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Friday, September 21, 2007

Winged Cats

The wings are fake but the cat is real.
I am bored that's why I blog it.

Haha anyway the cat is so cute I could not resist "begging" my friend to send me the picture. Awww.. It's his MSN pic now... so cute.

There was a period I asked people around me if I'm a cat or a dog. Usually the answer is I'm a cat. Hmm.. if so, then I guess I can never rear a dog already haha. But I want a dog to go running with me, so maybe still can compromise. Let the dog chase me wahahah. And I want a husky actually.. so maybe I shall go live in Antarctic. But cats don’t stay in Antarctic.. oh no what a paradox. I shall go be an ice maiden.

Oh anyway I went to search about winged cats. Apparently cats with wings actually suffer from some skin condition else they have some extra limbs. Oh no, that sounds so pitiful. If they are in discomfort, I pray they will find some alleviation soon. Luckily the wings in this cat are faked.

And I’m still thinking why am I so bored. I have been staring at the piece of code for the whole day. Argh!! Maybe I should move on to another project. I’m feeling/getting sick…