Above you, there are thousands of fireflies-like thoughts, some are happy thoughts, some are sad thoughts, some are thought-provoking thoughts, some are fairy-tale thoughts. So which thoughts will you be having today?
A Short Story...
A boy and a girl were playing together. The boy had a collection of marbles. The girl had some sweets with her. The boy told the girl that he will give her all his marbles in exchange for her sweets. The girl agreed.
The boy kept the biggest and the most beautiful marble aside and gave the rest to the girl. The girl gave him all her sweets as she had promised.
That night, the girl slept peacefully. But the boy couldn't sleep as he kept wondering if the girl had hidden some sweets from him the way he had hidden his best marble.
Moral of the story: If you don't give your hundred percent in a relationship, you'll always keep doubting if the other person has given his/her hundred percent.. This is applicable for any relationship like love, friends, employer-employee relationship etc., Give your hundred percent to everything you do and sleep peacefully
Source: Email.
Bflygal's comments: Totally agree. So yupz, if I starts doubting, it probably meant I haven't give 100% on my own part too haha.
The more that you reads
The more you will know
The more that you learn
The more places you'll go
- Dr Seuss
You cannot open a book without learning something
- Confucius
Source: Times in Tampines One.
Went to Tampines One and Iluma last weekend to see the new SC. Had a hard time finding Iluma because I never check it out beforehand. Did not realise it was the building I had been staring at while in gym.
And these were the stars I had been staring at each time
Anyway they have a Jap corner too just like Tampines 1
I think this should belong to the Jap area... I took this at a top level haha..
While I like Iluma big and spacey feeling, I prefer Tampines One stores haha. Yeah new places to go next time!
Oh and I realised I paid so much for the Sunddown run and the goodie bag is so cmi.. hmm.. never mind, it is my last marathon already (in SG at least). Looking forward to it tonight!
Boys over flower. 꽃보다 남자 (Geokkbottahnamja). Hana yori dango. Lethal poison to me. To finish the show in 1 week. To subject myself to the pain and suffering of a guardian angel's love. (Happen to glimpse through my last tarot card reading, 5 days of sadness. Did it refer to this?)
It is the third time HYD dealt me with such a blow. It got so bad I wanted QR to recommend me a song... any song to take away my addiction of BOF. But my plea was ignored. Not that I blame him because I chose to shut myself down this whole week too. Any topics on work, run.. anything that I have to answer, I just ignored completely. (죄송합니다 [Jo-eh-song-hap-ni-da] to all.. CL, W, and esp QR.. because I think you got things to tell me but I just couldn't bring myself to be online. I can only wish you good luck...)
Pain, everything seems painful to me. My own undoing as I let myself so deeply immersed into JH's role. I don't even know how I wrote this post.. after the phone call to ask about his updates, all I felt was more pain that my tone became bitter. Because my friend had unknowingly touched on the painful scenes of JH and made me recall what JH said... Funnily, he was relating his own relationship problem.
Asperger Syndrome
Source: Wiki
Somewhat similar to autism, somewhat different.
It seems to be an illness that JH was suffering from when his world collapsed and he was blamed for the death of his parents which was actually a cover-up of a terrorist attack.
When my friend mentioned it, he told me harshly that I can continue my "so" theory but he will still be worried for his dearest. He was seeing from a different view from me; no surprise as usual. But I cannot wipe out JH's image when he mentioned it, I cannot forget the solemn eyes, lost puppy image, the lonely pained figure of JH as he struggled through his troubled childhood.
Different world
Indeed the female and male lead are from different society worlds. But it is also true that they are standing at the same place seeing the same view. Same view, I guess is the crucial key for all couples. So that a couple can come together and build a path together. Different view will only cause diversions.
I did not know what 水獭 (tǎ) referred to. Luckily I had Spazzes. (Although she is a JP rooter, but from her I learn new phrases e.g. OTP - One True Pairing, and certain observations that I missed out on my own.. plus we share same sentiments on certain scenes which I feel the majority feels the same way bah haha.)
Otter, a cute creature who is hardworking and famous for the dams they make.
