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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Faulpez makes garlic bread

During the last BBQ session, we were looking high and low for garlic spread to make garlic bread but no matter how hard we search, we can't seem to find it. So we ended up buying the bread loaves and the cheese. Typical fare which our colleagues like from what we notice.

And this is when I learnt how to make garlic bread on the spot from master chef. He was toasting the bread on the grill and cutting garlic in the meantime. Then he sprinkled the garlic before pouring olive oil on the bread. Amazing, fresh garlic bread was created.

So during my last week, staring at the cloves of garlic left, I decided to buy myself a loaf of bread and finish it within 1 week. 4 days to be exact. And considering I usually only eat half a loaf for 4 days, I think by tonight, I am thoroughly sick of garlic bread.

Ok to be exact, I am sick of garlic. In fact last night, just to finish up the garlic, I cut up everything and ate a few fresh. Big mistake as fresh garlic has allicin which somehows when I consume, makes me tearful. And because I ate quite a few, I think I had an overdose and my stomach starts reacting violently to it. So I ended up the whole night feeling quensy and found out that the negative aspect of an over-consumtion of garlic is... stomachache and garlic breath. Hmm now I am trying to sniff if I have garlic odour...