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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Celine Dion - Then you look at me

Celine Dion - Then you look at me

Laugh and cry,
live and die
Life is a dream we are dreaming
Day by day I find my way
Look for the soul and the meaning

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

People run, sun to sun,
Caught in their lives ever flowing
Once begun, life goes till it's gone
We have to go where it's going

Then you look at me
And I always see
What I have been searching for
I'm lost as can be
Then you look at me
And I am not lost anymore

And you say you see
When you look at me
The reason you love life so
Though lost I have been
I find love again
And life just keeps on running
And life just keeps on running
You look at me and life comes from you

Bflygal's comments:
Was watching Bicentennial Man, a 1999 movie which followed loosely Isaac Asimov's story. And I so love Isaac Asimov. I remember when I first read his book I, Robot (1950), I was either in my primary school days or early secondary school days and his Three laws of robotics blew me.

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
2. A robot must obey any orders given to it by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

I don't quite remember this novella (some vague idea but not clear remembrance) partly as he wrote a lot of short stories on his robot series that I cannot really remember the stories exactly already. But he was probably the reason why I used to be so fascinated with AI. Of course sometimes I wish I could be in such area but as of now, I am still unable to figure out how.

However seeing how Andrew, the robot, actually using his knowledge to made an advancement in medical world, makes me wish I have such a skill. It is afterall still in my intent to mix IT with medical. But hmm I remember years ago when I thought about this topic, I had the following conclusion.

Anyway I'm thankful though that she enlighten me greatly with regards to IT & Healthcare, a topic that I have been thinking about for sometimes. She reminded me at least that as doctors, the main aim is to cure not only the disease but to heal the person too. This is something I hope to remember forever.. never to let IT replace the doctors.
- extracted from my past post in 2008

Because I know towards the end, Andrew had put Portia on a life support. So that they can both end their life together… Don’t really like that idea but oh well, he had went through deaths of Sir, Little Miss.. and it had gotten a point that he realised
“Will every human being that i care for just leave?”
Which saddened him greatly. That’s why he started creating prosthetic parts suitable for a human.

I remember initially when he was with Little Miss, Little Miss had fallen for him. And Little Miss was hinting to him that she likes him… the conversation goes like this:
Little Miss: I have this friend and he's smart and funny, and whenever I’m with him, I don't wanna be with Frank.
Andrew: I can see how that would create a problem.
Little Miss: Yes...
Andrew: but the answer is staring you in the face... marry your friend.

Sadly Little Miss knows that… “a relationship between us would be impossible. It would never, could never, work out.”

So they skip 2 generations while Little Miss got married to Frank and had a son who later got married too and had a daughter who is a spitting image of her grandmother.

And Andrew and Portia first meeting wasn’t exactly pleasant because he resented her for looking like Little Miss haha. So it was funny the first time Andrew went to find Portia and told her he did not like her at all. Then she replied “It couldn't be more clear if you spit in my face.” Which he replied “I can't. I don't have a mucous gland.” Talking about robot’s humour… hahahha

Then I remember there is this part when Andrew talks about making love
That you can lose yourself. Everything. All boundaries. All time. That two bodies can become so mixed up, that you don't know who's who or what's what. And just when the sweet confusion is so intense you think you're gonna die... you kind of do. Leaving you alone in your separate body, but the one you love is still there. That's a miracle. You can go to heaven and come back alive. You can go back anytime you want with the one you love.
Then Rupert Burns asked “And you want to experience that?“ of which Andrew replied “Oh, yes, please. “
Then Rupert said “So do I.”
And I cannot stop laughing that I almost rolled off my bed hahahhaa...

To think when Sir first explains about sex, he had commented that “It all sounds so very... messy.”
and after learning the fate of most sperm cells, he actually “feels badly for them.”
Yet this is the same robot that many decades later, wants to experience personally what exactly does lovemaking entails.

And of course he will need a target to “experiment” that and obviously it is none other than the granddaughter since Little Miss is no longer young to be able to accompany him. It amused me when Portia told him frankly that “I like you. I even understand you some of the time. But I'm not about to invest my emotions in a machine.” Of which he responded that it must be genetics to skip a generation because that was exactly what Sir told Little Miss to not invest her emotions in a machine too.

Afterall, like what Sir said, “Andrew, People grow through time, then for u, time is a completely different proposition, for u, time is endless.”

So it is perfectly logical that it is impossible to have a relationship with a machine, no matter how humanely like he is.

