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Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Recently received a rebirth powerpoint from email.

I lost a childhood toy … but have the memory of the person who gave me that gift with unconditional love.
I lost the privileges and fantasies of childhood … but had the opportunity of growing and living free.
I lost a lot of people whom I loved and still love … but had the affection and now have model from their lives.
I lost moments of life because I cried instead of smiling … but I discovered that: it is from planting love that love is harvested.
I lost many things many times in my life. But in that “loss,” today I aspire for the value of “gain;”
… because it is always possible to fight for that which we love; and because there is always time to start all over again.
It is not important the time of life when you tired. Important is that it is always possible and necessary to restart. Re-birthing is a new opportunity; it is renewing the hopes in life; and more importantly, it is believing in oneself.
Did you suffer greatly sometime?
… that was a time for learning.
Did you cry a lot?
… you were cleansing the soul.
Did you feel spiteful?
... it was a lesson on forgiveness.
At times, were you alone?
... it was because you closed the door.
Were there times you believed everything was lost?
... it was simply the beginning of your improvement.

“It isn’t that we dare because things are difficult;
it is that we don’t dare that they are difficult."
Reminded me of 败犬女王学长's Reborn photo.

And coincidentally, when I was figuring out the han yu pin yin of 否 while commenting Doc's post, I happen to see this word 否极泰来 although seriously this doesn't apply to me because I am not a misfortunate lot. But blogging it to remember myself that 否 has another way of pronouncing it - pǐ.

否、泰:《周易》中的两个卦名。否:卦不顺利;泰:卦顺利;极:尽头。逆境达到极点,就会向顺境转化。指坏运到了头好运就来了。出自中国典籍 《周易·否》和《周易·泰》。近义词:苦尽甘来。

【成语读音】pǐ jí tài lái 
【英文翻译】out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss;When misfortune reaches the limit, good fortune is at hand;after extreme bad luck

Source: Baidu

All these strengthen the theme that I planned to write this week... A definite conclusion is I will leave the SAP industry, an industry I accidentally stepped in as a contract staff. But this is not the time of rebirth yet. It is the time of metamorphosis. And I hope to be lead to the path I want to embark for so many years. May I have the courage.

Lastly, obtained from an agent's email signature:
I met money one day. I said, "You are just a piece of paper."
Money smiled and said, "Of course I'm a piece of paper, but I haven't seen a dustbin yet, in my life".
This is the attitude!
p/s: I did not fare well but that is of secondary importance to me already. (Special mention though the agent has been very kind to try to help put in some good words considering he doesn't really need to as both were his recommendations.) These few days too much has happened... I only hope we are doing what we think is right... and I can only wish that I can stay awake as long as possible... This fragility in life can be imposed so suddenly within hours and cause an upheaval to the peace that once prevailed... I really don't want to see a life turned fragile... please...