Just realised that blogger beta has put the label besides the posts in the [Edit Posts] page. Coolz. I remember writing about that as an improvement.. guess there are many out there who feels the same way too. At least now I know what posts have been LABELLED! And what posts to APPLY Label hee hee...
On another note, my friend had encountered problem while upgrading to blogger beta. Apparently her template no longer works correctly. I decided to write down the steps for her to revert back to the classic template. However I'm not sure if it will revert back everything. Hmm never try, never know right =D
1. Go to [Template] tab
2. Select [Edit HTML]
3. Scroll right to the end. Select [Revert to Classic Template]
4. Click [OK]
It should revert back to the classic Template. While playing, I accidentaly revert my changes too ... haha guess have to edit my html. See later got time or not.
Lastly, I'm still waiting for Multiply (www.multiply.com) to works with Blogger Beta. I have wrote a query to them but they say it is working. Yet I keep encountering the error "Unable to login to blogger" at their website. Actually Multiply is quite a pretty site to use, if is not because Blogger was my first Love, I might be blogging at Multiply already haha. Now I shall have to manually copy some blogs over to Multiply. For those who don't know about Multiply, I can tell you it is defintely better than MySpaces... and if you did listen to the PM's national day rally speech, he did mention about MySpace =D
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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