After reading Slice of Life “Deciding on Your own Path” by Eugene Loh , and “Navigating life – with our inner GPS” by Chip Richards, I became very motivated in taking stock of my life and decide on the path that’s right for me.
Both of them told me to first imagine myself as the beginning for all things. Listen to myself and start making my needs my priority. Feel about myself, my needs and where my life is going. Is this the life I really want or the one I’ve been conditioned to desire?
Once you determine your destination, key into our GPS of life the destination. If we don’t do so, the GPS will be unable to guide us to our destination. Thus tell the GPS in clarity where we want to go. The GPS will then happily begin guiding us to our destination. (In the words of Chip Richards, note that “by claiming our responsibility to choose our destination, we are not overriding the power of Universe or GPS, we are only acknowledging and fulfilling our sacred partnership with it. We play our part by clarifying our intentions and following our deep inner promptings, and the Universe plays its role by reflecting those intentions back to us in our experience.)
Also if you notice how the GPS works, after the destination is keyed, it will then calibrate and calculate the best route to take. It may show you the entire route but when it delivers its directions, it goes step by step. And it only displays what the next 2 steps will be. It keeps you in the present, to only understand what you need to understand now.
Lastly, if you make a wrong turn, the GPS will not scold you or ask you to please turn back and go to that route again. Instead the GPS will just re-calibrate and show you the next best route to your intended destination. It does not judge that we should take the previous route which is more cost effective. It does not decipher our movements as good, bad, right or wrong. It takes these moves as just part of life choices that we made along the path, and that we will continue to make another one too. Perhaps at times it may acknowledge that we had indeed stray from the most direct path, but if we remain open to the infinite possibilities of the moment, even our straying will eventually lead us to where we want to go. Not a lesser way, just a different way. And perhaps there is a reason why we had to turn left instead of right at that time, just that we do not know it.
And thus I decided, it is time to harness my GPS of life to lead me to my life destiny.
Slice of Life “Deciding on Your own Path” by Eugene Loh
“Navigating life – with our inner GPS” by Chip Richards
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