Monday, December 31, 2007
Somber musing
A few days ago, I remember my classmate had cracked a bad joke. Not that I can remember what he said. Besides I think I was at fault. I had accidentally heard another classmate said “You go attend your funeral wake” and was a bit shocked because of the phrasing. Later on, when this guy came back, he mentioned that one knows one is old when one’s parents are passing away. After that, what bad joke he cracked, I totally cannot remember. I only remember my brain was scanning through that phrase to counter it. But I kept quiet in the end. No point saying anything to someone who is moody then and trying to self-amuse. Plus while scanning, I suddenly felt unease.
I was 14 when my then best friend had to attend a primary schoolmate’s wake. The deceased had gotten into a car accident. I remember vividly telling this guy, she was 2 years younger than you, and she was gone already. That time, I felt we were too young to die.
Over the years, I might have those same sentiments. But to attend my JC mate’s wake is something I would say a wake up call. I wouldn’t say I am too young to die, considering half the time I do wish to meet maker. But I would like to ask if she had the chance to fulfil all her wishes? I was told she came down with dengue in June but did recover. It was short-lived though as she had to return back to hospital for some complications. She was supposedly better in October and was starting on some treatment recently when some rejections occurred. She departed the world very suddenly.
I was not close to her and totally lost contact after she left for Monash. Thus I had no knowledge of those months that she were hospitalised. Her death came as a shock to me then. I woke up early in the morning supposedly hoping that sms is my group mate’s response for a particular assignment. I ended up not being able to concentrate much in work because the assignment has an unknown status and I was still trying to recover from shock. I know I told my friend that the living ones still had a life to continue. But when you are at the wake, and you see the family’s reaction, and you see her boyfriend’s reaction, and you see her photograph, something just stirs in you. And it does not help that it is new year’s eve and they lost someone dear on such an occasion. She will be cremated tomorrow morning. Some way or another, they had to begun 2008 without her.
Am I still too young to die? I have no answer to that. A year ago, I changed my mentality to fulfil as much of my dreams as possible such that if I ever drop dead and die, at least I have lesser regrets. But there were certain things I procrastinate. I can only say I should stop procrastinating from now onwards. Death can indeed be a sudden thing.
p/s: What if one day I no longer blogs nor face book nor multiply nor friendster? Do you assume I have departed too? I realised we have too much online presence. And her presence in friendster is still there. Still there...
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Shopaholic Me
Anyway I went back to review my posts for Dec 2006 and Jan 2007. Because I remember a year ago, I did some “major” shopping and chalked up quite a “debt”. Hmm but I realized I did not blogged on that in the end because I was too lazy to take photo of the shoe that time. Come to think of it, the shoe did not last me too long either, was thrown away 3 to 5 months later haha.
Hmm but I guess this end of year, I definitely spend 2 to 3 times more than the previous year. The only thing is I should be done for shopping already. After that Xmas shopping (which was my Shopping part one), I continued with my Shopping part two today. I had bought myself the track shoes that I saw that day, and a gym membership. After I had signed for the gym membership, stressor smsed if I am interested to watch Jacky Cheung’s concert. But I told him, I’m broke already haha. Yeah I remember telling myself that I’m not supposed to go shopping after I chalked up the facial debt in November. At that time I already max my first credit card. After today, I think I max my second credit card too. But seriously, I am not complaining. These are stuff I do to pamper and de-stress myself. Just that they can really burn a hole in my pocket. Guess I can finally just concentrate paying debts for the next 1 year. And if mum is going to ask me buy any CNY clothes, I will just reply my wardrobe is full haha.
Anyway I happen to see another post about spending my 1st Jan 2007 in school to do FYP. Gosh, did that really happen? Haha and suddenly my FYP is done. Remarkable.. really remarkable.. now just to hope the presentation will be over and we manage to pass it.
2007, I asked not to be afraid. I had wanted to do some “cleaning up” and was worried that I might give up half way. Actually I still got 2 more things not cleaned up, which might spilled to 2008 but I’m ok with it as I am determined to clear it up. For this coming 2008, I asked to realise my dreams.
