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Friday, May 18, 2018

Pitch and the power of suggestion

Is not about yanny or laurel fab that i'm posting this.. is about what Ellen said about "Hearing the exact same thing and then hear something completely different"... 

Which is my life story in this project.

I mean how often would I meet people who hear the same things as me, and yet come blaming me that I did not KT him?

Or read the same emails, and then come asking me to please response again when I did 5 minutes ago

But then actually the focus of Ellen video (to me) is all about pitch and the power of suggestion.

And I'm so going to use that next week, though I simply hate, dread that flight to that country to face those people who makes my blood boil and who chases me daily over a new tracker (imagine a list of NOT YET - sprint ready, UAT and now Closed tasks). Is like a never ending marathon seriously. Who needs running exercises when I'm running everyday from these tasks now.

But back to this laurel and yanny fab. What scares me most is that no matter how much brain wash I gave myself, telling my brain the correct answer is laurel... I just kept hearing yanny. I tried the pitch method, the brain wash method but it still don't work for me. Have I stayed out of my motherland too long that brainwashing doesn't work for me anymore?