But Jandi asked Ji Hoo why she cannot be a mermaid instead.. Ji Hoo said mermaid's ending is an unhappy one. She will turn into a bubble in the end.... a bubble that floats up into the sky and become an air fairy. And towards the end, when JP totally forgot her, JH reminded her again that is the reason why she cannot be mermaid. Because mermaid never have a "and they lived happily ever after." ending.
When they discussed about 水獭或美人鱼, I pondered long and hard. Why, why of all storybook characters, I fell in love with Hans Christian Anderson's The Little Mermaid. Was it pre-destined? Was it my choice? Was it destiny? Pain surged through my heart when I am in that emotional state, but I see more clearly about my future when I'm in the logical state. I don't know if it is good or bad but I can never forget logic even in my most emotional state... and I can always become emotional at my most logical state. Yin and Yang, they exist for a purpose, to be in equilibrium.
Pure Heart 19
Oh this one is a hapy scene though.. as in when I saw it.. and the car-washing scene, there is some déjà vu feeling. Haha, because it felt like watching Ju Xiang in Pure Heart 19. Seems like Koo Hye Sun is quite adept with such roles.
Bridge of Waterfall?
I like this scene a lot. Tried googling where it was filmed but as of now, still unable to get an answer. If I visit Korea again, I want to visit this place. And I really hope to go back Korea because I want to go Jeju island... and I want to see Teddy Bear Musuem still. Goong's addiction still resides and BOF did rekindle it too.
EJ's first love taught me that to be a guardian angel to the one you love, you must not have greed. She once wanted to love EJ in his way but she turned greedy and it turned painful.
But then sometimes you have to be a teeny bit greedy like JK to have at least one memory to cherish (the flats). Though will she ever wear the flats hmm...
Wind cannot come back to where it just blown. EJ's first love said that to him.
And GE once told EJ that there is only one life and you should be responsible to it. Probably why she had to thank EJ for giving her a chance to say her feelings. At least she will not have any regrets. Yes, at least, there will be no regrets. It only hurts if you are greedy and wanted an ending like GE's.
The worst kind of encounter is when you are choosing fishes. After buying the fish, your hand still retains the fishy stench. You will still remember how fishy (bad) this encounter is.
The most cautious encounter is flower gazing. When it blooms, it leaves a wonderful fragrance,
but it will withers. And all that is left is the pangs of longing and the memories of the wonderful fragrance you once sniffed.
The most beautiful encounter is like using the handkerchief. In tough times, it is there to wipe your sweat. In sad times, it is there to wipe your tears.
A handkerchief-like meeting sounds so melancholic though. Still remember the first time JH cleaned JD's flour covered face. Still remember JD refusing to wipe her tears with JD's hanky because she felt her eyes got too reliant to be wiped by him and thus, became overly teary.
Jaekyung told Ji Hoo that the two of them were not ambitious enough. Thus they never managed to win over the other party's heart. Ambitious and greed, do they share the same strategy? JP refused to backed down no matter how hurt JD was. It was part ambitious, part selfish, part greed. It was also part knowing what you need, what you really need. It was like a child knowing what toy he wants and that he will refuse to give it up because once he give up, he knows he will cry. We were once a child too. We once knew what we really wanted. And we still know what we really wanted.
“You don’t know how much I wished that the J♥J inscription stood for Jandi and Ji Hoo.”
Likewise, JK knew what she wanted too.
But why, why did what you know you want cannot be the same with what you can have. Why are you unable to be like that child once, to insist on what you want? JH once asked JP if what he want will give the girl only pain, will he let go. And JP said never. QR, if you are reading this, do you know what your answer will be. Do you know why I chose that tone when I talked about responsibility. Do you know why you got offended?
Actually to think back, I regretted calling you because I know I said some stuff that if rewound, I rather not say aloud. My stupid emotions. And yet I resisted the urge to scold you, because I couldn't figure out a JP or a JH's love is a better way of loving JD. Even though HYD ended with a "they lived happily ever after" ending, but that is show. And in the show, even GE managed to get her happy ending. But in reality, if we tried and failed, can we really face the consequences of seeing the hurt we caused the other party? How much can we weathered, how much can the other party withstand, how sure are we when this is reality.
Anyway I can only say you must really believe that love overcomes all. Only with this tenacious belief, would you be able to weather and withstand. If you cannot be like JP and stay steadfast, then you can only become like JH and be a guardian angel. And ultimately, whether it is a JP or JH type of love, it is still love and to have experienced such a love might be considered a blessing to JD.
