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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Pride and Prejudice (Erotic Vesion)

When I first heard about 50 shades of Grey from the radio (which I seldom hear in Oz), I was curious what is the story that could make the author so famous.

Then my colleague told me it is just a beginner cookbook, advanced and intermediate. And I gave him a blank look. How can a culinary book capture the attention of so many readers. He was of course pulling a fast one on me.

As what another friend described, this is just... female porn. And that should end the story, especially since it gives me nothing to remember about after finishing the first book. Nothing other than making me interested to read Tess of the d'Urbervilles (which after I finish it in wiki, I conclude is sufficient... like how I finish read War and Peace on wiki too.)

I probably would have finished Grey on wiki if my friend did not give me a book version to read. I'm still very much a book person as I cannot really tolerate reading novels on the screen.. that's why I gave up War and peace which is such a long novel. I have to admit I am not a literary person. I can't write flowery prose. I prefer to read and co-relate instead.

And thus, while I was flipping through old magazines to clear, I suddenly thought of Pride and Prejudice, and suddenly, it clicked. I finally understood why this first book felt so familiar. Because Ana and Mr Grey is exactly like Elizabeth and Mr Darcy. A conceited man falling in love with a witty lady.

And then I started thinking, does all love story of today starts just like Pride and Prejudice. Did feminism rise at that time. Did women learn that they should be heard and yet not be overboard. Is that why Ana is so not submissive? Why conceited Mr Grey likes to be challenge?

I know there is a second and third book. And I know it that is where the similarity ends between Grey and Darcy. But for now, I only have one burning question. How independent should a women be? And how vocal should she be? I'm confused by what the society expects. I'm confuscated with the double standards applied to both female and males.

And as I can't write well, I decided to find a picture to conclude my entry.