Full Spread
What Covers You
The Emperor
Briefly: A man of power who tries to bring balance and order to his business activities. He is highly focussed on building a business or empire and seeing to it that things run like clockwork - more family time is indicated.
Full Meaning:
He is a man of power who tries to bring balance and order to his business activities. He is highly focussed on building a business or empire and seeing to it that things run like clockwork. He may be the director of CEO or General Manager of a large corporation. His role there us of great importance as he is a man who knows what he is doing. He is exceptionally business minded and goal orientated.
He always achieves what he sets out to do. He is fixed in his opinions and refuses to budge once he has made up his mind. He is steadfast and loyal. He does not like deceit in any form. He has high principles and is considered a man of integrity by his employees and friends.
The Emperor can be a formidable opponent as he fights to the death. Has courage and tenacity and little beats him down. He is a man who needs financial security and will work long and hard if necessary to achieve this. His focus on business matters is just about all consuming for him, although he does like family life and will generally seek a wife to stand by his side.
He understands the need for close family bonding and love. He makes a good husband and father to his children. He would instil respect in his children and hep them to understand why he is not always there at home. He expects that his wife will provide his needs and also most of the needs of their children.
His goal is to maintain financial security and independence and he insists on instilling these qualities in his children. He is not into frivolity or wasting time, though he does occasionally find some peace in solitude, when he can contemplate the meaning of his life. Very little ruffles the Emperor's feathers. He is stable, secure and confident in his approach to life.
If you are a young man and this card appears, it could be showing you where you will be in 10 or 20 years from now. The card is encouraging you to seek your financial independence and follow your dreams. This card, if not you, could represent your father or your boss or other influential male in your life.
If you are a female, this too could be your father or your boss, or your future partner in life. You can expect that if he becomes your friend and then your lover, he will eventually be your husband or partner for life.
If you are a male and over 40, this card may very well represent yourself and it is time to acknowledge where you are on your life's path and perhaps now take time out to relax a little, maybe take the family on an extended overseas holiday and just unwind for awhile. The world won't stop turning if you take leave from your working responsibilities and spend some time with your loved ones, who probably would really appreciate being around you at this time.
What Crosses You
King of Wands
Briefly: A man who has come a long way and yet feels he still has so much to do ahead of him.
Full Meaning: King of Wands. The picture on this card is of a man wearing a warm woollen cape and he has an emblem on the shoulder which could signify some kind of badge or logo associated with his profession. He also wears a hood and he is holding a wand in his left hand. He is often a married man with children. His is warm in character and a good listener. He likes to take charge of situations and can handle most that life presents to him. He is a keen sportsman and is usually very energetic. He is proud and can command respect on entering a room. He is masterful and shows others his talents if he is asked to do so, otherwise he is reflective and private. He is a man who has come a long way and yet feels he still has so much to do ahead of him. Travel is one of his favourite pursuits and he does this to explore nature and the different cultures. He is always open to new challenges and loves learning everything he can about life and the differing philosophies. If you are not this man, and you are male, he may enter your life and you would be grateful to have him as a friend. If you are a young male, this will be who you become after about the age of 35. If you are a woman, this could be your husband or your future husband. If you are a married woman and he is not your husband, he may be the husband of one of your best friends.
What Crowns You
Seven of Pentacles
Briefly: A bonus or raise is in the near future.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a strong man with a moustache holding a pick in his left hand. He is in a garden overflowing with healthy foliage, and in the background are mountains. He is obviously a hard working man going about his business, yet with an eye to the future. There are seven coins on the card depicting that he will gain financially from his efforts. There could also be a bonus in the near future for him, as most of the coins are in front of him. If this card represents yourself, you could be about to start a new job or earn an extra bonus in your pay packet. Or perhaps someone may actually assist you by guiding you towards a lucrative financial investment. You may also distance yourself from where you now live to earn a new living.
What Is Beneath You
Nine of Cups
Briefly: Whatever your true heart desires will come to you with relative ease.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a clown or court jester wearing colourful clothing and a large hat with a feather in it. Behind him are the nine cups and this is often called the wish card. Whatever your true heart desires will come to you with relative ease. There is a sense of satisfaction and happiness with one's place in life. Often material gains are unfolding towards you and you will enjoy general good health and a more safe and secure lifestyle. Many celebrations and social gatherings are likely to occur in the near future and you may also attend some special dress up type parties such as fancy dress parties.
