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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Faulpelz Cooking - Make hollandaise sauce

Actually I have no idea what is Hollandaise sauce. I just wanted to eat my asparagus. From wiki, it says
Hollandaise sauce is an emulsion of egg yolk and butter, usually seasoned with lemon juice, salt, and a little white pepper or cayenne pepper. In appearance it is light yellow and opaque, smooth and creamy. The flavor is rich and buttery, with a mild tang added by the seasonings, yet not so strong as to overpower mildly-flavored foods.
Source: Wiki

So I tried to make something that I have no idea at all.. and well I failed haha. It wasn't creamy enough.. too watery. I don't feel like replicating it again though because too much egg and butter (I used margarine by the way) is in the ingredient list. I have to watch my weight as I am quite lazy to go gym at times.. especially when the weather is cold and I don't wish to go gym cos gym can be too boring for me.

I still wonder though, how does hollandaise sauce taste like? Hmm.. maybe I should try to order an eggs benedict the next time to find out how the hollandaise sauce really taste.