If you love something set it free,
if it comes back to you it's yours,
if it doesn't it never was.
I remember who first told me this quote. How weird it is to remember how when she first told me that. It is weird to look back a decade on the stuff you have done. And to figure out 10 years from now, would the future you react the same way you are when she looks back a decade ago. I actually secretly hope I will not need to handle such situation.
It is fated. The last wedding I attended, it was also at a mini 'sacrifice'. This time, the sacrificial has a bigger impact. Whether worth it or not, one cannot compare apple and orange, so let's not dwell into it. Just conclude, it is fated that I had to attend.
And that it got me thinking to the number of weddings I attended, from
Pri Sch mates: Hmm I only remember 1 and is with my parents i.e. I am not very close to her at all. Maybe I should try to be closer to her for mum's sake? Haha to continue her legacy?
Might have 1 more upcoming though as usual I prob be odd one out coz so many years, only I kept in contact with her. What happen to my other pri school mates? I almost had to attend one (also mum's sake)... and the rest I probably just FB congrats the only. Not close to my pri sch mates I guess.
Sec Sch mates: Also 1? I was not invited for most weddings.. still remember the classic case with a buddy who admitted frankly in sms that he is married and I'm not invited haha. Many years later, when I met another sec sch mate for catchup, we both were complaining he just suddenly got married without informing us. But I remember I'm happy for him because he really was a good buddy and is part of who I am now haha.
Probably the same sentiments for this wedding I just attended. They all play a special role for the past more than 10 years.
Oh ya, there is one more I attended whom I lost contact with her already... maybe a sign I should find her again.. hmm... Anyway that makes 2 then.
JC mates: 1 via jc-nus relationship. The other because she is also one of my closest friend then. And probably the only closest friend whom at least still manage to keep some contact. So that makes 2.
Nus mates: Countless ...
Same goes for colleagues/ex-colleagues... Should have a couple. Some means a lot to me, some I just attend out of politeness. I have yet to reject a wedding if I'm in SG.
I only wonder, is it coz NUS friends were those you made in the later stage thus the probability of receiving red bomb from them is higher. But that makes me conclude that I probably have problem trying to maintain long friendships hahaha. Yah, I think so.
I suddenly thought about another special group who don't really belong to my JC mates group... 2 of them I would say still manage to keep pretty decent friendship.. 1 more is more of a on-off friendship..
Hmm I am missing a lot of friends.. as in missing these special people who made me who I am today, who form my memories... So to those I lost contact, and those I have not... I still want to say... Thanks for the friendship, for being part of my life once.
If you love something set it free,
if it comes back to you it's yours,
if it doesn't it never was.
I guess it is applicable not only to love, but to friendship too...
p/s: I think I'm still glad to attend the wedding because the place has great deco haha... and I finally found my favourite xmas tree 2009. Got this habit after taking a very pretty xmas tree 2008...
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Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
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3 days ago
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