Latest Art Work

Friday, September 26, 2008


Source :
Source: Jimmy


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sembawang Jog

Travel Details:
Town: Sembawang

Decided to jog around my workplace because I have always been fascinated with the scenery here. XDD made use of to calculate the route (because his map reading.. especially measuring the distance... is problematic? Haha still dare to tell me use the traditional paper and ruler method, end up also use high-tech way... )

Anyway here is the proposed route.. about 12km...

Started running about 6pm. I let the other training team goes first because they were regular runners and will stress me. Btw they were training for the Nautical run...

The first 2/5 of the route I did restrain myself from stopping. But when I finally reach Yishun Industrial, I kind of gave in to temptation and took my first picture... Can you see the birds? Haha.. in the evening, one can see lots of birds coming back to Yishun. Lovely sight!

Part of the plan is to let me visit the Sembawang Park because I'm curious...

Source: Nparks

The route also include passing by the Bottle Tree Village... and those restaurants e.g. Bealieu House, Buckaroo ... Areas that either I have memories about or were frequently mentioned by my colleagues (when touching on food topics).

As usual I did not managed to catch the sunset.. don't know where it was setting also. But the sea view at the Park was beautiful.

While jogging (and walking), I thought a lot. About destination and journey. About how much time I spent running, and that these times when I concentrate, at least I am not thinking about certain matters. About the more I train, the slower I become haha. And other stuff that I had forgotten about now that I'm blogging...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Under the Menoa Tree

The following is an abridged excerpt from ELDEST by Christopher Paolini

“Of course she’s awake,” said Arya. Her voice was low and mellow in the night air. “Shall I tell you the story of the Menoa tree?”

“I’d like that.”

A flash of white streaked across the sky, like a banished specter, and resolved itself beside Saphira in the form of Blagden. The raven’s narrow shoulders and crooked neck gave him the appearance of a miser basking in the radiance of a pile of gold. The raven lifted his pallid head and uttered his ominous cry, “Wyrda!”

“This is what happened. Once there lived a woman, Linnëa, in the years of spice and wine before our war with the dragons and before we became as immortal as any beings still composed of vulnerable flesh can be. Linnëa had grown old without the comfort of a mate or children, nor did she feel the need to seek them out, preferring to occupy herself with the art of singing to plants, of which she was a master. That is, she did until a young man came to her door and beguiled her with words of love. His affections woke a part of Linnëa that she had never suspected existed, a craving to experience the things that she had unknowingly sacrificed. The offer of a second chance was too great an opportunity for her to ignore. She deserted her work and devoted herself to the young man and, for a time, they were happy.

“But the young man was young, and he began to long for a mate closer to his own age. His eye fell upon a young woman, and he wooed and won her. And for a time, they too were happy.

“When Linnëa discovered that she had been spurned, scorned, and abandoned, she went mad with grief. The young man had done the worst possible thing; he had given her a taste of the fullness of life, then torn it away with no more thought than a rooster flitting from one hen to the next. She found him with the woman and, in her fury, she stabbed him to death.

“Linnëa knew that what she had done was evil. She also knew that even if she was exonerated of the murder, she could not return to her previous existence. Life had lost all joy for her. So she went to the oldest tree in Du Weldenvarden, pressed herself against it, and sang herself into the tree, abandoning all allegiance to her own race. For three days and three nights she sang, and when she finished, she had become one with her beloved plants. And through all the millennia since has she kept watch over the forest . . . . Thus was the Menoa tree created.”

At the conclusion of her tale, Arya and Eragon sat side by side on the crest of a huge root, twelve feet off the ground. Eragon bounced his heels against the tree and wondered if Arya had intended the story as a warning to him or if it was merely an innocent piece of history. His doubt hardened into certainty when she asked, “Do you think that the young man was to blame for the tragedy?”

“I think,” he said, knowing that a clumsy reply could turn her against him, “that what he did was cruel . . . and that Linnëa overreacted. They were both at fault.”

Arya stared at him until he was forced to avert his gaze. “They weren’t suited for each other.”

Eragon began to deny it but then stopped himself. She was right. And she had maneuvered him so that he had to say it out loud, so that he had to say it to her. “Perhaps,” he admitted.

Bflygal's comments:
Reading Eragon is what keeping me occupied lately.. and coincidentally the third book was out just last Saturday which made me more resolved to finish the first 2 books... and neglect all my other tasks which includes blogging.

While copying this story, I did ponder if I should rectify the spelling error I saw. But I left them alone in the end because it is extracted from ELDEST and I should respect the author as he might have meant the spelling as it is… I’m not him so I would never know.

This story is by far the only story that I felt thought-provoking enough to repeat a summarised version to QR. The only reason is because I liked Eragon’s analysis: “They were both at fault”. It was something I was indirectly telling QR.