What Is Behind You
Two of Swords
Briefly: There are decisions to be made.
Full Meaning: To draw this card shows that there are decisions to be made. However all the facts may not be in at this point in time. There could be something about to crop up that you are not aware of and it may come to light later. Often something is not seen in the clear light of day or there is an unknown factor involved. Time is often of the essence and it is usually worth waiting it out for awhile to see what may arise to clarify the issue. Making a decision with all the facts is much easier than with only half the information.
Sometimes this card can indicate a problem with the eyes. Maybe an operation will be required, an injury may occur, or glasses need to be prescribed, or new glasses or some other matter involving the eyesight.
If this card is not you, or is unlikely to represent any situation directly involving you, then it is possible that it may relate to someone close to you. They may need your insight, or wisdom to help them sort out a dilemma they are in. There may be a situation where someone has to choose between two differing options and is not sure which is the most appropriate one to select.
What Is Before You
The Hanged Man
Briefly: There is some type of time lapse going on around you. Things have not quite reached fruition and you have to take a wait and see attitude.
Full Meaning: When you draw this card you are being advised that there is some type of time lapse going on around you. Things have not quite reached fruition and you have to take a wait and see attitude. There may be some delay to your plans and it is best to be patient and bide your time. Someone may seem unbalanced around you and creating a difficult though not unsolvable problem. Trust your judgement and make allowances for this for the time being. Time is the great healer of most dilemmas so be the keeper of your own counsel and it will serve you well. Someone may also be having difficulty with their leg and unable to walk or get around as they usually do. They may need a walking stick or crutches, just temporarily. Give a wide berth to anyone who is not in the best of health either physically, mentally or emotionally. If you have to make an important decision around now, take your time to weigh all the facts and be sure that it is the best choice possible.
Your Self
Ten of Pentacles
Briefly: A blessed union, one full of love and caring.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a couple, a man and a woman, arm in arm under an archway. They are looking at each other very affectionately, and it is possible that these people are in the process of getting married. There are two rods in front of them, each bearing a long cloth and each has five pentacles on it, signifying sharing in equal parts. He is tall and handsome and has long brown hair and wears a beard and moustache, making him look particularly masculine. She has a purple turban on her head with a feather in it, and she is beautiful, slender and very refined in appearance. If you are currently single, you may be about to become attached, as in meeting the person you will eventually marry, or actually tying the knot very soon if you are engaged. This will be a blessed union, one full of love and caring. There may also be some financial benefits of mutual sharing coming up in the very near future. If you are currently not particularly financial, your future security is near at hand, and this may come about via any means, such as a windfall, inheritance or the benefit of shared resources.
Around You
Eight of Cups
Briefly: There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made.
Full Meaning: This card shows a person with a hooded cloak walking with a staff near an inlet that is surrounded by tall cliffs. You cannot see the person's face as they have their back to you. In the background is a crescent Moon. It appears to be either early morning or early evening. There are eight cups in the foreground. This is symbolic of being in a reflective state of mind. There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made. If you draw this card you either live in a setting like this or it is not far from your home. Or perhaps you are considering moving to a seaside resort area at some point in the not too distant future. This can be a time when you choose a different course of action that puts you where you are destined to be. It is also time to consider bringing in some newness into your life and leaving the past where it belongs, in the past.
Hopes and Fears
Page of Cups
Briefly: Time to discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card is of a youngish person, who is often male, though this can indicate a female. He is colourfully dressed and wears a hat and some plumage in it. He carries some red flowers, and a cup with a fish jumping about in it. He looks content and yet very innocent. He could be about to embark on a new career or had just graduated from college, university or from law school. He is clean shaven, either blue or black eyes and has lovely sleek hair. He loves to wear bright coloured clothing which reflects his warmth and compassion for others. If you draw this card and the person is yourself, you may discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity. If it is someone else, they could become very important to you, either by becoming your new best friend, or your lover or husband/wife. This person is also highly sensitive and should therefore only mix with people who are positive and enthusiastic. There may also be some special occasion coming up where you have to put on your best threads.
King of Pentacles
Briefly: A man whose aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal.
