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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Full Tarot Reading on 10th Nov 2009

What Covers You 

King of Swords 

Briefly: Now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now.

Full Meaning: Physically he is usually tall and relatively slim. Sometimes bearded and with piercing eyes, either blue or black. He sometimes gives an austere appearance. He may look like he doesn't smile too often. He may not age well and could tend to look rather weathered or older than he actually is, even at a young age. Mostly he would have dark hair. Conservative in attire most of the time. Serious manner in appearance and clothing.
Personality: Can be abrasive, tactless and have a harsh attitude towards life and his efforts for survival. He may have fought various battles, personal or in times of war, that have left him feeling empty and scarred. He may even have a physical scar on his face or hands. He tends to treat people abruptly, as if they annoy him just by their presence. He is serious and often secretive. Often, what he doesn't say, says it all. His look can condemn. He likes to be in charge and in control of his life and his environment. He is generally in business suits or a uniform of some type. He appreciates the discipline of keeping up appearances and likes his boots polished very well. He may actually collect old relics or swords as a hobby and enjoy cleaning and polishing them and putting them on display in his home. He is generally tidy by nature, methodical and despising clutter and useless items. He believes that life is meant to involve hard work and he would not like to be unemployed at any time, as he likes the structures of time and discipline in his well-ordered life. He would appreciate a good steak. He dislikes waste and frivolity.
He has the gift of intelligence, commonsense and foresight. He likes to have well-defined plans and goals. He is a stickler for rules and doing his duty. He is a born leader. He appreciates time. He is capable of being the instructor.
Occupations suited to him would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also he would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. He would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution.
His future lies in being more open to others if he is to feel fulfilled at the end of his life. He could fall in love again, or renew his vows with his wife if already married. He is faithful though observant of the beauty of women. He especially admires women of grace and good manners. He is as vulnerable as the next man, but rarely shows it. He will have a relationship if she shows enough direct interest in him.
Querent's card. If this is you, now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now. Sever the past and start anew. You can heed the challenge. You are brave and can face anything the future holds. Just say yes!
If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you allow this person to be themselves. Do not stand in this man's way, he will rollercoaster over you without even noticing you were stood there in the first place. He can be the most sincerest friend, only after you have proven your friendship to him, never before.

What Crosses You 

King of Cups 

Briefly: A proposal or proposition.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man dressed in armour.  He is holding a cup, as if offering it to someone on front of him.  In the background is a blue sky, a river and some mountains and lush green trees and grass. It appears to be a Spring day.  The man is clean shaven and good looking.  He wears his uniform proudly.  If this is you, then you may be about to propose to the object of your affection.  If this is someone you know, then you may be on the receiving end of a proposal or proposition from this man.  He is affectionate and caring and offers his pledge with sincerity and love.  There could also be a new job offer and this may also involve a place at a distance.

What Crowns You 

Queen of Wands 

Briefly: You may also be about to meet someone very special with whom you fall in love with and marry.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card is of a woman wearing a crown and beautiful clothes and a robe, with a wand in one hand and a lovely golden sunflower in the other. There is an abundance of green leaves around the flower and the wand. She looks serene and calm. She is obviously a woman of considerable power and influence. She also appears warm and welcoming. She has lovely blonde hair and blue eyes. She displays an air of sophistication and strength. If you are this woman then you have truly found your destiny. If this is the woman you are about to become, then rest assured your future is secure and you will find all of your needs met. You may also be about to meet someone very special with whom you fall in love with and marry. This may develop during the warmer months of the year, as in Spring or Summer. If this is someone you know, then value her friendship, for she is loyal and trustworthy. If you are a male, you may meet this woman through a friend and become involved with her in a romantic relationship. If you are a young person, this person could be your mother or a teacher, or both.

What Is Beneath You 

Ten of Cups 

Briefly: This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.

Full Meaning: This card shows a cup, held in a man’s hand, and joined by a woman’s hand, as they appear to be about to sip together from the liquid in the cup, as if sharing in a celebration of some wonderful event.  There is a rainbow in the background and several tall, green trees, some shrubs, beside a river and with mountains in the far distance.  The sky is blue and the day looks warm as in Springtime.  There are 9 cups across the sky in front of the rainbow. This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.  Two people are brought together in unison and peace to share a special time in their lives.  A joint project has obviously reached fruition and they are proud of their achievements and wish to celebrate in grand style. If you draw this card you may rest assured, that even though it took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy expended.  You can relax in your new found comfort zone and pursue your other objectives with peace of mind, knowing that your life is now more secure than it has ever been.

What Is Behind You 

King of Wands 

Briefly: A man who has come a long way and yet feels he still has so much to do ahead of him.

