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Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is the Singapore Embassy Number in Australia?

This is a question that suddenly popped into my mind after the Japan's earthquake.

It was dinner time on Friday and I had just reached Burnie after a 2 hours bus ride. My friend's friends had picked us up for a lovely dinner. When I went to the ladies after the meal, I saw the news of Tokyo's earthquake and immediately got worried for Senpai.

HP was on Whatsapp then and I asked her if Tokyo is having earthquake which she replied yupz. Afterthat, I guess I did not continue my chat with her as I concentrated on trying to get connected in FB (I was in rural Tasmania with limited connection). It was my only way to contact Senpai. Seriously I have to thank FB.. it was through FB that I checked my NZ fren was safe just a month ago.. and it was through FB that I managed to see Senpai posting status updates and photos.

Over the next few days, I have to admit I was in holiday and thus I still have to do my sight-seeings. But I checked occassionally to see my Senpai status. I remembered receiving an office email about a colleague then and thus I checked up on him too even though he isn't a FB contact (haha I did not think of adding him.. though he is nice.. just never felt the urge to do so). Then mum sent me a sms and told me my friend is in Tokyo shopping and Auntie was so worried for that span of time where she was uncontactable.

Hmm, I suddenly remembered how in 2007 Tokyo had a minor earthquake at the time I was in Nikko (and thus avoided it) and that my boss then even emailed me and checked on me. At that time, my classmate also did check on me and reminded me to call my mum (I had earlier on sent Mum an email actually). In some sense, I never realised how serious an earthquake could be bah. And actually I think my mum didn't know about the earthquake either then. I mean she didn't even know about some natural disaster in Osaka the day that I flew (I can't remember it now either haha.. but I remember telling her after I checked in haha)

But there is something different about the earthquake this time. Something which I did not really understand (I was deprived of my morning news that weekend) till I was back in Melbourne and HP told me the seriousness. Furushima was suffering from a nuclear crisis. Then it all made sense on why Senpai was trying to catch a flight back. And in his status updates, why he had mentioned that he will contact the SG embassy soon.

And I realised... I did not know the SG embassy number here either. It had never occurred to me to know it I guess. Later I was telling xL about it and she asked me if I really am in such a crisis, what will I do. I said check FB still because I'm still lazy to search for the number. Besides it is indeed the best way to broadcast to everybody I'm safe. I had read an article of a Canadian first hand encounter and who has posted his touching email to a very long list of friends about his current situation.. but seriously, I think I will first FB. Then I will take my time to write the long email (and say my last words just in case). Then call the embassy.

And yes, I finally did google search the SG embasy in Australia...

Singapore High Comission , Australia

17 Forster Crescent
Website URL: