A day or two later, I came back to see an invitation from SAP to attend the SAP Summit 2007. So I asked her if she requested for permission and she asked me back if I wish to go haha. End up, I sought permission for both of us to attend the summit. To me, I just took it as a chance to widen my perspectives and maybe see some interesting stuff. But I was quite willing to actually give up this chance to another colleague, who could not go because the company felt too many people are attending the summit already. Except that guy said it's alright and asked me to go instead.
So in the end I ended up in Suntec today and actually, I’m glad I attended. And nope, it is not because of the free gifts that I collected. I had a bagful I guessed which I just chucked in a corner of my room and will most probably ignore it till I start packing my room.
What made me happy was the fact that I actually met some of my ex-colleagues (cum seniors). The last time I saw them was at one of their wedding. I think it was the end of last year then. The funny thing is we have all left that company already. The even funnier thing is the guy who last left (because he was still in that company during the wedding’s time frame) had joined another company and is now in charge of my current company’s account. And that he will actually be coming down tomorrow to meet my boss. Haha, we were exclaiming that it is such a small world. When his colleague asked how he knows me, we were saying ex-colleagues… and she was quite bewildered to ask which company. Guess we all moved on. Not that it is a terrible company, I learned a lot from these people and am quite thankful of the short time span I spent with them. But seeing them, I feel kinda sad too. 3 years already, and I accomplished nothing in the SAP arena. While they have all became high fliers in this field.
Anyway I had seen quite a lot of product demo of SAP which is quite interesting. And it has indeed been tiring walking around and lugging a bagful of pamphlets that I ended up in bed the moment I reached home.
Oh by the way, I haven’t been to City Hall lately and did not realise there is such a kiosk to surf the Internet and that you can pay using ezlink card. Hmm interesting!
Oh and about the freebies, this is a bear I got from Electra. There is a female version too but I dared not ask for the female bear.
This is a collar pin my friend got from Atos. That guy has been kind to her haha.
This is a collar pin my friend got from Atos. That guy has been kind to her, VERY kind haha...