Oh ya, and to remember what stressor said “Now or never”. Haha maybe that is why I decided to just sign the gym instead of continue sourcing. Luckily I did read some forums before to know the rough benchmark. Because I have the tendency to just agree and buy that something when I know I need it, without checking for a better deal.
Tired Musing
The last time I had to work 24 hours non stop was actually a fairly recent encounter. It was the 24hour Code Jam. The difference is that environment was definitely 100% more casual than the previous night. Of course there is another big difference, at least this time when I reached home; I got to see my parents. Guess I really am quite unstable and emotional lately. Hmm while writing this, I suddenly got the “you wish to know more but you are scared you cannot handle the truth” feeling. I can only tell myself to take things slowly. Rome was not built in a day, so am I haha.
Back to my tired musing. Actually also nothing much, just wanted to remember this day because it is rather significant to me. It’s like my undergraduate day, I always remember doing my 2102 with toff the whole night. Once again, these 2 events were entirely different. That time for 2102, I was not contributing much (because I was busy doing my undergrad’s FYP which though had late nights but never had to marathon). Thus after submitting the FYP then, I had one more day before submitting 2102. And I promised them I will do up the website (written in asp haha) within one night. So it was just her and me, with a whole bunch of other sch mates in that area where I used to call the McDonald’s chair area haha.
Actually I have never stayed in ISS for so late before. The worst encounter was (again just recently) about 11pm I guessed and that day I had a fall. Thus yesterday I kept reminding myself to be alert, and do not injure myself again. I am keeping myself healthy to transit into year 2008. I can be quite superstitious haha.
ISS was very quiet on that Friday’s night. For the whole of level 3, only my project team was around. Funny, the only thing I remembered is that initially they believed we can finish by Saturday noon then packed up and head home. But Saturday’s noon came and went and we were still debugging. Then they thought by 7pm would be done. But at 7pm, our documentation was still tying up loose ends. Haha. Thankfully though by 8+, all’s done. Our energetic level was also in roller coaster mode for the entire phase. It amuses me though to see all of them suddenly turning energetic when I started printing the documentation. They were raring to head home (but of course!).
Towards the end, I really felt relief and lots of gratitude towards them. They really did a lot and I felt I did not contribute much haha. I think I did mention my gratitude but these guys as usual doubt my words. Hmm have I been telling too much lies?
Anyway I’m left with one more assignment for the year 2007. The taste of freedom is so close. I have been telling stressor I really want 2008 to come soon. As usual, he replies me with a “Now or never” motto haha. Which will be my mode comes next year. I cannot afford this attitude now because I am still burdened. I just need to study another 5 more months then my Masters is done. Amazingly, I have gone through 2 years (a small voice in me is telling me to better pass all my recent exams else don’t bother thinking about it already haha).
Oh no I better go and get ready, got lots of errands to run today. Then is back to my security assignment. And then to unload the baggage. Hmm maybe I should go Taka a while to spend my voucher too.. Hurry!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard
A 20-minute, fast-paced, fact-filled look at the underside of our production and consumption patterns. The interesting thing about this movie is that Annie Leonard was just talking with stick figures and drawings to visualise her words. Gonna watch it again when my brain is free to think.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
2008 Horoscope
Yearly Horoscope For Virgo
The trends for you this year are most strange and amusing – you will learn to do things just for the love of it, and be paid back in equal measure, in both spheres of your life. You will love what you do, and others will just catch up the vibes. You will feel a kind of freedom – I don’t know how this is going to turn out for you in material terms, but I can be sure of one thing – you will surely cherish this period of your life for a long time to come. Could you ask for more?
Luck will be on your side in case you are thinking about a rolling your dice on some project or speculation, but if I were you, I would not overdo it. Other than that, there is a lot of traveling, and the good part is that most of it involves your companion or group of friends or coworkers. But yes, this period calls for introspection. Sure you were trying to make things perfect and improving upon you personal relations and all, but may be you are just lost from within. May be you don’t know who you are and what you want any more! This personal reconstruction will take years, but now is the time to start.
