Haha I believed you still check my blog and perhaps this would be a nice surprise to you.
So why did I dropped a post specially to wish you happy birthday?
Well initially doc had mentioned that because there is no way to contact a long lost bday gal, thus the only way is to blog and wish the bday gal happy bday. And actually at that time, I did remember your bday is today.. I had wanted to wait till 12 am to email u happy bday.. but I realized I’m 3 hours ahead of you haha. So I gave up the idea and just emailed u in the morning instead. But doc’s idea remained fresh in my mind so I decided to type a fast post during my lunch break and wish you this old friend a happy birthday. Because I remembered it was due to my blog that we regained contact.
I still remembered the last time we met; it was the day before I finally accepted my ex. I was very confused and I remembered I asked u “does holding hands matters?” And you replied nope. But somehow being me, when I let him hold my hands, I probably had accepted him subconsciously. Haha that’s why after that, every time during trekking trips, I always refused to accept anybody’s helping hands already. After that meeting, we lost contact.
I did remember contacting you on one of your bdays though. I can’t remember I sms u happy bday, or I send you a happy bday card first. The bday card which I remembered I drew a rooster, did not elicit any reply. (Don’t ask me where I sent it to, I don’t remember haha). The sms though, you responded that you just got married and that you did not invite me because you did not invite much sec sch frens in the first place. (Later on, both YL and I concluded that you no heart la… if invite the 2 of us, we will have each other’s company already what haha).
Then all was forgotten till I started clearing my online presence. At that time I really cleared up a lot of the online junk I accumulated. I removed all my Friendster information including photos. I was clearing away all my past I guessed. And I removed the blog url in Friendster. Which triggered you to Friendster msg me asking me for my blog address. I was shocked. You were the last person I expect to read my blog haha. Ok when I created the blog, we had already lost contact. And I have never once mentioned to you I have a blog. Plus even my senior said my blog is boring, always about horoscopes and lyrics only.. and gave up following already. So it came as a surprise that you knew its existence and had been following it (not so regularly though I know haha).
So let’s see when you will see this post. This will probably gauge how often you read my blog “p.
And do enjoy this special day with your beloved wife and 2 children. As your long time friend, like what I said in the email, I think the best present would be to hear your 2 children say “Happy Birthday Daddy!”. Somehow I can feel the warmth for u too =D
p/s: and we have indeed proved after all these years, that platonic relationships do exists right ;-)
pp/s: Is 2 a.m. here, but it should be 11pm back home so I think I managed to be in time to publish this haha.. Sorry, I had a steamboat gathering with my colleagues... and I needed to push out the post before this... phew at least I made it in time still "p
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