A story I read many years ago. A story that truly reflect my thoughts now.
4th Blind Man: It's a pillar. I touched it..
6th Blind Man: A sword, I say.
2nd Blind Man: A venomous snake.
1st Blind Man: A bed.
3rd Blind Man: A rope.
5th Blind Man: A beautiful fan!
An elephant can look like 6 different things to 6 different people. And the reason is because everybody sees the elephant at their point of view.
Now you know why people like to ask you to put yourself in his/her shoes. I admit that I might have forgotten to empathy my friends sometimes or rather most of the times. I see things at my own point of view. I might even become stubborn at my own viewpoints. And thus at the end of the day, I assume something that was totally not the true situation. But maybe the other person had also assume something that was not the true situation. And we all end up like misguided blind men.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
就這樣各人都以爲自己摸到的是大象的整個形狀。Moral of the story is 觀察事物的時候不能只看片面,以偏概全,而應該多收集各方面的意見,才能了解事情的真相。
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