Things will change and it will get more and more difficult to fit in. Those very personal relations that you worked on, won’t work out well, and cause disturbance in your household and office. That’s why what I advised above is so important. Take care of your health and try to refine you image. You will get through this year with a lot many positives, as a totally different person.
Bflygal's comments:
Was reading i-weekly prediction and felt weird that the whole para is totally relevant to me. Decided to do a lucky search via google.. and once again this para sounds pretty relevant.. 5 more days, promise myself on the last day I will unload everything. The signs are there, I shouldn't be wrong this time. Just need some tidying up, need some time, need some more energy. I really am drained.
Stressor thought I wanted to make some changes and was procrastinating. But I just want to get over 2007 asap. Because the emotional baggage is too burdensome. Actually in some sense, stressor is right. It still can be considered as a procrastination, just that in terms of priority, this is like so low priority. Of course, based on my yardstick, nothing is more important than my family, studies and work.
Anyway had wanted to post an interesting Xmas encounter yesterday but ended up shopping and was too tired (and kinda broke haha.. more to come still) to write it down. Maybe if I pulled off the same stance on New Year Day, I will write the encounter and do some "conclusion". Hurry hurry back to my fyp... hmm feel like taking a nap first tho... zzz
Monday, December 24, 2007
Piece of Cake
A mother had asked a dispirited daughter if she wants a cake. The daughter replied yes.
The mother then proceeds to offer some cooking oil, a couple of raw eggs and some flour or baking soda then.
The daughter was puzzled because all these are inedible.
To which the mother replies: "Yes, all those things seem bad by themselves. But when they are put together in the right way, they make a wonderfully delicious cake!
The mail states that God works the same way too. He made us go through the bad and difficult times. But there is an order to it, and it will work towards the good and positive results. So long we trust God.
Haha it is such a coincidental that today, I was given a total of 3 pieces of cake just for the first half of the day already. This year we received quite a few cakes and my colleague had been sweet to save one piece for me last week. It is still in the fridge because I’m full already. Plus tomorrow I’m not even at home to enjoy it so no point bringing back. Later on still got log cake. I think I have one too many pieces of cake today haha.
12 Angry Man
A movie recommended by my brother for one of his course. A movie made in 1957. Put 12 men together and you can really see the effect. It is called the alpha theory. I was introduced this theory this year by a friend. Intrigued, I asked him more about it. He told me if you have too many men in a discussion, the theory will materialize. There will be some who will try to dominate the conversation.
A further search leads me to this phrase: “If you have a group of wolves, one will emerge as the leader of the pack.”
I have seen such effect in a discussion before. It tends be quite scary especially when you never seen someone argue before, suddenly turn the discussion into a pretty intensive argument. I asked is it mainly a male thing, my friend said it is due to male ego. Hmm…
In this movie, I saw this theory materialize again. When people gets sensitive, when people gets stressed, when people gets prejudiced. 12 jury have to come up with a unanimous decision on whether the teenager is guilty of killing his dad or not. It was initially an 11-1 vote where only one person voted not guilty. And he did it initially to try to initiate a discussion. Because he felt that there is something amidst and he hopes that all are truly convinced the teenager committed the murder and should be put to death immediately. Slowly, one by one was convinced.
Towards the end, the last one breaks down too. I felt sad for him because he has a painful relationship with his son.
It's always difficult to keep personal prejudice out of a thing like this. And wherever you run into it, prejudice always obscures the truth.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Random Musing...
My classmates had asked me to go out supper after the paper. But when the paper ended, I did not join them. Actually while doing the paper, I had already made up my mind to come home.
In some sense, I am demoralised by the last 2 paper. Both papers I encountered a stage where there was nothing I could write. I did not understand the question; else I did not know the solution at all. Maybe I had expected too much. I do not know. But I am glad it is over though.