Those who know me know I will not comment too much about their heart affairs unless I see something amiss. Thus you can be blinded by love and pursuing love foolishly, it is your own accord and I will not dissuade you otherwise so long you know the full implications your actions caused.

While many would feel injustice for the pursuer should his/her love be unrequited especially when he/she might have been led on, I can only say … both were at fault. And yes, it hurts… badly… but we can only lived and get accustomed to it because, as long as the pursuer still cherish a spark of hope, there are little choices to avoid the heart throbbing pain.

Saturday, September 20, 2008




Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Botak Jones Joke

Words Women Use:
1) Fine
This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
2) Five Minutes
If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. "Five Minutes" is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
3) Nothing
This is the calm before the storm. This means something and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "Nothing" usually end in "Fine". (Refer back to #1 for the meaning of "Fine".)
4) Go Ahead
This is a dare, not permission. Don't do it!
5) Loud Sigh
This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about "nothing".  (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of "Nothing".)
6) That's Okay
This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. "That's Okay" means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
7) Thanks
A woman is thanking you -- do not question, or faint. Just say you're welcome.
8) If you say so
Men, take note: this is a trick. This is THE statement that means the opposite of what it says. When a woman says, "If you say so," she actually means, "you're an idiot; I can't believe I ever married you, and you better realize how lucky you are every day of your miserable life." She will then issue forth a loud sigh (see #5), and assign you a task worthy of your limited intelligence (although you will NOT be given the "five minutes" as discussed in #2).
9) Whatever
Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!
10) Don't worry about it, I got it
Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told
a man to do several times, but is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "what's wrong", for the woman's; response to be "nothing" ( refer back to #3 for the meaning of "Nothing").
Source: Found in the Botak Jones Menu

Bflygal's comment: Still remember my friend took a photo of it for the girl... and was telling me about point 9 which I use frequently... I think I use point 1 regularly too..

First time I tried beer outside my home though.. but I didn't drink much...I also didn't want to get drunk.. They told me some thought-provoking stuff.. but I'm still undecided...

The Final Decision?


The Star

Briefly: You are being guided in the right direction. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways. If you have been looking for a certain job, more than likely you will achieve it and this will reflect what is going on inside you, which is finding your true niche in life.

Full Meaning: This is the card that tells you that you are being guided in the right direction. The picture displays a naked woman kneeling down beside a river with two jugs in her hand. She is pouring the water from the jugs into the stream. In the background is a large star, almost directly above her head and seven other stars around it. There are birds, flowers, trees, shrubbery and green grass around her. She appears tranquil and at peace in her natural surroundings. If this is yourself, you are intuitively heading towards the direction of where you should be on your own personal path in life. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways. If you have been looking for a certain job, more than likely you will achieve it and this will reflect what is going on inside you, which is finding your true niche in life. You are also able to express yourself more truthfully without hindrances from your past or your upbringing. Your intuition is extremely heightened at this time and can bring on flashes of insight to guide you through the many decisions you are going to be facing. Trust in your future and show great faith against the odds and you will succeed. Something to do with the country, or near a river or ocean may figure strongly in an event which will occur within about one month.