Full Meaning: On this card we see a man seated on a throne. He looks regal and sophisticated. He holds a sceptre in his left hand and a Pentacle in his right hand. This man is very serious about financial security and has made the accumulation of funds his main preoccupation in life. He is very proud of his achievements and willing to show others his prized possessions. At this time in his life he is probably aged around late thirties to early forties. His work may involve him in the field of banking or the stock-market. The main aim of his life is to be financially secure and then he can relax in his later years in luxury and comfort. Appearances are important to him and to this end he dresses very conservatively and smartly. Comfort is also a factor in his well made and expensive attire. The aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal. Usually he rides the wave of success in mid life and is therefore able to display an air of authority and confidence in his position. Others respect him for his determination and passion to succeed. He has mastered his life successfully and is usually married with a few children. His wife is conscious of his material desires and needs and accepts her role as the caretaker of all he owns.
Went to click the express as well
Express Traditional Reading
What Covers You
Three of Swords
Briefly: Three people may be involved in a dispute or go their separate ways.
Full Meaning: This is a minor arcana card, however, when its energies manifest, it can seem like a major event at the time, due to its intensity and how it makes you feel. The card symbolically shows three swords, one dripping in blood, which represents pain and distress. Often a separation from someone occurs at this time or some kind of friction or dispute. It often feels quite tormenting and hurtful at the time and is difficult to get through while this feeling lasts. Three people may be involved in a dispute or go their separate ways, or become involved in an emotional tug of war. However, once the anger or hurt is expressed openly and each airs their grievances, it is usually only a matter of hours or days before you feel better again and the issue may be resolved permanently, or at least for the time being, which eases the stress levels. Sometimes, a person may need to have an operation or there is some minor injury, which usually heals quite quickly.
What Crosses You
Ace of Pentacles
Briefly: You will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true.
Full Meaning: This card shows a large pentacle in the middle which is symbolic of material wealth and abundance. If you should receive this card in your layout, and it is representative of a future event, then you will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true. This can bring financial stability to those who have never had it before in their life.
What Crowns You
The Devil
Briefly: This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading.
Full Meaning: This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. This is considered a Trump card, and therefore contains many powers to be utilised as the needs or desires arise. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading. Often they have a love/hate relationship with someone and it could be getting out of control. Someone is madly in love with or wants to control the actions of another and this should not be allowed to continue as it represents one persons victory at the cost of another's defeat, and to great distress for the one defeated. If you are trying to succeed in business it is likely that you will with this card as there is no stopping the determination and the will to succeed. Someone may be power hungry around you and their ambitions are stirred to such an extent that failure is inconceivable to them. Do not anger or irritate those who show the slightest signs of violence or hostilities, for to unleash the devil has no boundaries or limitations to the trail of devastation it can leave in its wake.
What Is Beneath You
Four of Pentacles
Briefly: You are about to finally achieve your goal of financial security and freedom.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a dark haired woman dressed in a robe and a crown on her head. She holds three pentacles in front of her and one is above her crown. Behind her is a brick wall symbolising strength, protection and safety. The pentacles of course represent her finances and how she manages them. She is shrewd, careful and very practical. She is securing her financial future and will soon be rewarded for her patience and endurance. If you are this woman you are about to finally achieve your goal of financial security and freedom. You will be able to protect yourself from the adversities of the past and gain total financial control of your life. You may also be able to teach what you have learnt to others.
What Is Behind You
Three of Pentacles
Briefly: Receiving some documentation regarding an award, or important credentials that you have received or will soon earn.
Full Meaning: This card shows a person )apparently male) who is chiselling on the wall near a doorway, which looks a little like a church entrance, due to the conic shape at the top. Above this are the three coins (or pentacles). It seems as though some special message, lettering, notice or plaque is being created for the world to see. On an individual level this could mean receiving some documentation regarding an award, or important credentials that you have received or will soon earn. You may also receive some kind of financial assistance, benefit or win that you were not expecting. If you are seeking employment, it may soon be yours, though will not consume all of your time as it may be only a few hours a day.
What Is Before You
The Chariot
Briefly: Travel awaits you. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground, or maybe even purchase a mode of travel such as a car.
Full Meaning:
Generally speaking this card depicts some kind of travel. Should the other travel card, the six of swords also be in your card layout, then this is an indicator that you are to move across new ground. However, even by itself, as this is a major arcana card, travel is still a strong possibility. You may travel quite a distance and your goal is to get there, by whatever means you can find, even horseback if necessary. This can also mean that someone is coming from a long distance towards you.
