后来两个人结婚了,原来樱子知道那个豆子是做什么用的,樱子把豆子种下,结出了很多巧克力豆。夫妻俩开了一个巧克力店,他们做出来的巧克力很好吃,每天有 很多人到他们那买,生意一天一天好起来,夫妻二人也过上了幸福生活。山本富裕了也不忘记天天上山砍柴,樱子也就天天陪着他上山。
This was a story from Triumphs over the Skies. This 樱之恋人巧克力 is one of the focus of the show. Other than Triangel which I mentioned before. Zoe first told Sam this story and he ended up looking for this chocolate for her as her birthday present. At that time, he was unsure to give the chocolate though as he does not like her and she had frightened him by saying she will have wrong ideas with the gift. She had also made him promise to buy her a chocolate every time he flew to a country. However later on, they broke up and Zoe gave away all the chocolates. She told him she wanted him to buy chocolates in the past to make him think of her. But that reason no longer stands and the chocolates has lost their significance. Weirdly though, 樱之恋人巧克力 was the last chocolate not given out.
Anyway I remember when I was in Japan, I don’t see this chocolate though haha. And Hokkaido’s famous chocolate is 白色恋人巧克力. Did the show made up this chocolate? I’m not very sure about that too. And I wonder does 白色恋人巧克力 have a story too? I hope to go to Hokkaido one day too.
After spending the whole Sunday watching Triumphs over the Skies, I realized there are quite a lot of scenes from Hokkaido, Japan and Rome, Italy. And I felt the urge to go Rome to test the wishing fountain? Joking!
“What is at the end of the rainbow?” Zoe had asked Sam this question. And Sam asked Vincent and Zitta to give him an answer. I still remember Vincent’s reply to the question was very romantic, very fairy tale, very sweet.
Anyway I spent the whole day finding something from that show only to have found the answer now. Hmm but I still got bits and pieces not sorted out. I see how Zitta, Ruby, Zoe and Bella encounter and how they handle the relationships. I guess I might really end up using the most stupid method to find the answer. If I have not find my answer.
NEA report on Marine Litter (Jan 2025)
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