Angel Reading on 16 Sept 2008


Angel of Miracles 

Full Meaning: This Angel wants us to know that Miracles are only a thought and an open heart away. Angels know that there is no shortage of miracles, they are available to anyone who is willing to receive them! This Angel comes to remind us that Miracles are part of our everyday lives and they come in all sizes, shapes and packages. While there is never a shortage of miracles, our ability to see them may become clouded as we move through our day to day lives. This happens when we are focused on all the things that we think are "wrong" or difficult in our lives instead of looking to see what is positive and good. When we focus on what we don't like, we effectively close the door to experiencing the ever abundant and present miracles that this Angel is seeking to bring our way.
Many years ago I read a wonderful affirmation: Expect a Miracle. It made me stop and think, how often do most of us expect miracles to occur? When was the last time you asked for a miracle in your own life? This Angel has come to you to say it is time to begin asking now! Miracles are easy for the Universe to give us because they are composed of Love and come from Spirit whose love for us knows no bounds or limitations. Spirit created the Angelic realms to remind each of us that we are never alone, help is always available and that miracles can flow in abundance if we are open to receiving them. Many times I have heard people say that they are afraid to ask for a miracle for what if they are not worthy and the miracle they are asking for does not appear? This Angel says we are all worthy of receiving as many miracles as we can think to ask for, that our prayers and requests for miracles are always heard and responded to!
Sometimes the miracles do not come packaged as we might expect. There are many reasons for this as this Angel says that we so often ask for a miracle, then feel at some level we are not worthy of having it and so we "downsize it" to something we think we can have though not always consciously. We may for example ask for a shiny, new red car that runs well to get us to and from work and around on our errands during the day. What we would really like this new car to be is a sporty model and yet feeling greedy or selfish for being so specific and wanting such a thing, another part of ourselves kicks in to say " oh, honestly any old red car will do!" so that is what we are able to receive and not the new sporty model we may have had our hearts set on. Or perhaps another person asks for the miracle of having a physical healing occur and then at some level feels guilty for asking for such a miracle because they did not eat properly in the past, or they drank alcohol or they allowed themselves to get very stressed and pushed their bodies far harder than they ought to have. So the person ends up being able to accept only part of the miracle if at all. We humans are very good at judging ourselves and others so we do not fully understand that the Angels never judge us, they never point a blaming or shaming finger at us and say how dare you ask for this or that! They love us unconditionally, they know that we have yet to remember who we truly are and along the way they are here for us to help us move past our "mistakes" as well as to celebrate our awakenings as we move through our lives. There is nothing that we can ask for that the Angels would say "shame on you!" Instead they greet our requests with joy for they want us to be happy! Think of the movie "Michael", one I loved for many years now. Michael knew that life was meant to be joyful and fun and pleasurable and that his seeking those things in life brought great joy to others as well.
Sometimes miracles come in forms that lead us to yet another miracle. We may have asked for something and yet this Angel knowing that we were not quite ready to fully accept what we had asked for, sent us a miracle of a different sort that would help us move closer to being able to accepting what we really desire. Sometimes that even means it appears our requests for a miracle are not being answered to push us into seeking help for a problem or lead us into reading a book or listening to an audio tape that has information we are really needing to hear. Not receiving quite yet the miracle we had asked for is unto itself a miracle as well or can be if we are willing to look at how we might be blocking this Angel's assistance and love. Had we received the miracle we originally asked for, it would not have brought us everything we had hoped unless we had cleared some other things out of the way first. Then we can more easily embrace and enjoy what we have asked for. Or it may be that not getting what we want immediately, we can then be pushed through some doors we may not have considered before that will bring us far more than we had ever dreamed! For example, the person whose current career is ending may ask for the miracle of having that career continue only to find that it does indeed come to an end. Yet they may also find that there is an even better career just waiting in the wings if they are willing to open their heart and see what is beckoning them at this point in time. This Angel knows and understands that this can be a very frightening process and it can be hard to trust and have faith! Yet if you will look and listen carefully, you will hear this Angel's voice speaking to you, telling you that you are not alone in what ever you are facing, to give this Angel your hand and allow yourself to be led into a life of endless miracles and joy!
This Angel may have come to you today in response to your own request for a miracle or to remind you that you need to ask for one! Is there something in your life right now that you want to see impacted by the energy of miracles? Right it down, what ever it might be and at the top put the words "I expect a miracle now". Carry this with you as you go about your day to day activities or place it where you can see it often. You may want to visualize this Angel sending love and light to your request or see it being gathered up in Angelic hands. The important thing is to remind yourself frequently that this loving Angel is drawing to you all the elements of your requested miracle and all you need do is open your heart to receive it!
What to watch for with this Angel's presence:
You may begin to become more aware of the small daily miracles that occur all around you. As you feel joy and gratitude for these miracles this attracts even greater miracles to you.
You may hear of miracles occurring to all sorts of people, or the word miracle will keep popping up repeatedly and in unexpected places and ways. Things will suddenly begin to sort themselves out all around you or you will get some wonderful news that will help validate the reality of miracles for you!
You may begin to feel a strong, uplifting presence that makes you feel that anything is possible! Plug into this feeling as strongly as you can, see how long you can sustain it. Ask this Angel to help you feel this energy more and more each day and watch as the miracles begin to unfold in your own life.
One way of working with this Angel is to list all the things that spring to mind when you think of the word Miracles. Leave nothing out and do not censor any of it! You may find yourself writing down things such as " miracles happen to others but never to me!" This Angel is trying to make you more aware of your deeper thoughts around miracles so you can clear any that may be blocking your acceptance of them. Once you have made your list, make a second list of all the thoughts that are inhibiting your ability to accept more miracles in your life, ask that this Angel please take them away from you and replace it with good thoughts and feelings. Then place the list in an envelope addressed to "The Angel of Miracles" and place it in a basket or even burn it if that is what you feel guided to do. If you use the basket method, take the list out after 30 days has passed and see if those same thoughts still resonate for you or not! If not, Hooray! Dispose of the list in what ever way you feel appropriate! If they do, then you know you just need a little more time working with this Angel so place the list back in the basket for another 7 days and repeat this same process for as long as you need to. You will start to see results as you work with this Angel, asking for guidance, support, cleansing and healing all the while. Be sure to take any actions on these things as you feel guided to and know that this Angel is always there for you!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Horseshoe Tarot on 15 Sept 2008


Past Influences 

Page of Wands  

Briefly: Time to go where angels fear to tread and live.

