Wall-E started off silently. A robot busy doing its prerogative. A voice from a commercial saying “Too much garbage in your place? There is plenty of space out in space! BnL StarLiners leaving each day. We'll clean up the mess while you're away.”
And indeed, I see piles of rubbish stacked in the earth. I see the only surviving robot crushing the waste into cubes and stacking them nicely. I see the robot filtering what can be recycled (especially its own parts). And I shudder to think what if one day; we really litter our planet Earth into this state. It is such a scary thought.
Besides the pollution theme, another theme that left a deep impression on me is about life. When the humans first appeared in the movie, they were depicted lazy, sitting down constantly in a machine like robot that will do all the tasks for human (and yes it includes brushing teeth even). To me, they were like living dead, glued to the TV shows in front of them to the extent they are not seeing the world outside. When Wall-E accidentally bump into one of the human making her look up, she suddenly realized there is a beautiful swimming pool which nobody is using at all. And when the Captain said “I don’t want to survive, I want to live!” it makes you think harder about your life, your work, your relationships and MOST IMPORTANTLY, your home – the Earth!
And as usual, I’m always fascinated by the AI part. When Wall-E recognized the value of Rubik Cube enough to keep it instead of thrashing it…
When Wall-E learns how to operate the VCR to watch “Hello, Dolly!” (Hmm I’m curious to know what movie that is) and learning about love and loneliness and the importance of holding hands with the love of his life… which he eventually did when he met the love of his life…
Wall-E is one of those movies which I bother to blog because…
it reminded me that there is only one Earth and the dire consequences should we abuse it;
it showed me what happens if humans get too lazy and makes every processes automatic;
it taught me what happens should human just live in the world of their own, disinterested in their surroundings;
it depicted that robots can get lonely… and that female robots can be murderous too… coolz…
Budget 2025: $5billion more for reclamation and coastal protection
Another $5 billion will be injected into the Coastal and Flood Protection
Fund. For solutions including sea walls, tidal gates and reclamation. For
3 days ago
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