After my previous successful thought of the day post, I decided to post another thought? Haha not really, just that my theme of this blog is indeed about my thoughts. But I'm really happy to elicit some comments on the timezone & telco issue.. it is an interesting topic. My friend had expressed surprise when I told him I blogged that topic of which I replied why not, if someone commented I learnt something new. If nobody commented, then I can always just look back and see what dumb questions I asked myself before haha.
Which makes me wonder how much of my writing is responsible writing. Hmm it's a digress thought. But I have been thinking that while I blog frankly, I must ensure I can handle all implications and repercussions my posts invoked. Most importantly though, I still hope to say what I mean because I feel responsible to myself more so than to the society and I really don't wish to live in a life of self-delusion. Although the intensity of frankness is subjective and I shall try not to be too extreme though I'm pretty extremist.
Anyway my thought of the day before I go for my long leave cum study period is on... Logical Coherence.
Have you ever wonder why you ask a question, but the other party reply in another format yet you are still able to elicit the info u want?
For e.g. someone asked me how's my weekend?
I replied that he is asking someone whose life only revolves around studies and playing chocolatier now.
He infers my weekend has been spent studying and gaming.
Another recent e.g. someone mentioned there will be a training end of the month. X will be in-charge of this project. Those interested can attend.
I inferred, it is close to my exams, thus I'm not interested to attend. So I decided to take leave that day instead.
Then the day before the training, he mentioned there will be a training tomorrow at Y time. After which X will lead the team with A, B and ME to assist him.
Thus inferring that it is now compulsory for me to attend and I was rebuked indirectly for taking leave when I informed him I had taken leave.
Imagine this is a communication between 2 computer agents. How much inference can the 2 agents elicit? Will they really be able to understand all the implications and intonations judging both examples were consisting purely of words only. Will they be able to react the exact same way too? How does one formulate logical coherence in AI? (Thought about this due to my 2 years of KE learning)
Anyway I think I read about logical coherence in my case studies.. but I can't remember which case hmm.. also not sure why I used it in that context and whether they are appropriate. Hmm heck.. back to work... sighz...
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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