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I can only say, people are too romantic... or maybe is kokoro followers are too romantic... and idealistic. Someone once said I'm an idealistic follower.. asking for the impossible.. for the perfect love.. And too stubborn for my own good...
But if love equates to marriage which equates to setting up a family, why do people alwaz tell me they want to delay having a child first?
And if you do not want to set up a family, why is marriage necessary in the first place?
And if you do not want to get married, then are you in love in the first place?
Which brings me back to this question, if you had loved, why do you falter at the wedding eve? Pre-wedding jitters may be acceptable. But forsaking the significant other at the wedding altar to seek what you deemed is real love, then in the first place, why did you marry?
Seems like it has been a long time since I watched kokoro series. Decided to try my luck .. viola.. a new series - 雪萤之舞. Fireflies aka 黑暗中的小天使, still remember YY3J1 fireflies scene. Hmm... Oh and I realise that after FTL, I kinda fell in love with 闽南语.. 忽懂忽不懂的感觉,觉得好奇妙。。。
Watching via this site.
Episode 1
>>Note the elder was asking why youngsters all don't get married, then old already how? That was a question I asked myself a few weeks ago. At first I thought of finding my friend and maybe buy a condo together. But before I even discuss with my friend, I thought over the fact that if death should occur, there would be troublesome matters e.g. estate duty etc. So maybe a nursing home would be better for me. At least after death, not much paperwork needs to be done hmm...
Episode 2
>> 雪萤 = Winter fireflies? She was saying fireflies not only come out in autumn but also in winter. But she said not much knowledge is uncovered about winter fireflies also known as diurnal fireflies (I did not research haha.. too lazy "p)
Episode 3
Episode 4
>> Managed to find the finale here...
雪萤。。 突然好像看雪萤。。 还是先看夏天的雪先吧! 加油!
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
4 days ago
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