Source: Wiki
I chanced upon this movie recommendation from Jane's Racing the Sahara Blog. And I must say thanks for the recommendation because I love the quotes I got there... picked a few (a lot I would say) from Wiki and etc:
Life has three rules: Paradox, Humor, and Change.
- Paradox: Life is a mystery; don't waste your time trying to figure it out.
- Humor: Keep a sense of humor, especially about yourself. It is a strength beyond all measure
- Change: Know that nothing ever stays the same.
#Someone once told me I should stop asking too much questions and accept life as what it was. But it is a bad habit that I could not shake... Why not do a compromise where I will appreciate the current moment and yet question it further? Hmm but that means you will lose focus...
There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary moments.
##Everything happens for a reason. My trip tomorrow also happens for a reason. Whatever is the reason, I will get my answer tomorrow. But even if I don't get my answer, I have decided to just appreciate everything that has happened to me. I remember before my Italy trip, I thought everything would comes apparent to me. But I realised, that in life, nothing is ever apparent.
When you feel fear. Use the sword, take it up here and cut the mind to ribbons, slash through all those regrets and fears, anything else that lives in past or the future.
##Actually I prefer the non-violent way.. accept that fear is part and parcel of your life but do not be paralyzed by it.
There's no greater purpose than service to others.
Socrates: Everyone wants to tell you what to do and what's good for you. They don't want you to find your own answers, they want you to believe theirs.
Dan Millman: Let me guess, and you want me to believe yours.
Socrates: No, I want you to stop gathering information from the outside and start gathering it from the inside.
##Look into your heart...
People are not their thoughts, they think they are, and it brings them all kinds of sadness
##No wonder people tends to be more sad than happy...
Everything has a purpose, even this, and it's up to you to find it.
##Even if you are facing an obstacle, met an accident. These are tribulations which are meant to strengthen you.
The ones who are hardest to love are usually the ones who need it the most.
##Haha this was copied for CL's reading..
Knowledge is knowing, Wisdom is doing.
##And that is why actions speak louder than words
Death isn't sad. The sad thing is: most people don't live at all.
It is the journey that gives us happiness, not the destination.
##Destination may not always let me find what I am originally looking for due to changes happening when you embark the journey...
If you don't get what you want, you suffer. And even when you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it forever.
##I so agree with this statement. I suffer whether I have it or not. So what is the remedy?
There is no better, you will never be better. Same way you'll never be less than anybody else.
#Same way indeed! Oh and xixiong was saying SG are haughty creatures especially in developing countries.. So sad because seriously, I don't think we are better than these people at all.. At least they lived their lives simply and happily, unlike us...
Habit is the problem. All you need to do is be conscious about your choices and be responsible for your actions.
#Habit is the best excuses I have..
A warrior does what he loves.
##You must do what your heart desires...
The last part was most memorable as it was about the friend who had wanted to learn from Dan but ended up sounding just as lost as what the old Dan was. Thinking everything is about the medal, the glory, the ego. And thus you suffer when you don't get it, and suffer when you do get it because these are transient stuff that will leave you in seconds. And all that is left behind is some gaping hole that you must fill up with.. perhaps more medals? And so I must insist never to commit the folly of beating your personal best in any events but to appreciate the journey instead (unless the route is really boring?)
Thinking of reading the book and see if I can get any pointers from it. But gosh my to-read list is getting longer. Maybe this trip, I can get some readings done? Or some bloggins? On my mobile though as I still do not have a lappie haha.
Lastly, I popped by the blog and saw an interesting calculator... Life Purpose Calculator
Saving my results for further analysis next time..
5: Freedom and Discipline
3: Expression and Sensitivity
2: Cooperation and Balance
Those on the 32/5 or 23/5 life path are here to work through issues related to independence, emotional honesty, and cooperation, finally experiencing freedom through discipline and depth of experience.
Since our life path presents hurdles to overcome, both 32/5s and 23/5s confront internal challenges, tendencies, and conflicts in areas of dependence and independence, responsibility, and honest expression of emotion. Both 32/5s and 23/5s are here to experience true freedom. The phrase true freedom implies the idea of false freedoms — for example, self-indulgence, irresponsibility, or license — when 32/5s or 23/5s insist on doing whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it. Only those 32/5s and 23/5s who have not yet matured into a more positive expression of 5 strive for such “freedom.” The freedom sought by most 32/5s and 23/5s manifests as a drive to experience and know; this freedom entails a sense of mobility in different arenas of life — physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual, and financial. Those working 32/5 or 23/5 seek to explore opportunities and find adventure where they can, whether in life, in books, or at the movies.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
Ooh glad you liked it! And isn't the ending just beautiful? :)
yupz yupz... hey r u packed to go already?? cairo is waiting for you :D
oh and hope ur Loof event is a blast!
About 95% ready. Still missing some things in blister and medical kit but should be settled very soon. :)
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