:
As societies change, museums need to remain useful and relevant. We continue to shape our collections and to find exciting and effective ways to make these collections 'speak', so that visitors can have a better appreciation of the different cultures that Singapore is rooted in, and learn from the past in order to better navigate the future.
Still remember in a guidebook, I saw a following comment on ACM:
It's not a museum of the past, it's a museum of the future.
- Jack Lohman, Director of the Museum of London Group and Chairman of the UK unit of International Council of Museums, Reuters
I started visiting museums since young for school visits and I see museums really changed alot.  Hmm a pity I am unable to remember what museums I visited in the past though.

Oh ya, I was puzzled what and where is Raffles Museum which they keep refering too. Till I re-read a display outside the ladies and found this line "In 1969, Raffles Museum was formally renamed the National Museum.". Oops I had forgotten I read it before. Memory bad!

In another exhibit, I also saw surgical tools and cosmetics kit.

Can you imagine a job that requires these tools? Doctor? Make-up artistes? How about foresics doctor? Or corpse make-up? Ok I'm getting morbid!

It is actually the job of a conservator in Heritage Conservation Centre  which is also a new exhibit that had replaced the Myth creatures collection.

I like the HCC's vision:
Conserving for the present;
Preserving for the future

So what are suture needles used for?
Used in surgeries for closing up wounds and torn tissues, conservators use these same suture needles for stitching textile artefacts.

As for cosmetic kit, in conserving and caring for artefacts, conservators are exacting in their choice of treatment tools. for cleaning of artefact surfaces and textiles, conservators only use soft brushes and sponges that are also delicate enough for human skin.

Then is next stop back to SAM as mentioned. On the way, I saw a few interesting buildings.

This looks so flat due to the angle that I really want to know how does the inside looks.

Another interesting building in my opinion because of the greenery growing on the wire mesh.

On National day, after gym, I suddenly noticed (ok I noticed for quite some time just no action taken) the direction signs to Malay Heritage Centre and decided to make that my first museum stop.

Malay Heritage Centre
Istana Kampong Gelam

Opening Hours:
Malay Heritgae Centre Compound:
  • 0800 – 2100 Daily
 Malay Heritage Centre Museum:
  • Mon: 1000 - 1800
  • Tue to Sun: 1300 - 1800

Paid Admission:
  • Adults: $4.00
  • Children (7 to 12) / Elderly (above 60): $3.00
  • Children (below 7): Free

Nearest MRT: Bugis or City Hall

*Note: The permanent galleries at the Malay Heritage Centre Museum will be closed from Jan to Sep/Oct 2010 for revamp. (Luckily I did not put off this visit again.)

Built more than 160 years ago by Sultan Ali - the son of Sultan Hussein Shah - the Istana Kampong Glam is home to the Malay Heritage Centre Museum consisting of nine exhibition galleries. So how does it look like?

A vague drawing of its archictectural design..

A much more defined logo..

And finally the actual building. I did not really capture the fountain well though due to the hot midday sun (and my lousy skills).

The museum showcases the interesting history of Malays in the region as well as Singapore Malays' aspirations towards nation-building. There was this transition of the kampung days to high rise HDB as well as a replica of the newstand with lots of candies that can still be found today.

It is the first time I was walking around Arab Street. On the way, I saw Masjid Sultan Singapore.

As I saw a stream of tourists going in, I decided to pay a visit. There was a display exhibit elaborating about the religion - Islam.  After that, I headed to my next stop Peranakan Museum to view the Special exhibition - Baba Bling: Peranakan Family Jewels.

Peranakan Museum
Nearest MRT: City Hall

Opening hours
Mon: 1300 - 1900
Tue to Sun 0930 - 1900 (till 2100 on Friday)

Paid Admission
  • Adult: $6.00
  • Students and seniors above 60 years: $3.00
Group (20 pax and more)
  • Adult: $5.00
  • Students and seniors above 60 years: $2.50
Family: $20.00

Joint admission to Asian Civilisation Museum and Peranakan Museum:
  • Adult: $10.00
  • Student/NSF: $5.00
Free admission to NHB Museum Roundtable pass holders, seniors above 60 and children 6 years and below.
Free admission on Friday 1900 - 2100 during non-special exhibits
50% off regular admission prices during special exhibits 

Perankan signature jewellery is probably their kerosangs and this special exhibition contains the largest kerosangs (signature Peranakan brooches) and rare pieces of Peranakan jewellery.

