- 北极熊对女王的一番话,深深刻在我脑里。
曾经陪伴着我的,却在我想放弃的那个星期,也出现了斑点。好懊恼,好伤心,也失去了睡眠与胃口,因为这一切来得太突然。因为我并不是真的很想很想放弃。可能一切是注定,因此忍着痛,买了它。却发现,因它电磁不强, 我还是需要带出那曾经的伴侣。只是,它已变成后备。。。
Anyway after that, I got myself a pair of booties finally. Yeah! Am quite excited about the horseshoe crab R&R.
By the way, I happen to take my bro's DSLR out for a walk and am quite amused by this toy of his. It is heavy, it is misleading, and yet it does makes me feel inspired to read up more on how to master it (I haven't start it yet though haha. let me procrastinate till next year。 Afterall it is his DSLR still...)
Anyway let me share with you what amused me. It was taking this picture, at that time I still don't know how to focus with his camera and I was just taking it randomly. My first/second attempt failed.
I wanted to give up but decided one more time. Third time lucky (I have an afinity with being third time lucky. Hope my camera will be third time lucky too.. *cross fingers*), I managed to focus finally. Then I showed my brother these photos, he was saying the first one isn't too bad at all because the background was sharp. And that it depends on what I was trying to focus hahaha. End up, I like both photos because ya, I actually like the structure in the background (took a few more pictures of it).
Oh and this is the Istana. It was really an impromptu visit as I just happened to walk past it from my gym while heading to the National Museum again haha. But I'm glad to have visited it once in my lifetime. I did compare it with the Taiwan's Presidential Building which explained why I had created a new FB album, initially to put these 2 presidential buildings. Later on, decided to add a few more landmarks so that the album will not be too empty haha.
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