Full Meaning: What a gorgeous young man depicted on this card. He looks romantic and adventurous and daring to go out there and conquer the world and meet his destiny, wherever that may be and with whoever he is yet to meet. He is warm and sensitive and challenged by the adventure of life itself. He knows no fears for he is too young yet to know what that means. He is daring and forthright and persistent to get his needs met. He likes to travel far and wide and will not be restrained by what others want him to do. His life is his own and he knows that he alone owns it. He cannot tolerate lies, deception or unwholesomeness. He welcomes change and will go off on a tangent and leave town on a whim. He knows no boundaries of mind or soul. He has gained some skills in life and has a feather in his cap, so to speak. He will go where angels fear to tread and live the simple life if at all possible. He is poetic and also loves life and learning new skills.

The Present 

Three of Pentacles 

Briefly: Receiving some documentation regarding an award, or important credentials that you have received or will soon earn.

Full Meaning: This card shows a person )apparently male) who is chiselling on the wall near a doorway, which looks a little like a church entrance, due to the conic shape at the top. Above this are the three coins (or pentacles). It seems as though some special message, lettering, notice or plaque is being created for the world to see. On an individual level this could mean receiving some documentation regarding an award, or important credentials that you have received or will soon earn. You may also receive some kind of financial assistance, benefit or win that you were not expecting. If you are seeking employment, it may soon be yours, though will not consume all of your time as it may be only a few hours a day.

Hopes and Fears 

Wheel of Fortune 

Briefly: This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you.

Full Meaning: This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you, but that you are finally taking the lead in the direction of your own life and your ultimate destiny. This card suggests not so much that events happen to you, but rather that you instigate many major changes to bring about a new life with new challenges and renewed hope. You may decide to leave a job, leave a partner, or go overseas and the decisions you make with regards to these will be so swift that you will shatter some people's impressions that you were once a stable and slow mover. Now all things must change, and change swiftly.
If you should happen to win the lottery or some other good fortune befalls you, make sure you know exactly what you want to do with your new-found freedom, independence and wealth. The bolt out of the blue is likely to happen just when you thought you were in a rut and didn't anticipate anything was going to alter.
Opportunities can arise thick and fast and leave you gasping for air between this offer and that. Don't allow anyone to push you into anything you are unsure of.


King of Cups 

Briefly: A proposal or proposition.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man dressed in armour.  He is holding a cup, as if offering it to someone on front of him.  In the background is a blue sky, a river and some mountains and lush green trees and grass. It appears to be a Spring day.  The man is clean shaven and good looking.  He wears his uniform proudly.  If this is you, then you may be about to propose to the object of your affection.  If this is someone you know, then you may be on the receiving end of a proposal or proposition from this man.  He is affectionate and caring and offers his pledge with sincerity and love.  There could also be a new job offer and this may also involve a place at a distance.

Other's Attitudes 


Briefly: It is possible that someone born under the sign of Leo is of some importance to you right now. our strength and fortitude are about to be acknowledged and tested

Full Meaning: Initially the picture on this card depicts a woman holding open the mouth of a lion, which shows both her courage and her desire to tame the wild beast. It is possible that someone born under the sign of Leo is of some importance to you right now. If you are the Leo, then now is you time to shine and let the world know what you can do. Your efforts will receive recognition now and if this in any way involves being in the public eye, the spotlight is about to seek you out and make you look like a beacon in the night. Your strength and fortitude are about to be acknowledged and tested. If you withstand the demands made on your resilience and energy levels, you will come through this time with flying colours.

Influence Around You 

Knight of Swords 

Briefly: The time for a new adventure. Are you feeling restless and need to get away? Take that chance.