It is also to clarify something which has been nagging me since Thursday. Come home, and get my answer. And hopefully help share the burden. I have no idea… I still feel lost. It is a matter that I cannot get involved, yet it will affect me. I’m guess I’m scared.
Anyway I ended up re-watching Nanking as promised. Parts that I cried before, I did not cry again. But when you see them recounting how their mum or sister died, you can feel their pain.
Sigh I think I should go and sleep soon. I hope tomorrow gym session will lift my spirits.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
楊丞琳 - 可愛
突然醒來 有你
我想你明白 可能不是愛
我想你明白 這並不是愛
我不過是可愛 卻還不夠被愛
我想你明白 可能不是愛
我想你明白 這並不是愛
我不過是可愛 卻還不夠被愛
我想你明白 可能不是愛
我想你明白 這並不是愛
我不過是可愛 卻還不夠被愛
Bflygal's comments:
Was telling my friend I learn another new definition of Cute (可愛) from this song. 2007 left another 9 days. Yesterday, I was scolded by another friend for controlling my own emotions. Actually I had promise myself in 2008 to curb this bad habit of mine. But for the next 9 days, can just let me continue my suppression. I will definitely figure something out soon since it is clear now...
我不過是可愛 卻還不夠被愛Truth hurts usually... It is better to enjoy my Tang Yuan on this Winter Solstice Day... with another song
就算沒有王子 想你在身邊
-- 失眠的睡美人 by 楊丞琳
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Quote of the Day
That is exactly what was happening for my exam paper last night....
Too bad the next 2 paper can't be smoked through.
Evan Almighty
"Let me ask you something.
If someone prays for patience, you think God gives them patience?
Or does he give them the opportunity to be patient?
If he prayed for courage,
does God give him courage,
or does he give him opportunities to be courageous?
If someone prayed for the family to be closer,
do you think God zaps them with warm fuzzy feelings,
or does he give them opportunities to love each other?"
I can be very childish at times. And when I'm childish, I will ask God why do you put me through all these. But deep down, I know he's training me. Everytime I am met with an obstacle, I know there is an objective to it. But I will still whine and complain. And even though I know the motive behind these obstacles, this scene still touches me and reminds me that indeed, God don't just bequeathed me patience. He makes me go through these tribulations to gain patience. Thanks for the reminder.
The movie ended with this particular scene:
God: How do we change the world?
Evan Baxter: One single act of random kindness at a time.
God: [spoken while writing A-R-K on ground with a stick] One Act, of, Random, Kindness.
I shall engrave 'ARK' in my memory from now onwards.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Chakra Test

This chakra is located just below your navel and is sometimes called the sacral chakra. The second chakra represents honor. In your case, this chakra appears to be clear and unblocked so that positive energy can flow from it freely. Radiating positive energy from your second chakra indicates that you've cultivated higher wisdom concerning the important life lessons associated with this energy center. You're likely to have a deep understanding of the importance of valuing others. You're also apt to feel secure in your relationships, tacitly knowing where you stand in relation to those closest to you.
Whether they're allowing positive energy to flow or preventing it from doing so, all seven of your body's chakras contribute to how you are feeling on a day-to-day basis. When they're balanced, you feel energized and at the top of your game. When they're unbalanced, you may feel tired or 'off'.
What Number Are You?
You Are 5: The Investigator |
![]() You're independent - and a logical analytical thinker. You love learning and ideas... and know things no one else does. Bored by small talk, you refuse to participate in boring conversations. You are open minded. A visionary. You understand the world and may change it. At Your Best: You are sharp, inventive, and creative. You have the skills to lead the world. At Your Worst: You are reclusive, weird, and a bit paranoid. Your Fixation: Greed Your Primary Fear: Being useless or incompetent Your Primary Desire: Being competent and needed Other Number 5's: Bill Gates, John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, Bjork, and Stephen Hawking. |
What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For?
