Typing this while in the plane...
It was retrieved from a magazine in the beginning of the year, torn out as per my habit. And in November, when I was back in SG for a week, I decided to bring some of the articles back to Melbourne to read… including this.
Your career: This year brings a rather tumultuous time at work, especially in the first half when planetary positions are not ideal for you. Progressing ahead seems to be difficult but don’t give up as the second half looks better. You may face disappointment a few times in 2010 – being passed up for promotion, not getting the job you want, being rejected for a pay hike. Don’t make hasty decisions to try to fix this; November and December are good months for you. Also, there is a great possibility your patience will be tested in 2010. Stay calm, stay cool – it will all work out at the end of the day.
2010 career move: Things may seem down at work but one way to keep your chin up is to be optimistic. Don’t cloud your mind with negativity; take a deep breath when tested at work, and keep your mind focused on the facts.
A year of change? Work will take you places this year so pack your laptop and enjoy! Been working hard lately? Come September, you may take a breather as Mercury turns directly in your own sign giving you time to take a day off to relax.
It was funny to read it now again to evaluate if the horoscope has been right. So did I make hasty decisions that time? I still wonder if I had accepted LW, where would I be now? Actually they had been very sincere towards me; I do wonder why I deliberated too much for that job though. And thus I ended up going back to the company that first caused me being passed up for a promotion, being rejected for a pay adjustment and not getting the job I want. Indeed it had been such an arduous path to condition myself to like the job and then be rejected by them that I don’t want to subject myself to such pain again. So much so when the recent phone interview ended up negatively, I actually heaved a sigh of relief. Because even I felt it was a misfit. Probably because I am seriously not interested to work in SG anymore.
Anyway, was flipping through this book this morning (woke up early to checked my luggage the last time for the flight) and saw this quote
Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do then by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
- Mark Twain
I did say year 2007, I had this revelation too. And thus I did a major cleansing operation on myself. To live each day like my last day.
And I concluded while at my window seat in the plane, that eh.. I do like flying. I like to see the clouds below and the aerial view. Ok I’m paradoxical.
p/s: Messenger just make me shed tears. Sigh. Hope the best..
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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