Full Meaning: Physically lean yet strong. He moves swiftly. Restless, active and fiery. Piercing eyes, usually blue. Mostly clean shaven, though not always. Above average height.
Personality: Mostly a gentle type, though a little aloof. Does not give out too much about himself. Tends to be almost shy, and is not the type to talk about himself very often. He is a very adventurous character, always exploring, always searching and looking out for somewhere else to go. He is basically a quiet man, chooses his words carefully and is especially selective as to who he chooses as his friends. He can be a rough and tumble type too, when he feels inclined in that direction. He can travel lightly and with great enthusiasm. He likes to see the whole wide world, not just one country. He may not settle down early in life, there is too much of the wanderer in him. He makes a good nomad. He does not like to be bothered with too many possessions as they can weigh him down. He likes to travel light and usually does. He is clever yet just as gullible as the next man. However, he is aware of this in his nature and is ever on guard for anyone who may attempt to take advantage of him. He is always on alert. He looks over his shoulder, just to be on the safe side.
Occupations suited to him would be the travel merchant, the travelling artist, a go-between, messenger or courier. He could work on construction sites, just for the fact that they are outdoors. He does not like to be constrained within an office type situation, he would rather die. He needs to be out and about, meeting people, exploring, discovering. Even archaeology could appeal to his sense of adventure and excitement and the lure of potential discovery or riches.
His future lies in allowing himself the privilege to be free. Not all people can, or want to do that. He does. This is his destiny. His life is about travel, exploring, discovering and taking risks. He is the daredevil who has no fear of death and may even tend to tempt it at times with his often reckless way of doing things. In love he takes chances and will bear the consequences. As he does not like to be tied down, he is unlikely to settle or marry until later in life, usually after age 30 or even longer.
Querent's card. If this is you, now may be the time for a new adventure. Are you feeling restless and need to get away? Take that chance, that new opportunity that has just presented itself and just go. Do it. Go there. Life is not for stagnation, but then again, you always knew that.
If you are not the querent and this card appears, then there is a somewhat restless person about to enter your life fleetingly. He will not stay too long. He has other plans, other dreams. Do not try to put chains around his neck or tie him down to the drudgery of the 9 to 5 routine in any way. He will leave quicker than you can say his name. He knows his destiny, and you are just a stop over point on his quest for far greater experiences.


Eight of Wands 

Briefly: A new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that.

Full Meaning: This card has a picture of eight wands running right across it. For some this can mean that a new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that. It brings things quickly into focus and gives you the opportunity to seize a brilliant opportunity or improve your life in some way. You could also be about to move to a more tranquil setting in either your home life or the location or your work. A river or other picturesque scene may be part of your new environment, or you may meet someone special in just such a location. If you are planning a pregnancy, now may be your most fertile time. The energy of the season of Spring may make you feel inspired to be especially creative.

Bfly's comment:
Too much negotiation has been going around.. what exactly is the sign GA wants to tell me. Should I? Should I not? Why propose to reject? Why reject to counter? Why counter to accept? Back and forth... back and forth... How much is much? How long is long? How do I make my decision? I'm perplexed.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Running year...

This seems like a running year for me... It all begins when my company sports club wanted to sponsor people to run in the SC run. I'm not a member but it perked my interest and I decided that since last year I tried a vertical marathon, this time, I shall try the "normal" horizontal marathon. Thus I went to sign up for the SC half marathon.

Being too naive about marathons, I did not realise half marathon = 21 km = many times more challenging than my previous vertical marathon.. And I fell sick a few days after I registered. Thus when I tried to train, I realised I could not even complete a proper 4km without stopping. I started to panic.. at that time I had also signed up for the Swing KPE since it was free and leaving only about a month left to train, I had no choice but to keep improving my average speed limit.

Then came 14th Sep 2008, the Swing KPE 10 km run. My brother and I both wondered why we wake up so early to torture ourselves haha.. Took the shuttle bus at 7 am and reach the running area by 7.30....

Can see the organisers put in effort to decorate the place...

They even had fire performance and such to entertain the crowd.

The guy kept saying he has not taken his breakfast and asked if we want some... Hmm at that point of time though, I only felt thirsty. I kind of misjudged the event.. thought they will provide water like my previous vertical marathon.. but I could only get my sip of water after the run started, half an hour later before the turning point... So thirsty...

Anyway I completed the run in 1 hour 15 minutes (rounded up). Phew 8 km/h... I am quite pleased with the results because I was feeling stuffy inside the tunnel already and stopped many times, even before the 4km mark which is usually my endurance point. By the time the event ended, I just kept walking straight. Pass by the game stores and milo van (aww memories.. milo van is a favourite in my undergrad days)...

and toilets.. but I just kept walking straight to the bus stop. My mind was focus only to head home. Besides the queue to play games/drink milo/go toilet were atrociously long. My brother told me when he finished, it was rather empty though but then that guy cheated.. he ended up running 5 km instead of 10 km.. and he came in first I think for that event. In fact he was home even before I was... zzz...

By the way I like the fan and the lantern in the goodie bag. I thought I will not have the lantern, who knows they packed it in the goodie bag.. Happy!

Intending to rest a few days because meeting friends that week.. then start preparing for my next few runs
- Nautical run 6.6 km. Was arrowed by my DM to join when he send me the email and ask me, am I joining... I didn't know how to say No to him ... sighz I better do well and not disgrace the company. Track is in ECP area
- New Balance 15 km trail run... I needed an in between to progress from 10km to half marathon and this seems like the answer to it. Besides the track is in changi area
- SC half marathon... the cause of why I ended up joining too many running events... just to prepare for this so-called major one. I thought of doing a full marathon BUT I think let me just settle this first... Track is in Central area

One thing I'm glad, GA has plan my runs such that I can try different tracks. All these events had different routes.. Plus my regular running route is Pasir Ris, I think I'm happy to say I can try out most of the areas I want to run (as long as I did attend all the upcoming runs haha). I only left west areas but for that I think I might do trekking instead already. Shall see how.

