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Friday, April 30, 2010

Single Card Tarot on 30th April 2010

Ten of Cups 

Briefly: This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.

Full Meaning: This card shows a cup, held in a man’s hand, and joined by a woman’s hand, as they appear to be about to sip together from the liquid in the cup, as if sharing in a celebration of some wonderful event.  There is a rainbow in the background and several tall, green trees, some shrubs, beside a river and with mountains in the far distance.  The sky is blue and the day looks warm as in Springtime.  There are 9 cups across the sky in front of the rainbow. This card symbolises great happiness and contentment.  Two people are brought together in unison and peace to share a special time in their lives.  A joint project has obviously reached fruition and they are proud of their achievements and wish to celebrate in grand style. If you draw this card you may rest assured, that even though it took a long time to get where you are, it has all been worth the effort and the energy expended.  You can relax in your new found comfort zone and pursue your other objectives with peace of mind, knowing that your life is now more secure than it has ever been.

Bflygal's comments: And so I chose to reject because Oracle tells me to Stay optimistic.. after telling me to believe in my power and to tell me to accept heaven's help. So why did I reject.. because it says "Your dreams are coming true. Don't quit right before the miracle occurs." And I thought that means I should not stop waiting.. so I reject. But she tried to hold me and in the end, it is still back to square one.

At 10.20pm, she called to say she is willing to match what the other side offer. I had never once thought of asking a pay increment from them. And I certainly did not reject as a 吊起来卖 tactic. I just rejected cos the card tells me so. So is this my dreams come true?

Accept heaven's help. So what's next?

And doc prob going to complain this is not scientific again... yah I am playing by instinct because Steve Jobs once said Stay Hungry, Stay Foolish. Thanks to senior to remind me of his speech.. and to intro to me JK Rowling's "The Fringe Benefits of Failure, and the Importance of Imagination".