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Wednesday, July 07, 2010


7th July 2010

Sunshine in your sky
See the birds fly so high
I know I can't fly
But I still want to try
Try try try...
- 痞子英雄

- 痞子英雄

Has been watching 痞子英雄 lately and while the song sounded stupid and is not a true song, I can't help wishing to try to fly too.
These days, I feel there is too much grey areas and I really don't know what I should do in life. I had a long chat with my boss and while I no longer remember what we talk about.. I remember him doing an ARK. Every time he see this old man with walking difficulty making his way to the coffee shop or back home, he will extend a helping hand. And each time he came back (after a real long time), he will be sweating profusely and his back will ache. But he will not stop helping because he was brought up since young (from a Buddhist school), to always extend a helping hand when possible. He may not have studied much but he certainly has put whatever he studied in good use.

Seeing him make me more resolute in taking the road less travelled.