Oh and today is Mid Autumn Festival... Happy Mid Autumn Festival! Bought these 2 lanterns to let my mum touch lottery.. Good Luck!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

蕭亞軒 - 衝動

蕭亞軒 - 衝動

作詞:葛大為, 黎沸輝

很感激 這城市擁擠的交通
讓你我 還能多相處幾分鐘
人潮中 怕失散所以輕輕拉你的手
一刻不放鬆 不放鬆

忍不住 想要愛你的衝動
不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞
你給的幸福 在我心中自由走動
忍不住 想要吻你的衝動
不確定我的執著 能讓你感動
我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落
關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂

我的心 是被你設定的鬧鐘
提醒我 想你的時間不夠用
為什麼 平淡的事情現在忽然生動
是你改變我 你改變我

忍不住 想要愛你的衝動
不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞
你給的幸福 在我心中自由走動
忍不住 想要吻你的衝動
不確定我的執著 能讓你感動
我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落
關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂

你是情人 還是朋友
還沒勇氣 想得太多
你的世界 如此遼闊

忍不住 想要愛你的衝動
不確定你屬於我 會有點寂寞
你給的幸福 在我心中自由走動
忍不住 想要吻你的衝動
不確定我的執著 能讓你感動
我只能相信自己感受 不怕失落
關於你的一切 我想要比誰都懂

Bfly's comment:
Seems to be drizzling still.. but I shall make a move soon. Just that the deadline has passed.. and I'm still unable to shake my habit, my habit of checking if he's ok. Once again, his status speaks trouble and all I can do is just to pray he is alright.. Suddenly remember about Rascal Flatts' What hurts the most. What hurts the most is to only be able to pray the best for him faraway, knowing he will never confide in me. I don't deny it, I'm not as great as ...

Anyway I found out Elva's song the day before I went botanic garden and found it so apt that I had to thank QR once again... I'm curbing my impulse.. I'm trying to change my life.. which is why I finally decided to take up that proposition. At least I might have lesser time to check his status... But I ... if I can muster the courage... might ask for a last meal... I wonder though if he remembers that promise when he had even forgotten what he did a year ago...

Friday, September 12, 2008

A Present

If one day when you wake up, you would find on your bed a beautifully wrapped present with delicate bows, you would open it before even washing your face, curious about what is inside....

Maybe what you find is something you do not like very much...then you would put away the box wondering what to do with the present...

But, if the next day you find another present, you would open it also and, if this time you find something inside that you like very much....

A memory from someone that is far away....a beautiful clothing you saw on a window shop...the keys to a new car....a beautiful winter coat...or just a beautiful flower from somebody that remembered you.....

This happens every day, but we do not realize it...
Every day when we wake up, it is there, before us, a present sent to us by God....a whole day to use in the best possible way

Sometimes it comes with problems, issues that we do not seem to be able to solve. Sometimes it comes with sadness, deception, even tears...

But other times it comes full of surprises, happiness, success and achievements......

What is important is that every day we receive a present, wrapped especially for us while we sleep: THE NEXT DAY.
We are presented this box with colored bows, no matter what the day brings........

That day when we wake up every morning is a PRESENT.....
The present that life gives us.
It is not always what we wish or what we hope for......
But it is the best for us, what we need most, what we have to learn.....what we need to grow...

Open your PRESENT every day, giving thanks first to the Creator that gave it to you, without thinking what is inside the box.
If today you do not receive the present you wanted, wait for the next one....and appreciate what you received today

Tomorrow... Open your present with love and enthusiasm, because one day your dreams and the life plan for you will come inside the box, beautifully wrapped for you...

Life does not care about what we want....just about what we need.....
And that is good

May you have a day full of blessings, in which you can feel the loving presence of your Creator, and may the present of every day bring you peace, spiritual growth, and enlightment on all we still have to learn about every day, and the plan life has for us, every day.....

Bfly’s comment:
I’m still unsure if that is my present... I still feel very confused because everybody feels it is stiffling for me... And I don’t know if I reject, what’s next due to the bleakness in economy... GA, is that a clear sign from you? I keep bugging you, keep asking you but am I listening, am I accepting your response?  Sigh...

Anyway... this birthday my brother chose to buy me a cake... It is a very sinful Coco Exotic cake.

