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Friday, November 06, 2009

Girl that goes to museums...

Love. Something so elusive and electrifying. Where does one find love?
Guys would often say the hot chicks are at Zouk, the sun-kissed beach girls at Sentosa, the girl your mother would approve, at the library and the cool, indie girls at the colourful flea markets.
But how about the girl that goes to museums? Is she going to be like the many artefacts on display? Cold, aloof and…dusty?

I love that paragraph... girl that goes to museums.. that's me. Other than being cheapo which is why I always go museums only during open house, but I really like visiting museums, even though I might not like the exhibitions some times haha. Just being in the museums works the same wonder as just being in nature. So I guess I'm half a museum girl, and half a nature girl. Such paradox hmm...

Which is why I started on a new album "Museum Spree". I never like FB photos quality, but I figured if I wanted to create an art concept, FB is probably the only platform I choose right now because of its poor image quality haha. Kidding, if anybody wants the photos, I will just gladly share with them. I just like to put some thought in my album, doing some collation and comparison, much like how those famous people create their galleries with an objective. It can be quite addictive though hmm...