I once read this paragraph from an email before and pondered over its meaning. Sometimes human perception and reaction is entirely up to what one's mind decide upon.
A few weeks ago, my friend reminded of the plastic bag scene in American Beauty. Actually I never appreciated that movie even though I did watched it.
You want to see the most beautiful thing I've ever filmed?
It was one of those days
Where it's a minute away from snowing
There was this electricity in the air
You can almost hear it
And this bag was just ...
Dancing with me
Like a little kid begging me to play with it
... for fifteen minutes
That's the day I realized
There's this entire life behind things
And this incredibly benevolent Force
That wanted me to know
There's no reason to be afraid, ever
Video is a poor excuse, I know
But it helps me to remember
I need to remember
Sometimes there's so much ... beauty in the world
I feel like I can't take it ... and my heart
Is just going to ... cave in
American Beauty (1999)
Directed: Sam Mendes
Written: Alan Ball
Acted: Wes Bentley (his listener: Thora Birch)
Video source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDXjnW3nIWg
Seriously, can there be so much beauty in the world? I believe so. Because simplicity is the beauty. And the past one week, life has been simple for me. Work, read Angel and Demon, watch Healing Hand I and II, wash and iron clothes, and figuring out what to cook for myself to eat. It is interesting how all these activities when lump together, can make me think so much still. I still cannot figure out why even though I know Jackie will die in Season II, I kept watching. Just as I cannot understand that ever since she woke up, every scene I see with her, I fear it will be on her death. Healing Hand make me reflect how fragile life is, and how fair illness can be as it strike you whether you are rich or poor. I still can't understand about the short-lived conscious that Jackie managed to get after 2 years of coma. Maybe life is unpredictable. Angel & Demon on the other hand makes one question about man's faith and how strong your conviction is towards God and Science. Actually the angle it gives is confounding.
Oh btw, I finally tried to make my favourite tamago which made me very happy. This time, I tried more ways of cooking, from trying to make my egg and spinach soup (failed because the egg was not salty enough - must ask mummy about it) to mixing ham and baked beans as side dishes to my favourite cold soba noodle haha. Of course I'm happiest with my tamago dish even though it looked burnt haha. Maybe the next time I try to succeed in my french toast... and the egg soup. Simple pleasure, simple beauty!
NEA report on Marine Litter (Jan 2025)
Commissioned by NEA in 2021, the report was published on 13 Jan 2025. “The
modelling found that only about 3 per cent of the macro- and micro-
plastics fou...
6 days ago
cool!! good progress with cooking!!
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