What Kind of Guy Will You Fall For? | |
![]() | You would fall for the gentleman. Keep an eye out for your love at your next formal or field trip to the opera. Watch out for bad boys who walk on the inside of the curb and don't hold the door for you, and you'll end up with the guy who's suave, sophisticated, and classy through-and-through. |
Find Your Character @ |
Bflygal's comments: Hmm guess so.. but I don't really like Prince William leh.. I remember in secondary school, my classmate was quite "into" him.. and I'm like hmm.. the only thing I share in common with him is his parents married the same year as my parents did, and that my parents might have taken some photo of the royal wedding gift during their honeymoon?? (oh and another common point but i shall not divulge haha)... anyway heck, not interested.. I'm only interested in the Pound/SG rate to drop so that I can go London next year.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Nanking 2007

George Fitch, missionary. Bob Wilson, only surgeon remaining to care for legions of victims. John Rabe, German businessman. And Minnie Vautrin, missionary educator who passionately defends the lives and honor of Nanking's women during the war time. Their courage is something I would never possess. They could have left Nanking but they chose to stay. They could not bear to let the civilians suffer. They tried within their capacity to set up the safety zone, a zone to protect the city’s civilians from the Japanese forces. A zone that the Japanese force did respect to a certain extent.
The film had used original interviews of Chinese survivors who told their own stories. The film had lots of black and white archival footage of the events and the testimonials of Japanese soldiers who participated in the rampage.
Actually, I’m at a loss of words to describe this movie. The scenes haunt me. Their true life encounters frighten me. I have always been interested in history, the 2 world wars, the civil war. But textbook has never really dealt with the emotional side, it is factual by nature. And this movie showed me the other side not seen or taught. How a lady shave her head to pretend to be a male. How another lady allow herself to be shamed to save her grandpa.
War brings out the beast in mankind. War also brings out the angel in mankind. Is it the fate of Nanking to suffer? And yet God had alleviated their suffering with the set up of the safety zone and the strength of the few foreigners who really did their best. They saved about 50,000 - 250,000 lives despite the ongoing massacre, despite the fact that from time to time the Japanese would enter the Safety Zone at will and carry off a few hundred men and women to kill or rape them. Each time they watched helplessly and powerless to stop the atrocities. They felt guilty for not able to do more. Minnie Vautrin committed suicide a few years later, haunted by the images and the guilt.
I think I will re-watch the movie again after my exams, as I had missed some parts because I was running it in background only. Sigh, my heart feels so heavy still.
The Other Side of Outsourcing
A video recommended by my outsourcing lecturer. A video added 2 years ago in youtube. I do believe the video might have been made much earlier (did not really research on it though). It is also based on Thomas Friedman's "The World is Flat"
As to how you view outsourcing, is entirely subjective. Truth is outsourcing will exists. Truth is India, and many other countries, have already been affected. Truth is globalisation has taken place and we are no longer living a life our parents were living.
But it is still the same city. How we retain our traditions depend on ourselves. There might be youngsters who prefer hip-hop and MTV. But there will also be youngsters who loves Chinese wayang, and Chinese dance. There will still be youngsters in India who will cherish their own tradition values.
I wouldn't say globalisation is good or bad, it is just a necessary element to introduce change. However being a feminist, at least this change empowers India’s females. But is that a good thing?
Oh towards the end, there was this part where a lady was talking about quality of life, between village life and city life. I remember reading an article a few days ago about this guy (Singaporean) who chose to give up the city life and went into kampong life, a life he used to live in. He just wanted to be true to his dream.
Losing 1 GB each day
Everyday I started my computer (running on Windows Vista), I realised my C drive loses space.. at first, I did not really bother. But it got me worrying lately when my drive is slowly losing .. 1 GB... a day. Then yesterday I went to clear all the registry and stuff and took note how much GB free space I have. I left the computer running the whole night and woke up in the morning to see that I have once again lost 1GB. I was really wondering if I got any hidden files eating my free spaces. A search on all files modified/created since yesterday did not yield much results. Decided to search for my answer. Luckily the first hit, I found someone that had exactly the same problem as me.
