In a previous post with regards to Tampines, I had used a few lines to close my post. These lines came from the song "Sesasons Change" by Expose.
Expose - Seasons Change
Some dreams, are in the night time
And some seem like yesterday
But leaves turn brown and fade
Ships sail away
You long to say a thousand words but
Seasons Change.
It feels, like it's forever
No reason for emptiness
But time just runs away
No more day by day,
You dream and yearn and sees the day when
Seasons Change
I want you
I want to feel you by my side
I need you
Don't you know I need you baby
Seasons change
Feelings change
It's been so long
I've found you yet it seems like yesterday
Seasons change
People change
I'll sacrifice tomorrow just to have you here today
Forever, seems so far away
This time full of ample play
You dream about today
Belief slips away
The wings of love they come away and
Seasons change
I want you
Don't hide your feelings from inside
I need you
Got to have your love now baby
Seasons change
Feelings change
It's been so long
I've found you yet it seems like yesterday
Seasons change
People change
I want you
I want to feel you by my side
I need you
I got to have your love now baby
Seasons change
Feelings change
It's been so long
I've found you yet it seems like yesterday
Seasons change
People change
I'll sacrifice tomorrow just to have you here today
People change, feelings change-
It's been so long
I've found you yet it seems like yesterday
People change- people change
People change- people change
A comment was given that the post could be ended with the last 3 line of 李 煜's poem <<虞美人>>. Because she did not explain this poem and because I have a habit of making sure I know what the author wishes to convey, I went to search this poem.
<<虞美人>> - 李煜
Interpretation :
春花秋月,原本是大自然赐于人类最美好的景观,人们只嫌看不够,赏不足。可此时李煜却希望春花不要再开放,秋月不要再圆满。这反常的心理正表现出李煜异常 的生活境遇。因为一见到春花秋月,就想起了幸福的过去和欢乐的“往事”。回忆的往事越多,现实的悲哀就越沉重。见不到春花秋月,也许就少些对往事的回忆。 然而春花秋月,并不以他的意志为转移,照样周而复绐地开放、升起,而东风又不期而至。自然的风月花草,无不激起他对南唐故国的深沉怀念“故国的江山依旧壮 丽吧,宫殿的雕栏玉砌也还是那么辉煌气派吧?可曾经拥有他的主人已是朱前面丧尽,衰老不堪了啊!结句写愁,已是千古名句。这个比喻不仅写出愁像江水一样深 沉,像江水一样长流不断,还写出愁苦像春天的江水一样不断上涨。真是把人生的愁苦写到了极致。
source from :
I can only say, I like neither of the endings. One is too sorrowful, the other is totally not reflecting my mood. Which is the reason why that post has an indecisive tone.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
Haha very good! Yup you are right, this is a poem by a very patriotic poet. He was really upset about what happened to his country and when he saw those old pillars and furnitures of the buildings, he missed the good old days very much.
Haha and as for the last few lines, they are quite popular nowadays when people twist the original meaning to take the literal one, which is just to describe 景物依舊,人面全非 or 事過境遷這個意思。 =)
Oh yes if you are interested in learning chinese poem, I do not recommend you read poems by this poet and 李商隱 as well, reason is that these are super emotional people and they tend to write negative things. Instead you can try read 蘇軾(蘇東坡)的作品,the tone is more positive and it is probably more educational. =)
Alrite, next time email me if you want more explanation about my comment, will definitely explain until you satisfy if not money back guarantee haha (teacher's syndrome)...cos it is not very nice for me to take up too much space in your blog. =p
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