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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Anglican School Song

The new school song ( of 3 yrs )begins...
浩荡圣中气象雄 如鹰展翅岛中
圣洁公义我尊崇 远近嘉名号圣公
治学立业须谦恭 师友爱乐融融
把握今天勤用功 创造锦绣之前程
进德修业树校风 向着标杆力冲
永为基督之精兵 永为邦国之忠臣

The ORIGINAL school song of 47 years!

浩荡嵯峨气象雄,黉舍峙,狮岛中。 圣洁公义道之宗,肇锡佳名号圣公。
咨爾多士慎磨砻,维上帝,临汝躬。 春弦夏誦莫从容, 干云之木自青葱。

Bflygal's comment :
Did a search on my secondary school for FPL... and found a wiki entry on it. Amazing! I am thankful to the person who did this entry. I knew the school song changed but I did not know it had changed 3 years ago. Gosh. The last time I stepped in there was after I grad from my JC.. at least 6 years ago. Time flies, and waits for no man. Seeing the difference in the school song, truthfully speaking, does not make a big impact on me. Maybe because I have long realised that the only thing constant is change. I know that this might sound depressing to some but to me, as long as the person singing is sincerely singing the song, I am glad already. We might sing different tune sometimes, but what matter is our intentions, our loyalty, our sincerity is the same.

The only irony that I committed is I went to sign the petition haha. Not because I really wanted to revert the song but I just wanted to put my name there to tell AHS that I did not forget you. It taught me a lot and I will always be grateful to it. And I respect the change it has to undergo because sometimes, one really needs to change to keep up with the world's expectations.

Suddenly I was reminded of an AHS rule that had been abolished too : The requirement to keep your hair short for females students ...


Wisely said...

Haha is there such a ridiculous rule? No wonder your hair was short that time and this triggers a ridiculous joke, will tell you another day another time =)