What Covers You
The Tower
Briefly: For some people this can mean a radical change in their lives that was unexpected. It can be major house move, change of location to a totally different area or country, a divorce, or other sudden development which means you have to adapt to the ever changing forces around you.
Full Meaning: This is an awesome card to look at. There is a picture of a tower and in the background is a storm and lightening. There are dark clouds and the sea leaps up around the building. There are people leaping from the windows to escape the blazing inferno. For some people this can mean a radical change in their lives that was unexpected. It can be major house move, change of location to a totally different area or country, a divorce, or other sudden development which means you have to adapt to the ever changing forces around you. Sometimes if means that a radical overhaul of your life is needed to put things into a different perspective for you. You may have been in a rut or felt unable to make new changes, and the energy of this card shows that somehow an event will occur that gives you the opportunity to do just that. If some disaster does strike that you have difficulty coping with, be aware that for some reason there is a lesson or a message in the experience for you to learn from. If a relationship ends around this time, take heed that this was meant to be, and that your resistance to move with the ever changing tide will be made more difficult if you do not adapt. It will be easier on yourself if you can remain flexible and ready to do whatever you have to do when the time comes.
What Crosses You
Two of Swords
Briefly: There are decisions to be made.
Full Meaning: To draw this card shows that there are decisions to be made. However all the facts may not be in at this point in time. There could be something about to crop up that you are not aware of and it may come to light later. Often something is not seen in the clear light of day or there is an unknown factor involved. Time is often of the essence and it is usually worth waiting it out for awhile to see what may arise to clarify the issue. Making a decision with all the facts is much easier than with only half the information.
Sometimes this card can indicate a problem with the eyes. Maybe an operation will be required, an injury may occur, or glasses need to be prescribed, or new glasses or some other matter involving the eyesight.
If this card is not you, or is unlikely to represent any situation directly involving you, then it is possible that it may relate to someone close to you. They may need your insight, or wisdom to help them sort out a dilemma they are in. There may be a situation where someone has to choose between two differing options and is not sure which is the most appropriate one to select.
What Crowns You
Six of Cups
Briefly: There are fortunate and fun events coming if you allow yourself time to stop and smell the roses.
Full Meaning: This card shows a young girl and a young boy facing each other and between them are six cups filled with flowers. This is often associated with memories of past events, in youth or with your early family life. Perhaps someone from your past catches up with you and brings some good news into your life. It is also a card suggesting that you allow the child within to come out and have some fun and get togethers with those you care about. The season can be representative of Spring or Summer and also suggesting that that time will bring happiness and contentment. You may also be on the receiving end of some lovely gifts, and sometimes particularly flowers. There are fortunate and fun events coming if you allow yourself time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak and to get out there amongst others in the world and socialise. You may also purchase new clothes during the coming few months.
What Is Beneath You
King of Swords
Briefly: Now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now.
Full Meaning: Physically he is usually tall and relatively slim. Sometimes bearded and with piercing eyes, either blue or black. He sometimes gives an austere appearance. He may look like he doesn't smile too often. He may not age well and could tend to look rather weathered or older than he actually is, even at a young age. Mostly he would have dark hair. Conservative in attire most of the time. Serious manner in appearance and clothing.
Personality: Can be abrasive, tactless and have a harsh attitude towards life and his efforts for survival. He may have fought various battles, personal or in times of war, that have left him feeling empty and scarred. He may even have a physical scar on his face or hands. He tends to treat people abruptly, as if they annoy him just by their presence. He is serious and often secretive. Often, what he doesn't say, says it all. His look can condemn. He likes to be in charge and in control of his life and his environment. He is generally in business suits or a uniform of some type. He appreciates the discipline of keeping up appearances and likes his boots polished very well. He may actually collect old relics or swords as a hobby and enjoy cleaning and polishing them and putting them on display in his home. He is generally tidy by nature, methodical and despising clutter and useless items. He believes that life is meant to involve hard work and he would not like to be unemployed at any time, as he likes the structures of time and discipline in his well-ordered life. He would appreciate a good steak. He dislikes waste and frivolity.
He has the gift of intelligence, commonsense and foresight. He likes to have well-defined plans and goals. He is a stickler for rules and doing his duty. He is a born leader. He appreciates time. He is capable of being the instructor.
Occupations suited to him would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also he would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. He would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution.
His future lies in being more open to others if he is to feel fulfilled at the end of his life. He could fall in love again, or renew his vows with his wife if already married. He is faithful though observant of the beauty of women. He especially admires women of grace and good manners. He is as vulnerable as the next man, but rarely shows it. He will have a relationship if she shows enough direct interest in him.
Querent's card. If this is you, now is the time to make a clean break with what you have been doing up until now. Sever the past and start anew. You can heed the challenge. You are brave and can face anything the future holds. Just say yes!