Quite yummy but the box reminded me of another cake bought a year ago… it seems so coincident that both of them were bought from the same brand.. I know I promise to wake up already… So I’m trying very hard to revert back our relationship…

Oh and my friend treated me to the Indian restaurant – Maharajah Restaurant @ Boat Quay… The exact same restaurant that I chose (with my colleague?) to deliver lunch 2 weeks ago to celebrate our promotions. She insisted that eating over there with the scenery and breeze is definitely better than delivery.

Hmm the river sight is beautiful… but I did not catch the 12 animal signs light displays that my friend told me about in Boat Quay... guess I’m blind.

Then we went shopping and each bought a box of Fancl – Tense Up. She was intending to buy that in Japan and I thought I should try too and see if I like it. Else no point lugging back from Japan if I cannot stomach it. The saleslady was lovely, she realised it was my birthday that day and decided to package the box nicely such that it will be like a birthday present for myself haha. And she wished me happy birthday too.

I was quite taken aback by the kind gesture. And as usual I’m very touched by all the warm wishes I received from the first greetings till the last... as well as the early and belated wishes... Thank you so much.

Most importantly, I thank GA for my present... I hope to make up my mind soon.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Horseshoe Tarot on 10 Sept 2008


Past Influences 

Queen of Pentacles 

Briefly: You are on your way to fame and fortune.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman wearing lovely clothes and a crown on her head, placed on top of lovely beaded headwear.   She holds in front of her a large pentacle and her hands are slim and well manicured.  She wears a special ring, which has a large oval stone set in it, which is possibly a ruby. There are mountains in the background, similar to those in Hawaii.  There is foliage around her and nuts growing on these. Generally she has blue eyes, though could have any eye colour.  If you are this person, you are on your way to fame and fortune.  You may come into a windfall, marry well, or somehow stumble upon a unique way to increase your income.  You will be well liked by your friends and loved by your family and husband.  You are serious, yet vulnerable.  You are calm, yet can be set back by those who stir conflict around you.  The comforts of life are important, more so for your own peace within your own mind knowing that you have what you need. If you are not this woman, then you will meet someone like her who supports you in many and varied ways.  If you are a female, this woman will become your most ardent fan and friend.  If you are a male, this woman may become your lover or your wife.  Cherish her, for she is loyal and affectionate and has your best interests at heart.

The Present 

Wheel of Fortune 

Briefly: This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you.

Full Meaning: This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you, but that you are finally taking the lead in the direction of your own life and your ultimate destiny. This card suggests not so much that events happen to you, but rather that you instigate many major changes to bring about a new life with new challenges and renewed hope. You may decide to leave a job, leave a partner, or go overseas and the decisions you make with regards to these will be so swift that you will shatter some people's impressions that you were once a stable and slow mover. Now all things must change, and change swiftly.
If you should happen to win the lottery or some other good fortune befalls you, make sure you know exactly what you want to do with your new-found freedom, independence and wealth. The bolt out of the blue is likely to happen just when you thought you were in a rut and didn't anticipate anything was going to alter.
Opportunities can arise thick and fast and leave you gasping for air between this offer and that. Don't allow anyone to push you into anything you are unsure of.

Hopes and Fears 

Two of Cups 

Briefly: Perhaps a new love is going to appear and involve some long-range commitment for you, the birth of a child or new found love.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a man and a woman looking at each other and each one has a cup in the left hand and they are making a toast. There are some heavy black clouds in the background and these may indicate a period of time, such as further in the distance, or in the past. Perhaps a new love is going to appear and involve some long-range commitment for you. The number two can represent time as in days, weeks or months and this may indicate when the encounter will take place. The woman may also become pregnant early on in the relationship, or if a married couple have been trying and this has been delayed or hindered in some way, now it may eventuate. Also there can be a celebration of some kind and this of course could indicate the celebration of the birth of a child. If you are single and looking for romance, then it may be on its way and you could find this person proves to be your soulmate.


Queen of Cups 

Briefly: You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart or perhaps child birth or a wedding.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a beautiful woman, dressed in a gown that could be a wedding dress.  This is holding a cup between her hands as if she has just been given this by someone in front of her.  She has lovely blonde hair that is braided and she wears pearl earrings and some pearls around her hair.  She wears an elaborate head dressing and there is a large fan in the background.  She is stood beside the ocean. If this is you, then you may be about to get married or even have your first child.  You are sensitive and caring and very family orientated.  You are immaculately well groomed and have great pride in your appearance. You could be about to achieve a position that is very dear to your heart.  If this is not you, then someone you know already, or whom you are about to meet, who is described by this card is about to enter your life and make a huge impact on your lifestyle.

