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Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lovers Tarot on 23rd March 2011

Present Situation 

Ace of Pentacles 

Briefly: You will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true.

Full Meaning: This card shows a large pentacle in the middle which is symbolic of material wealth and abundance. If you should receive this card in your layout, and it is representative of a future event, then you will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true. This can bring financial stability to those who have never had it before in their life.

Your World 

The Hierophant 

Briefly: A man of wisdom and vast experience of life. A guiding light in the dark, a kind and inspiring man you can call on for guidance and advice.

Full Meaning: This major arcana card is one of a little mystery. The man pictured looks like he knows all the answers. He is clothed in regal attire suggestive of a link with royalty. He looks too like a religious man, perhaps a priest, and the sceptre in his hand is a symbol of mastery and possibly also magic.
He appears to be an elderly man, a man of wisdom and vast experience of life. He seems like a guiding light in the dark. If this card represents you, then you are quite likely at the stage in your life where everything is under control. You have walked the rocky road of life and have mastered the techniques to reach a time of achievement and satisfaction. You may have reached all your previous goals and can now sit back and perhaps rest on your laurels if that is what you choose to do. It is a time of equilibrium, balance and serenity. The troubles of the world are behind you, and now you can take the time out to rest without too many challenges ahead.
If this card represents someone in your life, you obviously look up to this person with great respect. He may have been, and still is, you best friend, your mentor, your confidante. He is a kind and inspiring man and you may have called on him for guidance and advice, which he gave with compassion and willingness. He may even be a spiritual guru who showed you the way when it was dark or in your hour of greatest need. He would have aided you in finding your path in life or gave hints of the mysteries that can often be hidden even from those who search for the meaning of life so compellingly. He is the keeper of the knowledge of life and will share it with those who seek it. He is the eternal philosopher and seeker of truth.
The keys can often be symbolic of new keys coming into your life, such as new house keys or car keys. It can also show you to be aware of where you leave your keys as you may find that you accidently misplace them, which can prove to be very inconvenient. As keys can represent a new direction you are about to take in life, this may suggest that the time is ripe to make significant life changes right now or in the very near future. This card can also represent marriage.

Your Lover's World 

Five of Wands 

Briefly: A symbol of some conflict that is currently going on around you or is about to take place.

Full Meaning: Often this is a symbol of some conflict that is currently going on around you or is about to take place. However for some it can be a gathering of people, united together to achieve a common goal. This could be akin to builders erecting a house, or even a political party meeting to seek cohesion in their direction. More than likely though a lot of activity takes place and you can see that there are basically many hands on deck. The issue may be that there is some expertise and effort needed to get everyone thinking on the same level, rather than a divided group. If you wish to create a more harmonious state amongst a group of people who are not seeing eye to eye, try to find a common denominator and work on that element of these people.

Nature of Issues 

Queen of Wands 

Briefly: You may also be about to meet someone very special with whom you fall in love with and marry.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card is of a woman wearing a crown and beautiful clothes and a robe, with a wand in one hand and a lovely golden sunflower in the other. There is an abundance of green leaves around the flower and the wand. She looks serene and calm. She is obviously a woman of considerable power and influence. She also appears warm and welcoming. She has lovely blonde hair and blue eyes. She displays an air of sophistication and strength. If you are this woman then you have truly found your destiny. If this is the woman you are about to become, then rest assured your future is secure and you will find all of your needs met. You may also be about to meet someone very special with whom you fall in love with and marry. This may develop during the warmer months of the year, as in Spring or Summer. If this is someone you know, then value her friendship, for she is loyal and trustworthy. If you are a male, you may meet this woman through a friend and become involved with her in a romantic relationship. If you are a young person, this person could be your mother or a teacher, or both.


Two of Cups 

Briefly: Perhaps a new love is going to appear and involve some long-range commitment for you, the birth of a child or new found love.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a man and a woman looking at each other and each one has a cup in the left hand and they are making a toast. There are some heavy black clouds in the background and these may indicate a period of time, such as further in the distance, or in the past. Perhaps a new love is going to appear and involve some long-range commitment for you. The number two can represent time as in days, weeks or months and this may indicate when the encounter will take place. The woman may also become pregnant early on in the relationship, or if a married couple have been trying and this has been delayed or hindered in some way, now it may eventuate. Also there can be a celebration of some kind and this of course could indicate the celebration of the birth of a child. If you are single and looking for romance, then it may be on its way and you could find this person proves to be your soulmate.