Apparently the process that is eating my free space is the system restore.
To go to system restore:
1. Go to "My Computer"
2. Right click "Properties"
3. Select "System Protection"
As quoted from the help:
To store restore points, you need at least 300 megabytes (MB) of free space on each hard disk that has System Protection turned on. System Restore might use up to 15 percent of the space on each disk. As the amount of space fills up with restore points, System Restore will delete older restore points to make room for new ones.
15% of space is alot if your harddisk is big. Anyway the guy had some useful commands which must be run in command prompt. I also don't know the GUI interface of restricting the storage space.
Command to list the current ShadowCopy storage allocated:
vssadmin List ShadowStorage
Command to resize the amount:
vssadmin Resize ShadowStorage /On=C: /For=C: /Maxsize=4GB
Hmm.. I went to delete all my system restore points anyway and gained back 12 GB. The thing that is boggling me though is that ShadowStorage says it will only used a maximum of 6GB in my hdd. Too bad I did not run the command previously to see how much it used.
Anyway I decided not to resize the amount yet. I want to re-monitor the situation. But I better blog it down so that I know how to restrict it next time.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Just wondering...
I'm reminding myself not to use the word "depression" anymore, especially when I am talking to DOC. So that I will not misuse the word. And because I don't like my tone whenever I am on that topic.
I'm not sure if anybody understands me. I know I can manipulate my thoughts. It is very easy for me to be an optimist or a pessimist. Mind power. That is all it takes. But DOC will most probably says where got so easy turn depressed. Easy or not, I know the answer is suffice.
I'm angry with myself lately. Someone had commented my work attitude again. It is a topic that unnerves me. Because they are not in my situation. And because they are in a joking tone. And because once again, I might have take things too seriously? Truth is, I absolutely hate my behaviour. I tried to rectify the situation but I failed. I don't like to admit I'm idling. Because Virgo's never idle. And yet, there are times I rather be a slacker, I rather be a social outcast. Maybe I will feel better.
Today senior asked me if I have crazy work schedule. Because I said he is a workaholic. I told him is by choice. But even if I choose, I no longer will work promptly. Told him I spent the whole morning to do something for user. Only to have an email from user to say it is not needed. And I rushed because I am going on leave soon and did not want to delay simple tasks like these. The devil in me says I should have take my time. I am poisoned.
And I am touchy. Touchy when people say I am not doing enough for work. Touchy when people say my FYP is done. And I know how bad my touchiness is when senior was afraid I got angry because of his comments. I realised I can be quite an open book. People always seem to know when I'm angry. Guess I'm not those quietly gets angry type.
Little things unnerved me. Whether is my classmate or my friends... because ultimately, I'm angry with myself.
Time's up!
p/s: And after typing this blog, I was delivered a serious blow on.. once again, my work attitude. It hurts because I never expected this person to say it, and because she had wanted to say to my friend but had sent wrongly. No wonder why people says women can really bitch about people. I know sometimes, I might fall into that state, and times like this, I do feel guilty. Which is why I really try to cut down on all these talks... It's times like this that I thought about what my mum asked me, why didn't I R? After she see I kept going library to study.. After she learned that I fell from a flight of steps... Actually ever since I fell down, I have been thinking, what did GA want to tell me? It hurts, but is not my arm that hurts now.. is my heart...
Monday, December 10, 2007
Unconditional Love
The first time I was listening to this series, she was still a student maybe in secondary or JC phase. It is the time where female gets involve in puppy love and such. Then the next time I listen to the series again, she was a university student already. I never knew how come she ended up having her first relationship with Ah Du and why did they break up. This time, when I listen about her, she is working already. Sigh, I feel time just fly past me real fast. It is like my life story has just zoomed past me too.
She was thinking about her first love still. In fact I feel she has never really let go of him. And because she is working, she has more free time to think as compared to her university life where she was busy with hostel activities. Haha working life can indeed be quite leisure. Maybe that’s why I ended up taking a part time masters and make myself a no-life person now.