If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you allow this person to be themselves. Do not stand in this man's way, he will rollercoaster over you without even noticing you were stood there in the first place. He can be the most sincerest friend, only after you have proven your friendship to him, never before.
What Is Behind You
Eight of Wands
Briefly: A new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that.
Full Meaning: This card has a picture of eight wands running right across it. For some this can mean that a new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that. It brings things quickly into focus and gives you the opportunity to seize a brilliant opportunity or improve your life in some way. You could also be about to move to a more tranquil setting in either your home life or the location or your work. A river or other picturesque scene may be part of your new environment, or you may meet someone special in just such a location. If you are planning a pregnancy, now may be your most fertile time. The energy of the season of Spring may make you feel inspired to be especially creative.
What Is Before You
Knight of Pentacles
Briefly: A message of good news to someone who really needs it.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card shows a man in a suit of armour riding a horse. He carries a lance in his left hand and a large pentacle is on his right side. He moves forward confidently yet keeping a keen eye out for any obstacles in his path. He is delivering a message of good news to someone who needs it. This may be a financial opportunity coming your way, or you have just won the lottery. He is the bearer of good news, so welcome him with open arms and be sure to give him some refreshment on arrival to your door. If you have just started a new business venture with a friend, this will prove to be a sound investment in your future.
Your Self
Seven of Wands
Briefly: You are now on your way to your destiny, to fulfil some mission that you know you have to do.
Full Meaning: This card has a picture of a strong man, bearded and moustached on it and he is wielding a long wand and in front of him are six other wands. Each of these wands has a few green leaves on it symbolising fertility. He is a man of courage and strength. He has strong hands that are put to practical use. If you are this man then you are now on your way to your destiny, to fulfil some mission that you know you have to do. You are capable and wise. You are reaping the harvest and bringing home the bacon so to speak. You are not afraid of challenge nor hard work. You set your goals high and you always attempt to achieve them, despite whatever difficulties may get in your way. If you are not this person, then this type of man is going to enter your life and make a lot of changes to it. He is only there to help and to guide you. He will not push you anywhere you don't want to go, though will be available for advice and counselling where necessary. If you are a woman who has not yet had her first child, it is possible that a pregnancy is indicated by this card. The child may be conceived or born in winter. You will surmount all obstacles and achieve your dreams.
Around You
Two of Pentacles
Briefly: A choice between two options.
Full Meaning: This card shows a young man with a cap on his head which has a feather in it. He holds two pentacles, signifying a choice between two options. He is indecisive about where to put his time and his energy. He may also feel that his accumulation of funds needs to be weighed and considered as to where it would benefit him the most in the future. He could be offered two different jobs and will deliberate until he feels comfortable in his decision. He may join the army, navy or some other adventurous form of work. There is likely to be some good news or an offer arrives from overseas. The ocean is in the background signifying that he is a sensitive soul and has great compassion.
Hopes and Fears
The Empress
Briefly: A woman of position, power and authority. It may be expressed in the home or as head of a business empire. She is commanding and forthright. She makes wise choices based on all the information she can gather. This can also mean that you are entering a time of prosperity and abundance. Good luck and opportunities may literally just drop in your lap.
Full Meaning:
This woman has a position of power and authority. It may be expressed in the home or as head of a business empire. She is commanding and forthright. She makes wise choices based on all the information she can gather. She is the eternal mother. Her maternal instincts are exceptionally well developed and she may play the "mothering" role in various aspects of her life. She "likes" to look after people, it comes naturally to her.
She is the nurturer and the provider. She is sensitive and understanding, gentle and compassionate. She has a soft heart and is always at the ready when needed or if there is an emergency. She loves to feel needed. She is highly intuitive, romantic, and emotional. She is easily moved to tears, yet is mature in her outlook. She is strong, warm and affectionate. Giving hugs is her forte. Her passion is looking after people and their needs. Her soul has been directed to the caring of humanity. The roles she could involve herself in are mother, nurturer, counsellor, adviser, or in charge of any industry involved with humanitarian or charitable functions such as orphanages, whether large or small.
She is the one who guides and instructs and cares for anyone who asks. This gives her enormous emotional fulfilment and Satisfaction. The Empress is generous and kind hearted. She is incredibly resourceful and has learnt the skills along the way to build her own nest egg. In her prime and the latter part of her life she will have abundance and comforts.
Her home decorating tastes become more luxurious as she gets older. In the meantime she focuses on making her home warm and welcoming. She is ever ready to make anyone a cup of tea and help them relax and unwind.
This woman cares about her appearance and may fuss over her hair, clothes and/or makeup. She likes to be pampered and may go to great lengths to achieve this, whether soaking in a bath, having massages, facials etc. She would like the good things in life, good food, good wine and plenty of socialising. Dinner by candlelight would be the way she would prefer to have her meals, with good company and conversation.
The Empress is also practical and logical in her outlook and generally tends to stick to her decisions after careful consideration. She can be analytical, but not to the point of taking too long to make up her mind.