Real man
Just because one is born a man, it doesn’t mean he is a real man.
Losing is regrettable, backing off is unfair, running away is embarrassing.
Because you have to accumulate those trials to overcome your weak self to become a real man.
The nanny said that to JP... felt it was quite meaningful. Hmm..
Because it is too painful already so after the brain shut down, it totally forgets this particular memory. Thinking in technological way, it means after the server restarted, it forgot to restart some of the services haha.
Hmm and for me I shall continue to think about Prince doctor aka Ji Hoo aka Kim Hyun-joong. Darnz, why do I always root for Gurdian Angel characters... A sudden thought flash into my mind as I write the closing... maybe JK is the mermaid... and JH is the merman....
Once again, I have fallen in love with a guardian angel character...
When I first saw him, I find him too girly. But then, Hanazawa Rui is a soft guy by nature. I don't know when I fell in love with Rui in the anime.. but I know how much I "hated" the Taiwan version then. I think it was Zai Zai's never ending support and concern to Da S that make it bearable? Haha kidding. The Spain scenery was beautiful too. And I always remember how Zai Zai turn himself upside down.. to stop tears from flowing...
I can't remember the Taiwan little boys though.. do they have? Hmm totally have no recollection. But this little boy is really so cute...
that he made me start liking Rui (JH) again especially with the new hair cut. Seeing his smile....
Seeing him in spectacle... Oh he was very naughty trying to eat Tsukasa (JP)'s vday gift haha.
Hmm unfortunately I cannot be too smitten by him haha. So I guess the best way is to focus on the quote-worthy phrases e.g.
God may be the most powerful being but there is 3 things God cannot do: 1) Kill people (haha God preaches on love that's why) 2) Bring the dead back to life (Hmm I guess is because adversity makes one tougher) 3) Make someone love you (So true... )
Hearing that.. and when Rui said thanks to Shizuka silently for letting him finally give up his first love only to have Makino said thanks to Shizuka too, for letting her finally let go her first love... I can't help but felt sad for a lost love.
Anyway the other character that caught my attention this time is Sojirou's character - EJ.
He shared a pottery analogy that to be a good ceramic, the method it was made and the temperature of the kiln (1300 degrees) matters. Most importantly, if the end result is unsatisfactory, it should be rejected and destroyed and remade. Because only when you smash yourself up, you will take the chance to understand and reconstruct yourself. And you will be stronger.
I was reading some fashion magazine.. hmm I think it was Cleo when it state 3 symptoms of love fool:
1) You drop them if you don't see long term potential
As quoted, in the movie "Something's gotta give", Jack Nicholson's character asks Diane Keaton's character if she wants to go for a walk on the beach. When she hesitates, he says "it's just a walk, not a marriage proposal."
Hmm I have no idea as I did not see this movie.. but I have to agree that some people do have the tendency to think too much and too far, which may be unfair to the other party. But to think it another way, probably just did not want to waste people's time? It's tough to be human.
2) You never get that love at first sight feeling
Haha.. imagine cupid at work? Or watch too much fairy tale movies... Feelings needs time to develop anyway. "Boys over Flower" is the classic example of how the female protagonist needs time to fall deeply with the male protagonist. And I probably need time to fall in love with the Korean F4 too... as of now... I can't fancy anyone yet... Oh but I went to re-read my post on Hana yori dango.. or rather is Meteor Shower since is the Taiwan version .. and realise the quotes are still useful after so many years haha. I remember how much I used to love the anime - Hanazawa Rui character... but couldn't never really like Taiwan version till after some time.
3) Your dates are perfect on paper but not in real life
Just thought of a favourite local sitcom - Love Concierge where Jacelyn Tay's character told Thomas Ong's character that he is no longer her perfect lover. Hmm... what's perfect?
Reminds me of a recent conversation with a friend whose colleague lost her spouse. And my friend felt shouldn't love be for a lifetime? Yes it should be, and it was for a lifetime... the deceased's lifetime I replied. To have loved the other person for his entire life. Of course if fate permits, he could have loved this lady for her entire life. And maybe he did, in the other life. Who knows?