Other's Attitudes 


Briefly: It is possible that someone born under the sign of Leo is of some importance to you right now. our strength and fortitude are about to be acknowledged and tested

Full Meaning: Initially the picture on this card depicts a woman holding open the mouth of a lion, which shows both her courage and her desire to tame the wild beast. It is possible that someone born under the sign of Leo is of some importance to you right now. If you are the Leo, then now is you time to shine and let the world know what you can do. Your efforts will receive recognition now and if this in any way involves being in the public eye, the spotlight is about to seek you out and make you look like a beacon in the night. Your strength and fortitude are about to be acknowledged and tested. If you withstand the demands made on your resilience and energy levels, you will come through this time with flying colours.

Influence Around You 

Eight of Swords 

Briefly: A difficult situation to deal with.

Full Meaning: This can be a difficult situation to deal with. There may be restrictions in your life that you would like to be freed from. It is also a mentally stressful occasion that requires clarity of thinking and forethought to resolve. If you keep your wits about you and refuse to be depressed you will manage to sail through this time with flying colours and be amazed at your strength of will when you have come out of the other end of the fog and retrospectively look back on how well you handled yourself and the dilemma you had faced.
Endurance is the key to coping right now and your decisions may have far-reaching consequences. You will find you have matured throughout the process of dealing with your problems. You may have to let go of relationships and friendships and this will prove to be an unburdening for you and allow you the freedom to pursue your own goals.
Do not be dismayed by these goodbyes, for they are a necessary part of your new path to follow, unhindered by a lifestyle that had cramped your style and your latent talents.
Now you will start to blossom and to produce good works in whatever field you focus on right now. Allow flexibility in your thinking for fresh ideas and ways of doing things will open new doorways to your true destiny


The Hermit 

Briefly: This card as it reflects a deep thinker, someone who spends time in isolation mulling over the mysteries of life. Much time may have been spent this way, and now it is all about to change.

Full Meaning: This card shows an elderly gentleman with a robe and hood standing atop a mountain holding a lantern in his right hand and a staff in this left hand. It is the middle of the night and the background is dark, and offset by the glow - which looks like a star, emanating from the lantern. The mountain appears to be snow capped and the night seems cold and he is alone. This can signify an event happening at night or in winter. If you are not in a relationship at this point in time, it is likely that you soon will be as this can symbolise the end of being alone, you finally find what you have been looking for, which may have been right under your nose. There is also a deeper significance to this card as it reflects a deep thinker, someone who spends time in isolation mulling over the mysteries of life. Much time may have been spent this way, and now it is all about to change. Prepare yourself in whatever way is necessary. Maybe you need to revamp your image or put on some brighter clothes, rather than hiding yourself under a huge coat or cloak.

Bflygal's comment:
Have been trying to access this site.. realised the url has changed, the format has changed. Sigh the only constant is change... Reading this and the last reading, I can't help but get bewildered. Do I accept the proposition? Should I move on? My friend commented I seem more determined to leave this time.. but does leaving physically means leaving mentally too? Childish me wish he would do something.. but it is because he did something a year ago that made me like this now... I really don't know...

On another note.. something to share though I'm being cryptic as usual. When I first found out the proposition fell due to certain reasons I was upset and lost. I dread repeating the whole cycle again. I pondered for a few days before I tried to invoke a counter.. I felt I had nothing to lose anyway... It took some time before the revision took place, a revision that did not meet the counter but still looks decent... And I wonder if the bait should be taken? Earlier on the cards told me to be ready, get set, go... And I thought if it was a mistake to let go initially... and now I'm given a second chance... should I take it? Or had I been too hasty?

Monday, September 08, 2008

蔡健雅 - 越來越不懂

- 蔡健雅


回想起當時多麼想談戀愛 媽媽說就讓他來

發現我沒太多的心去等待 他失去某種色彩

得不到的就更加愛 太容易來的就不理睬
其實誰不想遇見真愛 愛得絕對 愛得坦白
以為遇上了就會明白 但每次它只留下驚鴻一瞥的感慨

雖然一個人過也過得夠精彩 偶爾再想談戀愛
然而愛總是亂了節拍 我只能夠瞎猜
也許能中了頭彩 中了又覺得奇怪

得不到的就更加愛 太容易來的就不理睬
其實誰不想遇見真愛 愛得絕對 愛得坦白
以為遇上了就會明白 但每次它只留下驚鴻一瞥的感慨


得不到的就更加愛 太容易來的就不理睬
其實誰不想遇見真愛 愛得絕對 愛得坦白
以為遇上了就會明白 但每次它只留下驚鴻一瞥的感慨
以為遇上了就會明白 但每次它只留下驚鴻一瞥的感慨



Bflygal's comment:
This is not my mood song... just that I happen to hear it now.. and happen to see this draft post with Eeyore sitting like a blur kid in NYDC.. and because I am restraining from blogging.. not till I finish studying my retest... and because I kept thinking about what my friend said about the Devil's temptation. I put my faith in GA no matter what, so if it was meant to be a temptation that so be it.. I guess I just can't and refuse to extradicate myself out of the situation.