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Monday, September 14, 2009

Instructions on how to live this earth.

Source: Email

One day I asked God for instructions on how to live on this earth. And the list as follows:

Be like the sun.
Arise early, and do not go to bed late.

Be like the moon.
Shine in the darkness, but submit to the greater light.

Be like the birds.
Eat, sing, drink, and fly free.

Be like the flowers,
Loving the sun, but faithful to your roots.

Be like the faithful dog,
but only to your Lord.

Be like the fruit.
Beautiful on the outside, and healthy on the inside.

Be like the day,
which arrives and leaves without boasting.

Be like the oasis.
Give your water to the thirsty.

Be like the firefly,
although small, it casts its own light.

Be like the water,
Good and transparent

Be like the river,
always moving forward

And above all things,be like the heavens:A home for God.

Lord, don't let me remain where I am.
Help me reach where You want me to be.

Bflygal's comment: A ppt that I wanted to blog a long time back. But I chose to write it today... because of its aptness.. since I asked Goddess of Mercy for enlightenment too.

I suddenly thought of a swimming theory that I came up with a few days ago. Do you count the number of laps you did, or the number of laps left? Because if you count the number of laps left, while it might motivate you, but will it spur you to do more? Is counting your achievements an optimist way of looking or pessimistic way? Or is an entirely different theory altogether?

Anyway thinking of my swimming theories because of 败犬女王。因为女王是那种痛也不会喊痛的人。 Reminds me of my theory "But I realised in life, you either ask for help, or you try to help yourself." And what I chose in life.

Anyway I got more 败犬女王 quotes...

一颗排除万难 也要把病人救活的心
Lucas is an interesting doctor-to-be.. hmmm...

Does itchyfinger like turtle for such reasons?? Hmm...

Is that really marriage?

White lies..