So to me,
Love is when your focal point is no longer on yourself.
And love fool.. is when I get too smitten to Boys over Flowers haha!
Oh and JH's idol said something very interesting; her decision to pursue her dreams is like making a purchase in overseas. If you do not make an immediate decision, you will lose the opportunity forever; you will regret a lifetime. But then, if the decision is a wrong one, will you also regret a lifetime? Hmm, let's watch to find out.
This is a question I used to ask myself. This is the answer only GA will know. Because this is something even I have yet to fully figure out myself. But can I stay tenacious in what I believe in, and hope to achieve something like how those who I idolise were able to achieve in their lifetime?
This is something I had been thinking about ever since I attended the JGI preview talk.. ever since I heard her talk in this video.
JG is someone whom I read about in Ntl Geographic. I never really did research her life story, just as I never really did research the others life stories. So through this video, I learnt greatly from her. How her dream to go Africa was actualised, how much support her mum had given her and how much inspiration she had given to the rest because she believed what her mum said:
Jane, if you really want something, you work hard enough, you take advantage of opportunities, you never give up, you will find a way.
I remember vividly her part on "Makings of a scientist"
- Curoisity
- Asking questions
- Go find the answers straight away
- Think you will find it on your own
- Make a mistake, but don't give up
And of course the famous joke on Tarzan marrying the other Jane which even the speaker had repeated in the talk that day.
I am still pondering deeply on this J sign.. while these songs are playing in the background. Oh although "Circle the World" is related to this JGI video, I personally prefer "Tell Me Why"... somehow I got smitten by his voice and affected by the words
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
by Dana Lyons
Copyright 2004
Lyons Brothers Music BMI
What if we could circle the world
Flying peace doves beneath the sun
Giant twenty foot wings of fabric
That are handmade by everyone
Once a year we circle the world
Saying ain’t it time to bury the guns
Our time has come and we have begun
To Circle the World
It's a dream and it's a vision
It's a prayer that we may see
When every person, every creature
Will be treated with dignity
When every war will be a memory
We never shall repeat
Our time has come and we have begun
To Circle the World
What if we could circle the world
Flying peace doves beneath the sun
Giant twenty foot wings of fabric
That are handmade by everyone
Once a year we circle the world
Saying ain’t it time to bury the guns
Our time has come and we have begun
To Circle the World
It’s a parade and it’s a party
Giant puppets with many drums
It’s a song with many rhythms
That is sung in many tongues
It’s a giant snake dance
In every country beneath the sun
Our time has come and we have begun
To Circle the World
What if we could circle the world
Flying peace doves beneath the sun
Giant twenty foot wings of fabric
That are handmade by everyone
Once a year we circle the world
Saying ain’t it time to bury the guns
Our time has come and we have begun
To Circle the World
In my dreams children sing
A song of love for every boy and girl
The sky is blue the fields are green
And laughter is the language of the world
Then I wake and all I see is a world full of people in need
Tell me why, does it have to be like this
Tell me why, is there something I have missed
Tell me why, I don't understand
When somebody needs somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why
Every day I ask myself what I have to do to be a man
Do I have to stand and fight
To prove to everybody who I am
Is that what my life is for
To waste in a world full of war
Tell me why, does it have to be like this
Tell me why, is there something I have missed
Tell me why, I don't understand
When somebody needs somebody
We don't give a helping hand
Tell me why
Tell me why
Tell me why
Just tell me why
Why why, do the tigers run
Why why, do we shoot the gun
Why why, do we never learn
Can someone tell us why we let the forest burn?
(why,why do we say we care)
Tell me why (why,why do we stand and stare)
Tell me why (why,why do the dolphins cry)
Can some one tell us why we let the ocean die ?
(why,why if we're all the same)
Tell me why (why,why do we pass the blame)
Tell me why (why,why does it never end)
Can some one tell us why we cannot just be friends?
Konami Code reminds me of something like easter egg that I used to "play" with M$ applications. It is known in Japan as the Konami Command (コナミコマンド) and is a cheat code that appears in many Konami video games. Hmm no wonder they used the alphabet A & B.
It is making a comeback with websites putting it in to give it a special effect, e.g. Facebook. Other sites with Konami code includes this: http://konamicodesites.com/ which will give you a list of sites that is powered by Konami Code too.