Lessons and Signs 

Ten of Cups 

Briefly: This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.

Full Meaning: This card shows a man and woman with one arm around each and their outer arms held up high welcoming good news. Beside them two young children hold hands and dance.  There is a rainbow in the background and several tall, green trees, some shrubs, beside a river and with mountains in the far distance.  The sky is blue and the day looks warm as in Springtime.  There are 10 cups across the sky in front of the rainbow. This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.  Two people are brought together in unison and peace to share a special time in their lives.  A joint project has obviously reached fruition and they are proud of their achievements and wish to celebrate in grand style. If you draw this card you may rest assured, that even though it took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy expended.  You can relax in your new found comfort zone and pursue your other objectives with peace of mind, knowing that your life is now more secure than it has ever been.

Your Hopes, Fears and Desires 


Briefly: Temperance will inspire us to be more ourselves, bringing out the pure essence of our being and approaching life in the way a child does, with wonder and excitement at the newness of being. You are on the verge of a new lifestyle and if you seek it you will find peace and contentment more than you ever have before.

Full Meaning: This card is such a lovely card to look at. Pictured is a person who appears to be an angel and there are enormous wings on their back signifying that they are not a mere mortal. When we draw this card it can inspire us to be more ourselves, bringing out the pure essence of our being and approaching life in the way a child does, with wonder and excitement at the newness of being. We are able to put things into perspective and bring some balance and harmony into our daily lives if we can just slow down a little and take time to see the beauty that is there all around us. We may start to appreciate that the Sun comes up every day, the scent of fresh flowers as they bloom in Springtime and the colour of the sky on a clear blue day, and if there are some clouds, they can appear like puffs of fairy floss and seem almost edible. You are being guided to bring out the best in yourself and in your surroundings. You may feel the desire to get closer to nature and this can manifest in various ways. Either you start a garden or buy lots of plants to put in your home or you move out to the country and live on a farm or other type of similar situation. Also you can more readily tune into your emotions and what gives you satisfaction in life. You are on the verge of a new lifestyle and if you seek it you will find peace and contentment more than you ever have before.

Your Lover's Hopes, Fears and Desires 

Three of Wands 

Briefly: The seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.

Full Meaning: This card depicts a man with his back to us though revealing part of his face as he looks out over the hillside. He holds a wand in his hand which has three leaves sprouting from it signifying growth and abundance. In front of him is another wand and behind him the third wand. He is contemplating his future and possibly the journey ahead of him. In the distance are mountains with high peaks. It appears to be an almost barren environment, warm and dry. However he has with him the symbols of growth and can plant wherever he sees fit. He wants to settle down, but must first wander and roam until he finds his true home. This card too is the seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.


Four of Pentacles 

Briefly: You are about to finally achieve your goal of financial security and freedom.

Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a dark haired woman dressed in a robe and a crown on her head. She holds three pentacles in front of her and one is above her crown. Behind her is a brick wall symbolising strength, protection and safety. The pentacles of course represent her finances and how she manages them. She is shrewd, careful and very practical. She is securing her financial future and will soon be rewarded for her patience and endurance. If you are this woman you are about to finally achieve your goal of financial security and freedom. You will be able to protect yourself from the adversities of the past and gain total financial control of your life. You may also be able to teach what you have learnt to others.


Ace of Wands 

Briefly: Perhaps a move interstate or overseas. Life is about to flourish and grow in more ways than you can imagine.

Full Meaning: This a beautiful card to just look at. On it is a hand reaching out from the sky holding a branch that is sprouting green leaves. This is very symbolic of a new life. You may be about to uproot yourself and move to a totally different location. You could even move interstate or overseas. Life is about to flourish and grow in more ways than you can imagine. There could very well be mountains nearby in the place you are planning on moving to. The sky is blue and the world is your oyster.
Now is the most favourable time to consider what possibilities lay ahead. A business venture may be undertaken now that builds a solid and secure future for you and your family. Take the initiative and move into new territory, for the old has little to offer, whereas the new is fresh and inspiring to you.
If there is a proposition is put to you in the near future it would be potentially prosperous and the likelihood of producing all the things your life needs.