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Friday, August 04, 2006

Addiction to YouTube & WQBQW

Wah I haven't been blogging for 3 months. Actually everyday, while walking to work, I have lots of stuff to say.. but the moment I reach office, I end up doing other stuff, and blogging becomes the last task that I want to execute in my to-do list.

And now that I'm trying to blog, I can't remember all the stories that run into my brain in the morning haha.

Maybe I shall update about myself then! Still being stuck in my comfort zone and living a life so comfortable that there are times I think I'm becoming LAZY & Lethargic. Ok other than the month of June where I was super stress because exams were coming and I was asking for last minute help!!!

After exams ended, my 2nd week of July was an interesting week. Coz my parents went to Tokyo and I'm home alone! Initially I thought that was a COOL idea. Drove to work daily, cook daily, wash clothes on alternate days, play game, watch tv .... but towards the last few days, I actually started missing my parents and was getting grumpy. Still remember my colleague was so shocked that I suddenly 'talk' to him so much. And told me must be coz I miss my parents. Only then did I realised yupz, I do miss my parents. Haha. Thank goodness by then, they were coming back the next day.

Then life is back to the normal. No housework needs to be done (phew!) Watch more tv, play more games. But somehow I was still doing work at least in the office.

Then comes mid july which is increment time. And suddenly my life turns for the worst?? Not that the increment was bad lah. It's pretty ok. It is just the timing. Suddenly I saw that I have only 1 urgent task to complete. And that I go home on time daily.

The worst part though is I got addicted to youtube. Haha I think I have gone bonkers too right. Imagine watching youtube daily that is what I have been doing for the past 1 week. I was just surfing for the beginning of Wang Zi Bian Qing Wa, and suddenly I become so addicted to Chen Qiao En that I'm viewing every videos on her, on 183 club, on 5566, on 7 Flower. Gosh if youtube is not down now, I think I am still watching youtube videos and not blogging at all.

Haha. Sometimes I think that I'm too easily addicted on something. Imagine a period of time I was so addicted to Da Jang Geum, I search everything on it e.g. Korean history, the cast, Lee Young Ann's news etc.

I wonder how I got over my addiction for Da Jang Geum. Hmm. I guess I got addicted to these female artistes because of a certain character they portray. I love Da Jang Geum for her determination. It is something that I wish I could be. To realised my dream at the end of the day.

As for Ye Tian Yu, maybe I like her because like her, I wish to marry a rich guy too?? Ok I was joking. I like her also because of her determination. I particularly like the frog story



Anyway while trying to find this motto, I came across a page with all the經典對白及精彩語錄 (

Here are a few of my personal favourites :




I guess I love all heart-wrenching love stories. Sometimes I can be quite a day-dreamer…


Wisely said...



Butterflygalz said...


奇怪,你这么多句子不选,偏偏选了这个最具有轰炸性的名词。这是男主角-明道, 在六月份的一个演唱会,因为用了此句吻了女主角-陈乔恩, 轰动了全场歌迷。也因为这个举动使到喜欢明恩组的人又开始有非分之想,使我对他们也如此痴,哈哈哈!

Wisely said...