I like the glare effect. It is like how I used to visit Google to see the theme page or Neopets too. I like seeing effects, makes life interesting haha.
So what is the Konami code?
Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Enter
Full Meaning: The picture on this card is of three lovely looking women and they are wearing hairpieces made of flowers and leaves and there is foliage in the background as well. In front of them on a table are three cups and a variety of fruits. This is a card of celebration and abundance. If you draw this card you can expect some type of good fortune to come your way and you will share your goodies with those near and dear to you. A gathering of at least three women will occur to toast the special occasion or event that has just happened or is just about to happen. Perhaps someone is getting engaged or married. It could very well be your own engagement. One woman has dark short hair, the second one has long blonde hair, whilst the third is a redhead.
What Crosses You
King of Pentacles
Briefly:A man whose aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal.
Full Meaning: On this card we see a man seated on a throne. He looks regal and sophisticated. He holds a sceptre in his left hand and a Pentacle in his right hand. This man is very serious about financial security and has made the accumulation of funds his main preoccupation in life. He is very proud of his achievements and willing to show others his prized possessions. At this time in his life he is probably aged around late thirties to early forties. His work may involve him in the field of banking or the stock-market. The main aim of his life is to be financially secure and then he can relax in his later years in luxury and comfort. Appearances are important to him and to this end he dresses very conservatively and smartly. Comfort is also a factor in his well made and expensive attire. The aim is to appear wealthy, which is his ultimate goal. Usually he rides the wave of success in mid life and is therefore able to display an air of authority and confidence in his position. Others respect him for his determination and passion to succeed. He has mastered his life successfully and is usually married with a few children. His wife is conscious of his material desires and needs and accepts her role as the caretaker of all he owns.
What Crowns You
The Devil
Briefly:This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading.
Full Meaning: This could be the little devil who is prankish or disruptive in the classroom or with other playmates. However it can also be a strong and forceful element in a grown up that unleashes its tremendous energies at whoever stands in the way of his/her desires. This is considered a Trump card, and therefore contains many powers to be utilised as the needs or desires arise. Someone can be incredibly possessive and dominating around you if you pull this card out in your reading. Often they have a love/hate relationship with someone and it could be getting out of control. Someone is madly in love with or wants to control the actions of another and this should not be allowed to continue as it represents one persons victory at the cost of another's defeat, and to great distress for the one defeated. If you are trying to succeed in business it is likely that you will with this card as there is no stopping the determination and the will to succeed. Someone may be power hungry around you and their ambitions are stirred to such an extent that failure is inconceivable to them. Do not anger or irritate those who show the slightest signs of violence or hostilities, for to unleash the devil has no boundaries or limitations to the trail of devastation it can leave in its wake.
What Is Beneath You
Three of Wands
Briefly:The seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.
Full Meaning: This card depicts a man with his back to us though revealing part of his face as he looks out over the hillside. He holds a wand in his hand which has three leaves sprouting from it signifying growth and abundance. In front of him is another wand and behind him the third wand. He is contemplating his future and possibly the journey ahead of him. In the distance are mountains with high peaks. It appears to be an almost barren environment, warm and dry. However he has with him the symbols of growth and can plant wherever he sees fit. He wants to settle down, but must first wander and roam until he finds his true home. This card too is the seeker of knowledge and truth. He searches until he finds what he is looking for.
What Is Behind You
Page of Cups
Briefly:Time to discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity.
Full Meaning: The picture on this card is of a youngish person, who is often male, though this can indicate a female. He is colourfully dressed and wears a hat and some plumage in it. He carries some red flowers, and a cup with a fish jumping about in it. He looks content and yet very innocent. He could be about to embark on a new career or had just graduated from college, university or from law school. He is clean shaven, either blue or black eyes and has lovely sleek hair. He loves to wear bright coloured clothing which reflects his warmth and compassion for others. If you draw this card and the person is yourself, you may discover some new career direction that will lead you towards prosperity. If it is someone else, they could become very important to you, either by becoming your new best friend, or your lover or husband/wife. This person is also highly sensitive and should therefore only mix with people who are positive and enthusiastic. There may also be some special occasion coming up where you have to put on your best threads.