Full Meaning: King of Wands. The picture on this card is of a man wearing a warm woollen cape and he has an emblem on the shoulder which could signify some kind of badge or logo associated with his profession. He also wears a hood and he is holding a wand in his left hand. He is often a married man with children. His is warm in character and a good listener. He likes to take charge of situations and can handle most that life presents to him. He is a keen sportsman and is usually very energetic. He is proud and can command respect on entering a room. He is masterful and shows others his talents if he is asked to do so, otherwise he is reflective and private. He is a man who has come a long way and yet feels he still has so much to do ahead of him. Travel is one of his favourite pursuits and he does this to explore nature and the different cultures. He is always open to new challenges and loves learning everything he can about life and the differing philosophies. If you are not this man, and you are male, he may enter your life and you would be grateful to have him as a friend. If you are a young male, this will be who you become after about the age of 35. If you are a woman, this could be your husband or your future husband. If you are a married woman and he is not your husband, he may be the husband of one of your best friends.

What Is Before You 

Ace of Pentacles 

Briefly: You will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true.

Full Meaning: This card shows a large pentacle in the middle which is symbolic of material wealth and abundance. If you should receive this card in your layout, and it is representative of a future event, then you will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true. This can bring financial stability to those who have never had it before in their life.

Your Self 


Briefly: The slate will be wiped clean for a fresh start. There will be none of the old left, so a whole new approach needs to be established before true renewal can take place. Sometimes when we draw this card, major events seems to unfold around us that challenge our thinking and our direction in life.

Full Meaning: This shows a grim reaper and a white rose at the same time. The Sun is setting in the background of the card, indicating the end of daylight hours. This is the card of endings, renewal and transformation of the highest order. The slate will be wiped clean for a fresh start. There will be none of the old left, so a whole new approach needs to be established before true renewal can take place. Sometimes when we draw this card, major events seems to unfold around us that challenge our thinking and our direction in life. Sometimes an unpleasant event shows us the way to a new path. This may seem traumatic at the time, but it is also saying that the old ways are no longer valid, or of value in your new life. It is time to cast aside whatever is hindering your progress in life and make a whole new start. Turn the leaf, sow new seeds, wear new clothes, change your appearance, move house, leave that boring job and get out there and dance. Life can end at any moment for any of us, so it is how wisely we spend our time here that really matters. You can still be serious about some aspects of your life, but leave plenty of room open for fun and for spontaneity. When we are on our death-bed, we will wish we had kicked up our heels more often, been more carefree, eaten more ice-cream, danced longer, sang out loud and showed others how much we love them. Don't wait till then, do it now, while you are alive and still kicking.

Around You 

Five of Swords 

Briefly: A time where one person has won out at the expense of two other people.

Full Meaning: This card is mostly dark in colour and can represent a time of fear or depression. There are 3 people in the picture and one of them has the upper hand in the matter. The other two have lost something that they valued, whether it was love, a material possession of whatever to the one who is holding three of the swords.
In the background there is the Sun setting so this can indicate early evening. One of the people is on his knees and appears to be sad and crying. He has lost whatever he/she once had and is now sorry, but it is all too late. Generally I read this as one person has won out at the expense of two other people and they are walking away with their trophy, person or thing of value. The others have lost out and they now know it. They may feel they have been betrayed, but they weren't, it was a matter of the best one winning, and there could only be one winner in this situation. Usually this means that you are the one who is the winner

Hopes and Fears 


Briefly: The time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. This card shows that wrongs will be put right.

Full Meaning: Whatever your past has brought to you, the time has come to reflect on the choices you have made along the way. Perhaps there were things you would rather not have done, and your are planning now to make amends for anything you would like to clear up once and for all. If there have been some people who have crossed you and brought you distress, you are now wise and mature enough to deal with it in an intelligent and abstract way. Your thoughts are on making things better and improving your relationships. If you have to go to a court of law around this time, the final decision will be one that is fair to you. This card shows that wrongs will be put right. You can assist this process by addressing those issues that had caused friction and pain in your life and make some headway towards a more harmonious relationship with those closest to you.


Seven of Cups 

Briefly: Someone could be confusing you or taking advantage of your good nature.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows seven cups and each of these has some elusive or deceptive icon in it that is advising you to look beneath the surface of situations to see what is really there. Someone could be confusing you or taking advantage of your good nature. It is also wise to check that any food or water is not contaminated as there is the element of disease or poison likely to be found lurking in these products. Even skin lotions may be productive of rashes or allergies. However, for those who are psychic, this can be a very revealing and inspiring time when your hunches pay off in a wonderful way. Some benefits are there for those who listen to their higher self and follow the guidance to a T.