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Sunday, May 08, 2011

House cleaning

I always knew it is hard work for my mum to clean up the house.. especially when we moved to a bigger apartment a decade ago. But it is only when I moved to a bigger apartment in Melbourne, that I really do understand the pains.

It is not as if the house was left in disarray. On the surface, things look fine. But when you start to touch, and as I move in, and I start to see the nooks and creaks and when I was brought up in a family where there is a certain level of hygiene (obviously not maintained by me)… I cannot help but feel the need to sanitise whatever I can. So I started with the toilet as that is nearest to the water source. Proceed to the bedroom that I will be sleeping. Found porn magazine and other trash and realised sigh, that why can’t I learn to close an eye like all my previous occupants. Anyway I gave up that Thursday night and went back to Blackman to sleep. Then Friday I decided to clean the kitchen, (as usual near the water source), and that’s when I realise what my friend had meant when she had taken the whole afternoon to scrub her oven clean… because I felt the same way for my microwave. Haha.. can see I’m the microwave person. After all I started cooking from it initially. So I cleaned the microwave and then the oven and the stove till it was passable. And I learnt why mum always clean up the kitchen after every session.. because when oil gets accumulated, it is not as simple as just wiping anymore. Even till today, I still feel that oily plastic feel. Sigh. And that includes the cabinets and stuff. I also concluded I will only move in as late as possible because afterall Blackman is newer and definitely so much cleaner. (And yes it is a good idea to do a weekly clean-up because likewise dirt when accumulated really gets stubborn.)

Once in awhile I will start to wish for mum to be here to clean for me.. and then I remind myself that the reason I moved is because it is time to take the next step. Looking back, from moving out, staying alone, cooking and now, cleaning.. I am taking steps to learn how to take care of myself. And I ought to be thankful. Obviously if I follow the typical steps of most of my counterparts, it will be moving out + cooking + cleaning lump up. The only pro, you have another person to share the burden haha. So for me, I have to do all these in baby steps.

Even as I am writing this, I still have the 2nd bedroom, the balcony and the doorway uncleaned. And I had planned to take it slowly as I am going hols for the Easter weekend. except my friend suddenly sprang a surprise and asked if can bunk in my place next week.. the day after I came back. So now pressed for time, I’m trying to clean up the 2nd bedroom as much as I could. I really hope they don’t mind the cleanliness of this place *cross fingers*.

And as usual, I will say, now that I understand how tiring it is, I should try to help my mum when back in SG.. but knowing myself, I may be out daily to lift even one finger in the household chores. But I really do appreciate her…sincerely. Thank you so much Mummy.

written on 20th April 2011

 p/s: Publishing this on Mother's Day... Obviously not hoping she will read it... just hoping for something...