What Is Before You
Eight of Cups
Briefly:There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made.
Full Meaning: This card shows a person with a hooded cloak walking with a staff near an inlet that is surrounded by tall cliffs. You cannot see the person's face as they have their back to you. In the background is a crescent Moon. It appears to be either early morning or early evening. There are eight cups in the foreground. This is symbolic of being in a reflective state of mind. There are things and situations to ponder over and a time of solitude is required before a decision has to be made. If you draw this card you either live in a setting like this or it is not far from your home. Or perhaps you are considering moving to a seaside resort area at some point in the not too distant future. This can be a time when you choose a different course of action that puts you where you are destined to be. It is also time to consider bringing in some newness into your life and leaving the past where it belongs, in the past.
Your Self
Ace of Pentacles
Briefly:You will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true.
Full Meaning: This card shows a large pentacle in the middle which is symbolic of material wealth and abundance. If you should receive this card in your layout, and it is representative of a future event, then you will be surprised to learn that one of your greatest financial wishes is about to come true. This can bring financial stability to those who have never had it before in their life.
Around You
Six of Swords
Briefly:This is a card of travel and usually means going over water, though can mean an ocean voyage specifically.
Full Meaning: Aren't you lucky if you draw this card? You may be about to take off to further horizons and go exploring. This is a card of travel and usually means going over water, though can mean an ocean voyage specifically. You are usually not going alone, there is someone else with you. It is also a card showing that you are protected in some way or someone is looking after you and your needs at this time. It is time to relax and enjoy yourself and take time out to explore other parts of this wonderful world we live in. It is quite an adventurous card and shows that you are ready for new experiences and will welcome whatever changes arise. Your longing for distant shores also means that your life may have been becoming a little stagnant of late, and you need fresh air and a change of scenery. Go some place you have never been before and allow yourself to flow with the winds of change.
Hopes and Fears
The Moon
Briefly:Very deep emotions and if you are going through any big events in your life this will be a meaningful period for you and one that will be long remembered.
Full Meaning: This card depicts the Moon in the centre of the card and on either side is a dog barking in the night. There are also two castles and these are divided by a stream which has a scorpion in it. Sometimes there can be contaminated or dangerous water or liquid connected with this card. There may also prove to be differences between neighbours for one reason or another. It is as if there is something going on at night with one of the neighbours and this gets under your skin and causes friction and resentment. It can also indicate very deep emotions and if you are going through any big events in your life this will be a very meaningful period for you and one that will be long remembered. If you meet a new partner during this time, more than likely it will occur at night and be an intense and passionate liaison. Perhaps one of you is born under the Sign of Scorpio, Pisces or Cancer.
Five of Cups
Briefly:5 days associated with an event that will not be so happy or positive.
Full Meaning: This card shows a man with his head lowered and he is facing the ocean and a cliff top in the distance. On the ground in front if him is three cups spilling out red liquid. Behind him are two cups. He looks sad and alone. The dark clouds in the sky signify sadness. There is a time frame of about five days associated with an event that will not be so happy or positive. However, all things must eventually come to an end and we experience pain and hurt because we are human. Even though the person is experiencing some loss, there is still hope and this is symbolised by the two cups behind him, suggesting that he cannot see this at this point in time, but it is definitely there. This man will eventually pick up the pieces and move on, but has to grieve his loss as he is a human being and will feel this way for some time before he can be healed and renewed. The card often symbolises winter, but can also represent a cold time in the persons life, or there is a separation of some type that is causing this temporary sadness. When the time has passed he will see that there is always hope for a new life and he will start anew, but it may be in a new season such as Spring.
P/s: It is the first time I see the outcome card... 5 days of saddness... starting today? Or ended today?
Found some beautiful background music in this url. Found some inspirational quotes too..
If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything >> Hmm is that why I am unable to fall for anyone.. I still can't believe what my overdrove mind thought of last week...
Burn brightly without burning out. >> I don't wanna burn out either!!
Nothing happens... but first a dream. - Carl Sandburg >> Sleep.. sleep.. sleep.. Dream.. dream.. dream..
Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction. >> How true...
Courage does not always roar. Sometimes it is quiet voice at the end of the day, saying... "I will try again tomorrow." - Mary Anne Radmacher >> Yeah try again!!
