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Thursday, December 10, 2009

What's done cannot be undone

MD called.. correction, Ex-MD called.  To repair relationship.  To apologise that certain things when done, should be done in a warm personal manner and not a cold group manner.  No wonder people get riled up and harsh words got exchanged.  No wonder we rebel and not quietly submit to the prior arrangement they had for us.  
This card shows a man struggling with a heavy load. This may reflect some aspect of your life where you feel a little overwhelmed and unable to continue without a strong will and a determination not to fail. Your motives are of high standing and you only want what is best for everyone concerned. You will soon gain the feather in your cap and be able to move freely through life as if the coast is finally clear. Your objectives now need to be focussed on the long term solution to current problems, rather than just a band aid on the situation. Give yourself every effort to succeed and you surely will.

I re-read the tarot outcome of that day.  I wish I have the feather soon.  
To give up what I have done for the last few years, it was a question I asked myself a year ago.  I once told jnr that this might be my last chance to figure out what I want in this industry.  Thus to be booted out in such an impersonal way probably made me more disillusioned about the industry out there.  How many times have I been subjected to the whims of these people who believed they have the upper control by being my employer.  

Should I really step out?  Should I not.  Whichever is the case, I was solely tempted to tell ex-MD 2 things:
1) I was supposed to fly tonight but you took away my holiday and my dreams.  And with it broke the promises you once painted for me.  Sounded like crying over spill milk but I cannot forgive nor forget that I am the only person in the entire SG office who have not flown since I join them day one.
2) There isn't really a need to repair relationship because I have given up this industry.. at least 80% of my heart is dead.  And even if I did not, I don't blame the company also.  True, things could have been handled much better but I know my ex-MD did her best too.

She acted out of goodwill but as usual all of us can see the hidden agenda.. oh wait it wasn't hidden because she admitted to the agenda openly too.  But I believed none of us will want a meet-up at all.  At least until now, I have yet to hear any accepting it.  Because deep down, we just want to get on with our own life.  (Hmm I'm still using their lappie & BB though.. hahaha... )

Life is the hot chocolate; your job, money and position in society are the cups.  They are just tools to hold and contain life.  The cup you have does not define, nor change the quality of life  you have.  Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the hot chocolate God has provided us.  God makes the hot chocolate, man chooses the cups. The happiest people don't have the best of everything.  They just make the best of everything that they have.  Live simply.  Love generously.  Care deeply. Speak kindly. And enjoy your hot chocolate.
- Source: Email