Kerosang refers to either a brooch or a set of three brooches, used to fasten the clothing (either a baju panjung/long tunic or kebaya) of a Peranakan woman (nonya). The kerosang was and still is one of the most prominent pieces of jewellery worn by a nonya. Wealthy nonyas had at least one set of kerosang, often made of gold and set with diamonds.

Unable to take photo, I can only take the picture in the gallery guide.  This is a gold and diamond kerosang set with bird and butterfly motifs (Late 19th century to 20th century) from Penang.  It is currently on loan from Dr. Ho Pui San. 

This style of kerosang is associated with nonyas from Penang, where the 'mother' brooch is the bird motif and is accompanied by the circlet butterfly brooches. An interesting feature of this piece is the use of rubies for the eyes of the butterflies.

For your information, there will be a Bling It On! Open House on 5th-6th Sep.

My last stop is the post office i.e. Singapore Philatelic Museum

Opening hours
Mon: 1300 - 1900
Tue to Sun 0930 - 1900 

Paid Admission
  • Adult: $5.00
  • Children (3-12 years) : $4.00
Admission is free for Friends of Stamps members. Members must show their membership card. 
Admission is also free on New Year's Day, 2nd day of Chinese New Year, Hari Raya Puasa, Deepavali, Christmas Day, National Day, and International Museum Day.

Ongoing exhibits include:
A cow and bull story

Skull of Anoa or Dwarf Water Buffalo (courtesy of Raffles Museum Biodiversity Research)
Another RMBR exhibit, coolz!  The smallest wild cattle in the world, the anoa is just 1.6m long and weigh more than 300 kg. This unique animal is found only in the island of Indonesia. Unlike other breeds of cattle, it prefers to live in pairs. Sadly, the anoa is endangered and continues to dwindle in numbers because of illegal hunting and the destruction of its habitat.

Comic and superheroes
Graphic sketches were also used as a tool to ridicule the royalty and aristocracy, as well as man's follies.

At the post office with Max and Philly
Varieties of mailboxes from around the world! I suddenly got an urge to take photos of all the post boxes in the world.  Hee hee!

Thus ended my museum adventure.  See if I will write more details the next round...

Related Posts:
Internal Tourist : Musuems
Internal Tourist : Asian Civilisation Museum
Post boxes

Friday, August 07, 2009


那天跟老公幸運地訂到了票回婆家,上車後卻發現有位女士坐在 我們的位子上,老公示意我先坐在她旁邊的位子,卻沒有請這位女士讓位。 我仔細一看,發現她右腳有一點不方便,才了解老公為何不請她讓出位子。

他就這樣從嘉義一直站到台北,從頭到尾都沒向這位女士表示這個位子是他的, 下了車之後,心疼老公的 我跟他說:「讓位是善行,但從嘉義到台北這麼久,大可中途請她把位子還給你,換你坐一下。」老公卻說:「人家不方便一輩子,我們就不方便這三小時而已。」

Bflygal's comments: A lifetime versus 3 hours. Must remember.

Quotes of the week

To hide the key to your heart is to risk forgetting where you placed it
- Timothy Childers, author

Bflygal's comment: “对不起” is Chen Xin Yi's pet phrase. And as usual I always fall in love with the "sidekick". Baron Chen, my new love interest. Haha. But why do I always fall for the guardian role. Maybe because Ethan Ruan is really hateful. And because I am still watching the beginning. But I roughly know what the plot will be because it is still the typical idol pop. And because I caught a few episodes in Taiwan last year. Most importantly I know the ending will be a happy one. Haha! But guess the "sidekick" will once again 割爱!

And because of it, I suddenly came up with this phrase...
