Isobuster, a saviour. At least it brought me my will-o'-the-wisp and retrieve tiny specks of my Brisbane memories. I have decided to arrange a revisit in sept but must check my friend's schedule first. And I hope I can retrieve some specks of my Swiss memories too. Pray!
(P/s: Seems unable to read the cd properly already.. argh how how how..)
Lately I am addicted to my current lifestyle of going to the gym and being not so worried about money which is dangerous in a logical sense. I do worry about my skills turning rusty or me getting too bored and be tempted to just accept any job at such state.. which is a big NO-NO. Sigh am I too idealistic or picky? The previous interviewer had expressed interest in hiring me but the rate isn't what I'm looking for and I was unwilling to compromise as it is not a job I badly wanted.
Then today after a frank declaration that I'm over qualified for the position he was trying to fill up, it was interesting to note he still wanted me in to try out first. Funny because bosses hate to retrain people and so when I told him I don't want to join and then waste his time, he said it is ok as at least I already told him what I was looking for during the interview already. Hmm the notice period is a problem though so maybe I should just stick to freelance contract?? Guess I'm too free-spirited to make any commitment any more.
But it makes me wonder, is it that hard to find an overseas job posting?? If someone is willing to sponsor me a work visa, I will probably accept any wage amount for it.
Talking about idealism, I wonder why students of today no longer take their FYP seriously. I was approached to do a student's FYP which I rejected because I cannot get over my conscience and moral obligations that I will only harm the guy.
Guess I'm bored but not curious enough for that. I was curious enough to know 2 Amway distributors and the theory of Household Gold. However I still feel uncomfortable to earn money via people's buying power. GA, please make the Forex a feasible way to generate my passive income forever. If so, maybe I can figure out something towards my ideals soon.
Reminds me of the Fool's Gold book I just borrowed the day before after I went for my blood donation in the library. And talking about mobile blood donation, the doctor actually recognised me from a previous trip. (Definitely much scarier than the day my secondary school ECA teacher recognise and call out my name after not seeing him for half a decade already haha!) Anyway I still hope if my next trip is to HSA, I will not get rejected any more as I have been rejected twice already zzz!!! Guess I'm borderline for weight, blood pressure and iron... But stubborn to insist on donating blood still haha.
Two coastal protection studies to start 2026: Sentosa and SW coast
To tackle sea-level rise, two site-specific studies on Sentosa Island and
the nation’s south-west coast will begin by 2026. These are among eight
2 days ago
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