It was a stressful week due to a visit by someone very impt (to me)... and he bombarded me so much questions I felt so ashamed of myself... so it was unbelievable that for such a stressful week, I actually had time to read papers (I figured out why, it was because I made myself reach office earlier and thus was in time for the paper distribution hahaha)
It started when someone flipped open MyPaper and I saw the name... the name in my friend's blog... the name of the guy caught in the BKK fire... With a start of a new year, once again someone lost someone... GA, it hurts in a very weird way. For my friend, that guy was his childhood friend whom he lost contact to the extent they both moved house and did not update each other. For me, she was my jc mate whom I never had a chance to see her again after she left for Mel even after she came back... which is why there are times if I know your foreign address, I will just drop a postacard note, probably to send you some sun from SG because I gathered that people tend to miss home more when in foreign countries (although I will get worried if the note get lost when no response was elicited and I will ask why did I bother to send in the first place, typical me being petty, sorry!). And I suddenly thought of her when I was sending out xmas msg and realised her number is still in my contact list... no wonder she even appeared in my dreams... for? I can't believe a year has gone, how did they coped? I'm stunned...
The second day I took TODAY because of the recycling post. My Thai friend was commenting that it is sad that SG, with such a good facility and co-ordination, has such half-hearted feeble attempts and mentality towards recycling, compared to other countries. I hate to agree with her that we should be doing as good if not better than countries like Japan, because we are smaller in size and should be easier to control. Shucks!
The last day, I decided to take both papers to read haha. I remember while reading, it was kinda depressing. Talks about US economy, talks about companies having 3-day weeks, manufacturing companies having plant shutdown during festive season, and a lot of depressing news. I'm not saying that there shouldn't be any depressing news, I'm only wondering when the corporations paint such a bleak picture, is it truly bleak or were they just making excuses to get rid of the low and top layer and overworked the middle layer. That is how much I hate how human has put a perceived value in everything when we came into this world bringing nothing along and leave this world empty handed. I hate how we are robbing the food from the third world because our money is (in our own opinion) of a higher value than theirs. I hate how outsourcing and globalisation defines the cheap labour and laugh at these people for believing they are well paid (one should watch the movie Outsource (2006) and it was ironic that in the end the call centre moves from US to India to China... to cut cost)
My last news muse is on Trophy Husband. While my friend felt that type of guy is the perfect husband, and wish she has some luck to be the trophy wife too (I believed she has because I believed every girls are glamorous and capable when they find their worth)... I hate that idea of marrying for the sake of marrying. BUT I will not comment or evaluate if the others are marrying for convenience as each has their own definition of marriage. I will just sigh and ponder what is love... (darn, why must I be a believer of love... )
Anyway after that week, I did not managed to get any papers to read already haha. But my brain as usual continues thinking about stuff like maybe now is the best time to hit the books again? Or should I cut my hair before or after CNY or not at all? Or maybe I should just sit back and listen to this beautiful tenor angelic voices and trust that GA will enlighten me soon.
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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