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Sunday, May 09, 2010

Creative Process Reading on 9th May 2010

Express Creative Process Reading

Creative Force 

The Power behind the force; what do I need to nurture my process and turn my dreams into reality.

Two of Swords 

Briefly: There are decisions to be made. 

Full Meaning: To draw this card shows that there are decisions to be made. However all the facts may not be in at this point in time. There could be something about to crop up that you are not aware of and it may come to light later. Often something is not seen in the clear light of day or there is an unknown factor involved. Time is often of the essence and it is usually worth waiting it out for awhile to see what may arise to clarify the issue. Making a decision with all the facts is much easier than with only half the information.
Sometimes this card can indicate a problem with the eyes. Maybe an operation will be required, an injury may occur, or glasses need to be prescribed, or new glasses or some other matter involving the eyesight.
If this card is not you, or is unlikely to represent any situation directly involving you, then it is possible that it may relate to someone close to you. They may need your insight, or wisdom to help them sort out a dilemma they are in. There may be a situation where someone has to choose between two differing options and is not sure which is the most appropriate one to select.

Ethereal Essence 

Essence of the force; what choices do I need to make in order to begin this journey.

Nine of Wands 

Briefly: A time of waiting, of being patient while the crop ripens or the project matures.

Full Meaning: Nine of Wands. This card has a picture a robust bearded man with a helmet on, carrying a wand over his shoulder and another 8 wands are upright beside him. This is a time of waiting, of being patient while the crop ripens or the project matures. We need to understand that stability arises out of wisdom and patience. Haste and immaturity do not assist our plans at a time like this. We need to develop the sense of endurance and being in it for the long haul. We must persevere and be able to see that nothing of value or no-one of merit arrives prior to the right time. If we can maintain our steadfastness during the period before fruition, then the harvest will reap a healthy profit. It may be time to do things that represent protection, such as battening down the hatches, fixing the fences or the gate or door and ensuring that all is safe within the home. Perhaps we need some other financial protection such as a nest egg, a new savings project or even some insurance of some kind, whether personal or for our belongings. Trust in the old saying that 'all comes to those who wait'.


Feelings and senses associated with the process. What will assist and guide me during this time.

Ten of Swords 

Briefly: A time to recuperate after an operation or period of sickness.

Full Meaning: At first sight this card looks just awful. There is a picture of a person laying face down in the snow with ten swords stuck in his/her back with blood oozing out everywhere. This can give a very distressing impression to your client when seeing this card in their layout. However, generally the card is not as depressing as originally seemed. It can just be a time to recuperate after an operation, which could have involved the back or neck. This person may also be needing some bed rest from exhaustion or is possibly temporarily depressed due to a current situation. Time does heal all wounds. There are stars twinkling in the dark night sky in the background, giving hope and inspiration that dawn will eventually, and always does, arrive. Daylight is only hours away, if only we do not lose sight of that timely event. The person does recover, does carry on and move into the light of day with renewed vigour and enthusiasm. It just sometimes takes a little time and possibly some tender loving care. The month of October may be particularly significant in relation to some event connected to the picture on this card. All is not lost though, as the month comes and goes just like every other month and by November all is generally well again and life is back on track.


Vision and logic of the creative process. What lessons and guides should I listen for.

Eight of Wands 

Briefly: A new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that.

Full Meaning: This card has a picture of eight wands running right across it. For some this can mean that a new love is coming into your life and very swiftly at that. It brings things quickly into focus and gives you the opportunity to seize a brilliant opportunity or improve your life in some way. You could also be about to move to a more tranquil setting in either your home life or the location or your work. A river or other picturesque scene may be part of your new environment, or you may meet someone special in just such a location. If you are planning a pregnancy, now may be your most fertile time. The energy of the season of Spring may make you feel inspired to be especially creative.


Completion, the density or finished manifestation. The outcome based on the current path.

The High Priestess 

Briefly: Mystical studies may also appeal to you at this time, and you could take up the study of subjects such as astrology, tarot or other esoteric knowledge. Incredible gifts await for you. All you have to do is acknowledge that within lies all knowledge. This is a card of wisdom and intelligence.

Full Meaning: This powerful major arcana has incredible gifts for you. All you have to do is acknowledge that within lies all knowledge. This is a card of wisdom and intelligence. It is also an indication of mystical effects and understanding.
This woman can achieve anything she wants. She is studious and persevering. She is enchanting, deep, mysterious and has a unique talent for understanding people and their motives. She is psychic and gifted in many areas of natural law. She knows when to make decisions, when to act and set plans in motion and how to be in complete control of her own destiny. She is a leader, not a follower. She has charm, grace and poise. She is gifted with extra-ordinary understanding, compassion and has humanitarian instincts. She has high ideals and aspires to achieve her planned goals. She is an excellent communicator and listener. She knows when to be quiet. She understands the correct timing on when to plant seeds that will ultimately prosper. She is particularly cool, calm and collected. She is logical and rational and fair. She has a strong sense of justice. The initials B and J may be, or prove to be important in your life. These can represent the initials of people, places and businesses. They are signposts to people and places which will become of profound significance to you.
You could be considering doing some type of studies when you draw this card. Other than that, a teacher, possibly female, may come into your life and have an enormous impact on you. She could teach you valuable lessons that you need to learn.
Should you be considering becoming a teacher yourself, this would be a good indicator that you are on the right track and will achieve success in your chosen field.
Mystical studies may also appeal to you at this time, and you could take up the study of subjects such as astrology, tarot or other esoteric knowledge.

Bflygal's comments:
Funny I had been thinking about going back to study lately...
On a sidenote, I went to check my flower sign...
生日花:鐵線蓮 (Clematis)
花語 : 心之美
花占卜 : 您有一顆純良的心,從不懂欺騙別人,單純地尋求一種如父母般愛護您的友情或愛情。您天生直覺敏銳,幫助您很快找到意中人,但您容易被甜言蜜語誘惑,走上危險的道路。
花箴言 : 當愛火在心中燃點時,是最光芒亦最具殺傷力的。

生日花:时钟花(Passion Flower)
时钟花是生长在南美热带雨林的常绿藤蔓植物,它的形状很像时钟上的文字盘 ,所以被称为「时钟花」。这种植物不休息、不迟到,有如刻在时钟上的时刻一样 稳健。因此,它的花语就是-踏实。
受到这种花祝福而生的人,决定一件事情,常会花费相当长的时间去沉思。虽 然深思熟虑可减少错误,但是当你遇到自己喜爱的人时,稍微轻率一下也无妨。