She is the kind of person you can take your troubles to and she will listen carefully and compassionately to your woes. Her advice, when sought, is wise and well thought out. She does not offer advice unless asked as she knows only too well that people may only want someone to talk to, to air their feelings with and that may be all they really need.
She may have gifts in the arts or she could love sewing, knitting or other needlework as she enjoys making beautiful yet practical items. She may dabble in various hobbies until she finds the one or two which she enjoys the most. She probably has very soft hands, despite always keeping them busy. She likes to hug people and make them feel wanted.
If this card represents some elements of yourself yet you are still quite young, you can look forward to a lovely future as you grow into becoming the Empress. Your life will prosper and you will get most of your needs met, yet give out an abundance of love and caring to many others over the years.
If you are not the Empress, then this person is either a close friend or relative, or you are just about to meet her. She will welcome you on first meeting as if you are already old friends. If you are a mature woman, the Empress could become your next best friend.
If you are a male, the Empress may become your friend, lover or wife. This can also mean that you are entering a time of prosperity and abundance. Good luck and opportunities may literally just drop in your lap.
Queen of Swords
Briefly: Her future lies in learning to trust others again.
Full Meaning: Physically usually (though not always) tall and/or slender woman. Quite often has dark hair. Refined appearance and conservative in dress most of the time. Gracious manner. She prefers sophisticated clothing.
Personality is cautious and clever. Can be cunning, destructive and manipulative. She is often aloof and distant. She keeps her distance and puts up barriers around herself. She displays an air of unemotional responses. She may appear hard, selfish and self-controlled. Beneath her facade she hides much previous emotional pain and/or hardship. She has learnt how to survive. She is a woman alone. She is either a widow, divorced, a spinster or without a loving partner. She may have spent a long time on her own and keeps up her defences and her sword drawn to protect her at all times. She has a fondness for red roses.
She looks good in black clothing. She likes to wear expensive or perhaps antique and conservative jewellery most of the time, though sometimes she wears some bold jewels. She knows she would or could be seduced if she lets her guard down. She is not a social butterfly. She can seem to be unforgiving in some circumstances, but this is her self-defence mechanism being activated to avoid feeling pain and disturbing emotional reactions. She cries in her sleep, and little elsewhere.
She feels more in control if she can avoid having too deep feelings for anyone, lest they puncture her heart and give her reason to despair. She can become big hearted if in the right company and circumstances and when she feels safe and secure. There is hope for her and she is wise enough to know it. She is symbolic of the rose, seductive and potentially dangerous, capable of cutting the skin and making it bleed, yet the soft velvety petals can blossom into the most beautiful arrangement and captivate your heart. She is wistful and reflective, serious yet sensuous, yet always alert. She is capable of being the Goddess or the crucifier.
Occupations suited to her would be the head of a company or large organisation. Also she would make a great surgeon, doctor, police officer, dentist or anything that involves the use of sharp items or weapons. She would make a good soldier, warrior, fighter or leader of a revolution. She knows only one truth, her own.
Her future lies in learning to trust others again. She has been severely betrayed in the past by women and men alike. She may need to take a leaf out of the book of the Queen of Cups, who is more giving, loving and affectionate. She could have a love relationship but only if total trust exists. There is no room for dishonesty or lies. If she is betrayed, she severs her relationships completely and irrevocably and never goes back. Friends are cast off and not seen again should they make the mistake to betray or abuse her. Her goodwill only stretches so far and behind that she may lose some of her sense of compassion, knowing that others should learn to be more self-reliant, like herself. She may go to the extreme of cutting off her husband's head, should he betray or deceive her.
Querent's card. If this is you, then you may be being called to meet the challenge of your strengths and you will meet this head on regardless of whether this produces success or failure. Even in failure, you will learn where you went wrong and this is the ultimate lesson.
If you are not the querent and this card appears, I suggest that you make an ally of this woman, because she can be a powerful opponent if you should cross her. She is loyal and steadfast to those she gets close to, just don't mess with her, because you will wish you hadn't.
Bflygal's comments:
Queen of sword.. is she me?
I cannot remember when it was, when I woke up startled by a dream.. a dream where I realised the reason I am so afraid of patch back is because I was still unsure.. But then, he never even kept his promise of chasing me back should I let go either... So why did I dreamt that scenario?
What probably pleases me is I suceeded in making him the last guy finally having ousted the accidental hiccup whom I totally no longer care. But I think I am going in the direction to oust him too.. because I fnally concluded that I will not msn him anymore.. I tried but it was a one-sided conversation.. and I ended up deciding no point asking if he is interested in the Forex. I have also stopped liasing the FB games with him already. But I cannot erase the memories...
GA, please.. please let me leave Singapore... I really cannot bear to stay here anymore... I hate to face the music.. the music of why I left him due to my ideals... I could have been less idealistic but why shortchange others?
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