Latest Art Work

Monday, October 09, 2006


Bflygal's comment : I wrote the [Sad Tone] first but within 2 hours, I scrapped and re-posted the [Happy Tone]... and today, I decided to have 2 tones. Because I'm me, the greedy me, the selfish me, the fickle me. The Premier ah the Premier, why did you have to appear?

[Happy Tone]
Found an interesting website today.. hee hee... on my hometown. Shall look into it some other day and explore. See what else I did not ever know about Tampines. Hee hee!

[Sad Tone]
Having stayed here so long, today is the first time I been to this website. Somehow I feel that this place is so close and yet so foreign to me. I have a feeling that all these might one day disappear from me. It is not about staying here forever and ever because even staying here forever and ever does not guarantee its sameness. My friend quoted to me, once a Tampinesian, always a Tampinesian. He is determined to make his future wife stay in Tampines too. But as the scenes change, as new buildings get erected, as neighbours move away, do I really feel like the Tampinesian I felt 10 years ago?

Seasons change,
People change,
Feelings change,
Forever, seems so far away.


Wisely said...

haha your ending english version not that beautiful, my chinese version better......


Well, I guess it is time for you to polish up your chinese my friend. =p