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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Faulpez boils Adzuki Beans

Azuki Beans are particular popular among Chinese cultures. They meant good luck, and so is often included in festive meal. Being a good source of protein, iron and B-group Vitamins, they are also low in fat and cholesterol free, while providing good quality dietary fibre.

In Japan, the whole boiled beans are served over ice with fruit or ice cream as a desert and is used as a sweet filling for cakes. In China the beans are boiled with sugar and water and served hot or cold as a sweet soup and the sweeten puree is used as a filling for sweet buns and pastries.

My style? Red bean soup with orange peel!


* Red Beans
* Big Cooking Pot
* Sugar
* Water
* Dried Mandarin Orange Peel (Optional)

1. Wash a 16-oz (1 lb) bag of red beans and a small piece of Madarin orange peel. Pour the beans, about 15 cups of water, and the orange peel in the big cooking pot. Red beans have to be fully covered by water. Cover the pot.

2. Heat the pot till water boiled, and turn heat to medium. Be sure to stir the red beans when they are boiled to prevent over spill because there will be lots of bubbles.

3. Keep the pot covered and cook for about 2 hours till the red beans turn pasty. It should look like soup but not as thick.

4. Lastly, pour about one cup of sugar (more or less) into the pot. Cook till sugar resolved.