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Wednesday, October 20, 2010


A crappy movie! That was what my bro warned me. And told me not to watch. But how can I resist it? Probably the only English sitcom that I follow so faithfully. I cannot remember another English sitcom (nope, never watched Friends, nor Desperate Housewives, or Gossip Gals...) that I bother to invest my time on. Though believe me, CSI is always on my to-watch list but I still have not (and probably will not) allocate time for it.

And I do admit I did not like the fashion sense. I still cannot accept Carrie's purple fluffy skirt when meeting Aidan. Nor the part on latest spring collection by the Abu Dhabi lovely ladies though it is fascinating to really find out what these ladies really wore beneath their black robe. You know, while thinking about them, I suddenly thought of the bird world. I had recently asked a seasoned bird watcher why all the birds are named after the male birds and not the female. And he replied because if they were named after females, it will become boring flycatcher (and not pipe flycatcher), boring laughing thrush (and not Chestnut capped laughing thrush or Chestnut crowned laughing thrush) and etc. Females, I guess are supposedly always the boring species and thus all the ladies in Abu Dhabi have to be in black from head to toe.

The classic scene would be how these ladies eat their fries. And seriously I wonder how long it would take them to finish a meal if they have to keep lifting their veil slightly for each mouthful.

I don't know what attracted me to SATC. Was it the New York dreams? The freedom. The free flow of ideals and dreams. What exactly was the word for NY? Achieve. Reminds me of my Alma mata's motto - Aim and Achieve. And for these past years, I have indeed been trying to aim myself towards where my heart desires.. but still has not achieved it. Of course I know the journey matters and time is probably not ripe yet.

I might never have a chance to stay in NYC not that I want to either. NYC is like any typical city to me now.. like Mel.. like SG. I think the freedom I'm seeing from these SATC gals, I probably can indulge in them in Mel now, at least a certain percentage. I know I'm still sheltered especially as my accommodation is paid and it includes a weekly cleaning thus I can still be lazy and not clean up too much. But ya, a month here and I realised I wielded quite a lot of freedom suddenly. And I need to know, how much more can I wield without being embroiled in guilty games?