But then Portia contradicts herself when she said “What's right for most people in most situations isn't right for everyone in every situation! Real morality lies in following one's own heart.”

I still remember when Andrew first had his nerve feelings installed, he had asked Portia to poke him to feel pain. And then proceed to demand a kiss from her for the sake of science as an experiment. And when she gave him a chaste kiss, he said not that, and just went on to passionately kiss her. It took her by surprise so much she cannot even reject. That sure is taking advantage of a lady haha.

And the best part is at the church where she was planning to get married to a typical guy and he demanded that he just want a short kiss but he continued for quite a period of time. She then tried to stop him and reminded him that he only wanted a short kiss, which he quick-wittedly replied, “I lied.” And started giving facts that she want him just as much due to her increased heart rate and her rising temperature and whatever body tell-tale signs a robot can detect immediately. Basically in his words, “I know love isn't fair! I'm reading your heart. And asking you to follow it.” Haha so I guess one should never fall in love with a robot or a doctor who can read your body tell-tale signs easily. Too dangerous haha.

Of course back to reality, Portia realizes that “But if this really works between us? You and I will never be accepted. We can't be married or anything.” Because he is still a machine and no matter how he tried to petition to the World Congress to recognise him as human, which would allow him and Portia to be legally married. In the end he is still rejected, as he is essentially immortal, and in their eyes, an immortal cannot be human. Hmm I remember he tried to rebuke that he is as much of a robot with human body parts as a human is as much of a human with robotic parts i.e. prosthetic parts.. but it makes sense that he is no matter what, immortal still. Guess being too perfect isn’t that good afterall as imperfections make us individuals.

So he did the next best thing he could do. He asked Rupert for a blood infusion into his system. And they had a humorous conversation on the fuzziness of human condition.

Andrew Martin: You've been a great example, Rupert. How quickly will the blood degrade my system?
Rupert Burns: Oh, I don't know. You exercise, eat right, I'd say 30, 40 years.
Andrew Martin: That's a little vague, chief. You don't know exactly how long I'll last?
Rupert Burns: Sorry.
[puts his hand on Andrew's shoulder]
Rupert Burns: Welcome to the human condition.

And when he next petition again to be recognized as a human, he had a truly touching conversation with the President.

Andrew Martin: I've always tried to make sense of things. There must be some reason I am as I am. As you can see, Madame Chairman, I am no longer immortal.
President Marjorie Bota: You have arranged to die?
Andrew Martin: In a sense I have. I am growing old, my body is deteriorating, and like all of you, will eventually cease to function. As a robot, I could have lived forever. But I tell you all today, I would rather die a man, than live for all eternity a machine.
President Marjorie Bota: Why do you want this?
Andrew Martin: To be acknowledged for who and what I am, no more, no less. Not for acclaim, not for approval, but, the simple truth of that recognition. This has been the elemental drive of my existence, and it must be achieved, if I am to live or die with dignity.
President Marjorie Bota: Mister Martin, what you are asking for is extremely complex and controversial. It will not be an easy decision. I must ask for your patience while I take the necessary time to make a determination of this extremely delicate matter.
Andrew Martin: And I await your decision, Madame Chairman, thank-you for your patience.
[turns to Portia and whispers]
Andrew Martin: I tried.

And finally he succeeded in acknowledging his humanity and validating his marriage.

World Congress Moderator: Ladies and Gentlemen: Ms. Marjorie Bota, President of the World Congress.
President Marjorie Bota: According to the records at the NorthAm Robotics Company, the robot also known as Andrew Martin, was powered up at 5:15 pm on April 3rd, 2005. In a few hours, he'll be 200 years old, which means that with the exception of Methuselah and other biblical names, Andrew is the oldest living human in recorded history. For it is by this proclamation, I validate his marriage to Portia Charney, and acknowledge his humanity.

Except he had left the world before hearing it, although Portia said that he never really needed to hear it either.

Sigh, such is a robot who tried to make sense of his purpose in life and went through lots and gave up immortality for the namesake of love.

The last thing I want to remember though is sometimes too much knowledge can indeed be detrimental to oneself. Because due to his vast readings, he started having ideas on what most people has been fighting for – Independence. In his words “One has studied your history. Terrible wars have been fought where millions have died for one idea, freedom. And it seems that something that means so much to so many people would be worth having.”


Hmm but seriously, is independence that important? Somehow the show goes to prove that it isn't. Hmm..