Anyway there is one episode where she mentioned about a real life story where an elderly couple had gone on an overseas trip. The wife was suffering from some illness and was wheel-bound. However she wanted to explore Taiwan and the husband agreed because he did not know how much time she has left and he just wanted to fulfil her wish. The two of them went touring around Taiwan until his wife’s health deteriorates to an extent that they have to come back.
Not many people know how tough it is to tour with a wheel-bound partner. 2+ years ago, before I became a no-life person, I had gone on a Beijing trip with my family. We rarely join tour but because we are not sure about China food, thus we join a land tour for it. And in this group, there is a family of three where the mother is wheel-bound. Everyday you could see the husband carrying the wife up and down the bus, how they stroll and do their sight-seeing. My parents were impressed. So was I. And the remarkable thing is this was definitely not their first trip or their last trip. They have been touring around many other countries even though the wife is in such a state.
Unconditional love. That is what Da Tou Fen craves for. And I believed that is what everybody hopes for.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Question of the Day

Which way is the bus below travelling?
To the left or to the right? ..... And how do you know this?
Can't make up your mind?
Look carefully at the picture again. ?
Still don't know?
Pre-schoolers all over Australia were shown this picture asked the same question.
90% of the pre-schoolers gave this answer.
"The bus is travelling to the right." (highlight for answer)
When asked, "Why do you think the bus is travelling to the right ?"
They answered:
"Because you can't see the door to get on the bus."
Bflygal's comments:
I think I'm too stressed.. whahahhaahhaha
Monday, December 03, 2007
Chipmunk Movie
Haha when my friend pass me this url, I was like wah Chipmunks sia... so classic. Later when I send to a senior, he was saying yeah chipmunks more our era.. haha.. and I replied is his era sia. He was asking me what's Barney and Bob the Builder wahahah.. Although I have to say I haven't caught cartoons for quite some times but well Barney and Bob are still common cartoon characters that I have glimpsed before haha. I guess Chipmunks and Barney is like S Club 7 and Hi 5... And that I am still a kid haha.
I like Simon.. dunno just find him funny when he replied "Housekeeper" haha.

The songs sung in a chipmunkish tone are cute too haha...
The Chipmunk Song
Christmas, Christmas time is near
Time for toys and time for cheer
We've been good, but we can't last
Hurry Christmas, hurry fast
Want a plane that loops the loop
Me, I want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.
Want a plane that loops the loop
I still want a hula hoop
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.
We can hardly stand the wait
Please Christmas, don't be late.
宇恒 - 深呼吸
宇恒 - 深呼吸
专辑:宇宙永恒 happy day
空气很凉 摇上车窗
我要我自己坚强 我知道我能做到
123 深呼吸 就感觉这力量
叫做翅膀 准备飞翔
我的想法很简单 没有他们的复杂
123 深呼吸 我呼吸爱的力量
我要我自己坚强 我知道我能做到
123 深呼吸 就感觉这力量
叫做翅膀 准备飞翔
我的想法很简单 没有他们的复杂
123 深呼吸 我呼吸爱的力量
我知道 你知道
还要全世界看到 我的真心和希望
Bflygal's comment: Heard this song in the wee morning last week but was unable to find out who sung it. After that, I kept listening to Y.E.S. 933 web radio so that if the song is played, I will immediately know the title. But it did not get replayed.
Till this morning, same wee morning time. The problem is I'm usually not very awake in such condition but at least this time I caught the key word (which I did not know last week) - "深呼吸".
A year ago, I heard 宇恒 - 依然是朋友, it was beautiful. She is very talented. In this current video, seeing her play the piano makes me so tempted haha.
Actually this song is quite old. I had thought it is a new song as I never heard before. Maybe this is GA's message to me.
我要我自己坚强 我知道我能做到
123 深呼吸 就感觉这力量
叫做翅膀 准备飞翔
Positive thinking matters!