Source: Email
1. Lack of Persistence
The total secret of success lies in two words, persistence and resistance. Persist in what must be done and resist what ought not to be done.
2. Lack of Conviction
People without conviction do not take a stand. They go along to get along because they lack confidence and courage. They conform in order to get accepted even when they know that what they are doing is wrong. They behave like part of a herd.
3. Rationalizing
Losers always have a book full of excuses to tell you why they could not.
4. Not learning from past mistakes
Failure is a detour, not a dead end. It is a delay, not a defeat. Experience is the name we give to our mistakes.
5. Lack of Discipline
Discipline takes self-control, sacrifice, and avoiding distractions and temptations. It means staying focused.
6. Poor self-esteem
Poor self-esteem is a lack of self-respect and self-worth. It leads to abuse of one's self and others. People with low self-esteem are constantly looking for identity. They are trying to find themselves. One's self is not to be found but to be created.
7. Fatalistic attitude
Fatalistic attitude prevents people from accepting responsibility for their position in life. They attribute success and failure to luck. They resign themselves to their fate. They believe and accept the predestined future written in their horoscope or stars, that regardless of their effort whatever has to happen will happen. Hence they never put in any effort and complacency becomes a way of life. They wait for things to happen rather than make them happen.
Bflygal's comments: I never knew I had fatalistic attitude hahaha... Just before typing this post, I actually lost another post due to some error... supposedly was a collation of all those advertisements I watched esp on Nick Vujicic "Are you going to finish strong". Which I actually watched before but it still never fails to amaze me.. it never fails to make me tearful.. it never fails to reminds me that even with my fatalistic attitude, I always believed that GA loves me and will guide me.
Source: Youtube
Someitmes in life when you fall down
you don't have the strength to get back up...
If I fail and I give up, do you think I am ever going to give up,
If I fail I try again, and again, and again...
It matters how you're going to finish
Are you going to finish strong?
You will find strength to get back up....
Lately I am really grateful that I meet people who share with me their conviction towards life. Even after so much downhills, after reaching one rock bottom to another, but my friend never give up trying to succeed. It is depressing though.. even Nick Vujicic felt depressed at times. But you have to keep motivating yourself, you have to keep believing in your ideals and goals. Maybe you will one day see the endpoint, maybe you will not.. but it should be the journey of discovery that matters.. of which at least you will believe you finish strong..
Hmm as for my lost post, I gather maybe it is destined to be not posted (fatalistic attitude mah hahahah). But I will definitely figure out how to swim out to the ocean bah...
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
4 days ago
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