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Friday, September 11, 2009

Nothing happens but first a dream

A Slice of Life by Eugene Loh - "Running Toward Your Best"
A Slice of Life by Eugene Loh - "Using discontentment for self-development"
Joy Movie

Eugene Loh started of saying everyone wants a better life. Of course the definition of better life is entirely subjective. But most people who dream, do not believe their dreams can actually come true.

Like The Alchemist, most people will just forget their dreams, especially their childhood dreams. We have been conditioned to think that the present lot is the best we're ever going to have, and venturing out is dangerous. I wonder if it is only the Singaporean who will have such thoughts having been spoon-fed by the government for the entire life. At least I felt I had been.

So he quoted Helen Keller words, "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." And goes on saying the following:

Do you really want to sit at that desk ten hours a day, typing till your wrists and back ache? Do you really want to continue accepting lowly assignments from a supervisor who bears a grudge against you? Do you really want to carry your talents and love to the grave?

Every one of us possesses a skill that is vulnerable. Almost any hobby can be turned into a business. And if you note every idea that pops into your head, no matter how common or silly at the time, you'll realize that if you had the gumption to develop them, you could be the next entrepreneur du jour!

Opportunities are out there. Even if you think you haven't a shred of talent, which I doubt, simple hard work and determination to succeed will get you places you never dreamed you could reach. But before all that can happen, you must make up your mind to step out and grab your share of life.

It may seem frightening to step out. But this fear lasts only a while. The comfort of conformity soon pales in comparison to the empowerment, passion and excitement that come with any bold, new purposeful action.

I typed and shared this out with only one purpose; that hopefully CL will read it. Seriously I have constantly told her many times my thoughts and she has constantly reminded me her fears. As it has become a vicious cycle, most of the times I no longer want to dwell with the situation nor repeat saying what she already knows. It gets too tiresome and if I were to follow what Anthony Robbins taught, then one has to drop off pessimistic friends to be able to go further. Of course pessimistic and optimistic are two sides of a coin. I can sway from one extreme to another, so can all my friends. And if my friends have a potential to sway to the optimism sometimes, it doesn't hurt to stretch a helping hand. A big IF though.

As what American essayist and poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote: “It is one of the most beautiful compensations of life, that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself.” So in a way Anthony Robbins isn't wrong because if your friends are helping themselves, then the reason of forsaking them would cease to exist. But if your friend refused to be helped, then no amount of help on your part will be able to change anything. For that, then I would definitely conserve my energy and move on because I sincerely believed that there is so much more I can do.

After all like the opening of the Joy Movie says
Life can be complicated, but..
Happiness is really pretty simple

I once quoted from this movie
And I would like to re-iterate certain quotes relevant to this post.

Change your thoughts and change your world
Norman Vincent Peale

Nothing happens but first a dream
Carl Sandburg

Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction

Throw your heart over the fence
And the rest will follow.
Norman Vincent Peale

Courage does not always roar.
Sometimes it is quiet voice at the end of the day, saying... "I will try again tomorrow."
- Mary Anne Radmacher

The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it, and the faith to believe it's possible.
- Rich Devos

It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny.
- Jean Nidetch

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there.
- Will Rogers

So to me, to CL and to the rest who do have dreams, I wish you have the courage, the quiet voice to spur you on before you get run over.

Like the last line in "Using discontentment for self-development" - If you're unhappy about your condition, change it! Strive to find fulfillment. Don't envy others. Make yourself worthy of envy!