The only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it, and the faith to believe it's possible. - Rich Devos >> Searching for my Will and Faith..
Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. - Robert Brault >> Oh the simple pleasures of life haha.. the little child that has been entertaining me today reminded me that it was good to do duty today even though I am stressed. And sometimes kids just love to talk.. (Note to oneself, I must stay focus though.. I realise I have a tendency to get distracted)
It's choice - not chance - that determines your destiny. - Jean Nidetch >> My choice is to leave it to chance? haha
To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. - David Viscott >> You know I loved to sit at this so-called window seat in office. And my colleagues could never understand why because towards the noon, one side of the face will actually feel hot. So the question is, if it is only one side of my face that felt the sun, am I loved or be loved?
Keep your face to the sunshine and you will not see the shadows. - Helen Keller >> Or maybe I was just ensuring that I do not see the shadows??
Kinds words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless. - Mother Teresa >> One of my favourite great person
Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rogers >> Hmm..
And while random surfing, I found this I think we all have a little voice inside us that will guide us. It may be God, I don't know. But I think that if we shut out all the noise and clutter from our lives and listen to that voice, it will tell us the right thing to do. - Christopher Reeve >> Nice. Protection. That's the message the Oracle has for me.
Saying thanks to my friend... I guess I needed some inspiration
Oh and to share something.. on Saturday, when I ran that same old route, I suddenly felt so de-motivated that the route is always the same... when suddenly a couple caught my attention. Apparently they (and I) saw 2 hens and 3 chicks... I know there is a roster in that area.. but hens.. and chicks.. that was my first time catching sight of them. Seeing the little chicks reminded me of lots of things.. including how much GA loves me.. for giving me a little surprise in the otherwise boring route... Thank you!
p/s: I realised I made a mistake in crediting the quotes.. blur me..
After 5 sleepless nights and frenzy, I realised professional certificates aren't fun to take haha. My last one was 3-4 years ago with EC-Council but I had lots of time to study after the course ended. Plus the sample questions were plentiful.
Comparatively, I had only 5 days to study after the course ended and little samples could be found. It was afterall a not so popular and hence not much market value SAP certificate. There were of course more well known certificates from SAP but somehow I could never decide what I want.
It was precisely my indecision that make me refuse to take any during my times with SS. I hate to be bonded for something I'm not even sure I like - specialisation. That seems to fixate me to a specific SAP path e.g. MM. But I'm surprised having claimed I don't want to go into this line, or take a cert from it, I had actually schemed to get into this course haha. At the expense of angering pple, and at the expense of my health.
I always believe one should sleep before a paper to 'save' and 'process' the knowledge. But on that night itself, I still had 3 major chapters untouched (2 were covered in class though). And my colleague's batch job was failing thus I had to help her debug. I ended up with only an hour rest and the feeling that I think I aged tremendously overnight haha.
But I think what left me the deepest impression should be the exam itself. 2.5 years of open book experience has conditioned me to believe I can find the answer in those brought-in materials. And when none is available, every question you do, you actually question yourself if it is right. Out of 80 questions and 300 marks (the mcqs choices are in a t/f format that every choice you make matters), I probably was only certain for one-third of the question. And ample time to recheck only erodes my confidence in those I was previously confident of. At one point I had to tell myself at most retake and that it is not a big deal. I started berating myself that I should have study harder months ago, except I had been loafing around. Thus this is my own doing.
Refusing to leave early, I watched as the timer counts down. Then the screen change and my results were shown. I passed. And I forgot all the questions I had just attempted. I guess I can only say closed book exam can really see how confident and well prepared one is for an exam.
P/s: and I still can't figure out why I had subjected myself to such mental torture because as of now, I am unable to deliver my stated tasks. Darnz! It is making me no mood to train for my marathon either (and I already don't have much motivation to begin with)
Pp/s: and I haven't been catching up with the H1N1 news. Somehow it reminded me of the SARS days memories; making my brain in over drive mode.
Conclusion? Too much studying can fry one brain and make her think of useless stuff. Probably fear. In need of some inner peace with oneself.
Written and posted via BB, currently a plaything as email migration is in process. Which means uncontactable during the weekend. Yipee!
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