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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pilgrimage - Love

My friend was discussing this a few days ago. He felt that “Love is simple” but nobody believes it. I felt it is because Love might be simple, but Human complicates it. And that I don’t think nobody believes in it, just that we cannot resist trying to complicate it.

Yesterday I asked another friend about it. He believed love is simple too, just that matters that needs 2 person to clap, you just don’t know the rhythm, the beat. Indeed sometimes when you want to clap, the other person might not want to clap with you haha.

Anyway why I’m blogging this is to thank some people (one of them I believed will read this post). It was the first time I attended a gathering with him, not as couple anymore. I think everybody was threading carefully. Beforehand, I had asked him if we will be seated in different table. He said not possible as we are still friends. But I beg to differ, and I was right. He ended up with his juniors while I chatted with my “lost” friend which I know her since TJ days actually, and my senior.

Halfway through the conversation, I got curious how she know about my status. Because it seems that she has lost contact with the “world”. She told me someone updated her so that she will not say the wrong thing ha ha.

Human really tend to think too much. But I appreciated their efforts. It is indeed hard for ex-lovers to turn back friends I guess even though we parted amicably. I only wondered, where did those feelings went after a break-up? In physics, energy only gets transformed. In relationship, do feelings get transformed too?

I thought about what I have learnt recently from the Pilgrimage:

Eros, philos, agape. These are three Greek words that mean love. Eros is the feeling of love that exists between two people. Whether it’s good or evil, the face of eros is never the same for any two people. And no one can escape eros. Everyone needs its presence, despite the fact that many times, eros makes us feel apart from the world, trapped in our solitude.

Philos is love in the form of friendship. It’s what I feel toward you and others. When the flame of eros stops burning, it is philos that keeps a couple together.

Agape is total love. It is the love that consumes the person who experiences it. Whoever knows and experiences agape learns that nothing else in the world is important – just love. This was the kind of love that Jesus felt for humanity, and it was so great that it shook the stars and changed the course of history. His solitary life enabled him to accomplish things that kings, armies and empires could not.

It might sound terrible for typical human being but the love that consumes makes everything else – absolutely everything – lose its importance. Those men lived just to be consumed by their love.

Love is simple, just that we have too much considerations and thoughts. Hmm suddenly I thought of David Tao’s song…

(I Love You)

忘了是怎么开始 也许就是对你 有一种感觉
忽然间发现自己 已深深爱上你 真的很简单
爱的地暗天黑都已无所谓 是是非非无法抉择 喔~~
没有后悔为爱日夜去跟随 那个疯狂的人是我 喔~~
I LOVE U 无法不爱你 BABY 说你也爱我
I LOVE U 永远不愿意 BABY 失去你
不可能更快乐 只要能在一起 做什么都可以
虽然 世界变个不停 用最真诚的心 让爱变的简单
I LOVE U 一直在这里 BABY 一直在爱你 Oh ya~
I LOVE U (yes I do) 永远都不放弃 这爱你的权利
如果你还有一些困惑 Oh No 请贴著我的心倾听
听我说著 爱你 (yes I do) 我爱你


Wisely said...




Butterflygalz said...

I know there is something you always do though, which is to hope she is living well. I believe that should be sufficient bah. As for miracle, if it happens, good, if not, at least you had beautiful memories to keep.

I never really hope too much either, and ya I guess I really am lucky and thankful for this arrangement. I wish you will one day find it too.