For some people this can represent getting a new mode of transport, such as buying your first car, or buying a new car or bike or whatever. The emphasis is on getting to your destination by the quickest route available.
This card too is about choices. You may have to make a major decision around this time that will alter your circumstances quite dramatically. Do not resist change for that will disrupt the natural flow of events that are waiting to unfold for you.
Also I have seen this card manifest in matters to do with re-decorating the home. Sometimes it is just new curtains or cushions, however the aim is to bring comfort into the home.
Your Self
Eight of Pentacles
Briefly: A keen eye for details may lead to you gaining a financial increase.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a dark haired man with a moustache bending over a table laden with coins. He has a hammer in his right hand and an engraving implement in his left hand. He is studiously working away making the coins with his hands. He is strong, muscular and very attentive to details. On the wall behind him are the results of his hard work, various pentacles displayed there for all to see, like awards. If you are this man then are you industrious and will lend a hand wherever possible. You have a keen eye for details and can be counted on to finish the days tasks. You may be about to come into a financial increase of some kind, which may be by your own efforts, or given to you for your own generosity in the past. If you are a woman you may be about to meed this man and he will be a loyal companion and a devoted husband and father if you choose to become united with him. He will be a good provider and keen to see that you get your needs met in every way.
Around You
King of Pentacles
Briefly: A man whose aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal.
Full Meaning: On this card we see a man seated on a throne. He looks regal and sophisticated. He holds a sceptre in his left hand and a Pentacle in his right hand. This man is very serious about financial security and has made the accumulation of funds his main preoccupation in life. He is very proud of his achievements and willing to show others his prized possessions. At this time in his life he is probably aged around late thirties to early forties. His work may involve him in the field of banking or the stock-market. The main aim of his life is to be financially secure and then he can relax in his later years in luxury and comfort. Appearances are important to him and to this end he dresses very conservatively and smartly. Comfort is also a factor in his well made and expensive attire. The aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal. Usually he rides the wave of success in mid life and is therefore able to display an air of authority and confidence in his position. Others respect him for his determination and passion to succeed. He has mastered his life successfully and is usually married with a few children. His wife is conscious of his material desires and needs and accepts her role as the caretaker of all he owns.
Hopes and Fears
Wheel of Fortune
Briefly: This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you.
Full Meaning:
This card is a delight to arrive in your reading. Not only can it bring about an unusual turn of events that are quite fortunate for you, but that you are finally taking the lead in the direction of your own life and your ultimate destiny. This card suggests not so much that events happen to you, but rather that you instigate many major changes to bring about a new life with new challenges and renewed hope. You may decide to leave a job, leave a partner, or go overseas and the decisions you make with regards to these will be so swift that you will shatter some people's impressions that you were once a stable and slow mover. Now all things must change, and change swiftly.
If you should happen to win the lottery or some other good fortune befalls you, make sure you know exactly what you want to do with your new-found freedom, independence and wealth. The bolt out of the blue is likely to happen just when you thought you were in a rut and didn't anticipate anything was going to alter.
Opportunities can arise thick and fast and leave you gasping for air between this offer and that. Don't allow anyone to push you into anything you are unsure of.
Nine of Swords
Briefly: An amount of inner tension that needs to find an outlet.
Full Meaning: When you draw this card you are experience a huge amount of inner tension that needs to find an outlet. The card depicts hands tied with rope, and that can represent how you may be feeling deep inside. You could feel you are in a stranglehold situation in various areas of your life and it may seem insurmountable at this time. However, this is quite a temporary state of affairs. All you really have to do is decide what it is that you really want to do about your life and current situation, and then start the wheels in motion to bring it about. This card is also about thoughts and how your thinking is strongly affecting your actions. If your thoughts are depressed, then you may find that you don't quite know just yet how to change anything. All is not lost. You just need to try to alter your thinking slightly and soon you will gain a new perspective. It is just a matter of a little time to allow the thought process to really sink in and then you can take the required action to do what it is necessary to change your life. The amount of time required may also very well correspond with the number nine, e.g. nine days or nine weeks or in the ninth month of September may somehow be relevant. Whatever you do, don't allow other people to make your decisions at this point in time, for you may be very misled and later regret whatever action you took that was not your own true wish.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
4 days ago
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