It’s been a tiring week. Right after my exams, the only focus I have is my FYP. And yesterday was the intended deadline. Why I said intended is because there is a “rumour” that it has been postponed to 31st Dec 2007 due to a student’s request. Not that it matters to any of my project mates. We had already been in school for almost 24 hours then already and all we want is to get it done and submitted as intended.
The last time I had to work 24 hours non stop was actually a fairly recent encounter. It was the 24hour Code Jam. The difference is that environment was definitely 100% more casual than the previous night. Of course there is another big difference, at least this time when I reached home; I got to see my parents. Guess I really am quite unstable and emotional lately. Hmm while writing this, I suddenly got the “you wish to know more but you are scared you cannot handle the truth” feeling. I can only tell myself to take things slowly. Rome was not built in a day, so am I haha.
Back to my tired musing. Actually also nothing much, just wanted to remember this day because it is rather significant to me. It’s like my undergraduate day, I always remember doing my 2102 with toff the whole night. Once again, these 2 events were entirely different. That time for 2102, I was not contributing much (because I was busy doing my undergrad’s FYP which though had late nights but never had to marathon). Thus after submitting the FYP then, I had one more day before submitting 2102. And I promised them I will do up the website (written in asp haha) within one night. So it was just her and me, with a whole bunch of other sch mates in that area where I used to call the McDonald’s chair area haha.
Actually I have never stayed in ISS for so late before. The worst encounter was (again just recently) about 11pm I guessed and that day I had a fall. Thus yesterday I kept reminding myself to be alert, and do not injure myself again. I am keeping myself healthy to transit into year 2008. I can be quite superstitious haha.
ISS was very quiet on that Friday’s night. For the whole of level 3, only my project team was around. Funny, the only thing I remembered is that initially they believed we can finish by Saturday noon then packed up and head home. But Saturday’s noon came and went and we were still debugging. Then they thought by 7pm would be done. But at 7pm, our documentation was still tying up loose ends. Haha. Thankfully though by 8+, all’s done. Our energetic level was also in roller coaster mode for the entire phase. It amuses me though to see all of them suddenly turning energetic when I started printing the documentation. They were raring to head home (but of course!).
Towards the end, I really felt relief and lots of gratitude towards them. They really did a lot and I felt I did not contribute much haha. I think I did mention my gratitude but these guys as usual doubt my words. Hmm have I been telling too much lies?
Anyway I’m left with one more assignment for the year 2007. The taste of freedom is so close. I have been telling stressor I really want 2008 to come soon. As usual, he replies me with a “Now or never” motto haha. Which will be my mode comes next year. I cannot afford this attitude now because I am still burdened. I just need to study another 5 more months then my Masters is done. Amazingly, I have gone through 2 years (a small voice in me is telling me to better pass all my recent exams else don’t bother thinking about it already haha).
Oh no I better go and get ready, got lots of errands to run today. Then is back to my security assignment. And then to unload the baggage. Hmm maybe I should go Taka a while to spend my voucher too.. Hurry!
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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